Save us from our own evil and so on.

And they still did those things to him, nailing him and stabbing him.
Monroe said it.
And you said this story has been around for 2,000 years, Esco asked.
So it’s been a long time
Very long time.
Esco grinned and seemed to solve a mystery. He got up and patted Monroe on the shoulder and said that in this case, all we can do is to hope that this is not the case.
That night, Monroe designed various plans at home to consider how best to teach Esco the true teachings. He was a heretic. Monroe had no idea that he had become the object of humor, and that his attitude of saving knowledge had caused serious offense as soon as he entered the door. Of course, he also didn’t expect Esco not to give him the door, nor to show him a dirty basin of foot washing water, or to point a shotgun at his nose as other people who were similarly despised might do. On the contrary, Wen Esco was happy to give away his hands. Since he came to find it, that’s it.
Esco never told anyone what he had done. Actually, he didn’t seem to care whether Monroe knew the truth or not. Sally was already a Baptist. It was Monroe who surprised him when he was asking someone who loved Sco as stupid as he was. It was because everyone thought the story was humorous and often held him in shops or roads. They would wait for him to repeat Esco’s last sentence like most people were listening to a well-known success joke. Monroe didn’t say anything, but some people repeated it for him. Obviously, it was not until Sally finally felt sorry that the story was over.
Monroe was depressed by a settled person for many days. He doubted whether he could stand here after all. Since people taught us a lesson in etiquette, we should act accordingly.
After that, they went to Swanzhe’s house to apologize. They became friends and often ate together, which obviously made up for Esco’s bad drama. Swanzhe’s family soon dropped out of the Baptist Church and joined Monroe Church.
In the first year after his arrival, Monroe kept his own residence in Charlestown. They stayed in a small pastor’s hall by the river. It was cold and humid. After July and August, it smelled of mildew. Since the new climate seemed to improve Monroe’s lung disease and the hostility of local residents finally subsided, Monroe made up his mind to settle down here forever. He sold Charlestown house and bought the Black family’s ravine farm. The family decided to move to Monroe, Texas on a whim. Its beautiful environment was located in a ravine valley with flat terrain and many acres of hedges. Surrounded by basketry, fields and pastures, he loves those lush green hills and curved slopes, which extend backward, rise over high cliffs and jump into deep valleys, and directly cold mountains. He also loves the spring water, which is so cold that it makes people’s teeth ache. Its rocks are clear, pure and odorless.
What makes him particularly satisfied is that if the newly-built owner represents a belief in the future, the future will not exclude him in a few years. After the completion of the building, Monroe personally designed and supervised the building, it will make people shine. A layer of white clapboard will be set on the outside of the wall, and the dark porch will be selected to occupy the front of the house, and then the kitchen will be extended to the outside. The fireplace in the living room is spacious, and the iron stove is installed in the bedroom. This is still a new thing in the mountainous area, and it is one or two kilometers away from the new house in the direction of cold mountain. It is built by the Blake family.
When Monroe first bought the ravine, it was still a flour farm, but it didn’t take long for it to be abandoned and depressed in many aspects, because he never intended to let the farm pay enough and he could do as he did. It was not necessary at all if his investment in rice indigo cotton business in Charlestown could be guaranteed.
However, the entry has obviously been interrupted. When Ida sat on the ridge and looked around her property, she put it in CITIC’s pocket and read it. Soon after the funeral, Ida wrote to Monroe’s friend and legal adviser in Charlestown to inform him of Monroe’s death and ask about her financial situation. It took a long time to wait for this reply. The wording of the letter was cold and cautious, and she talked about the war embargo. In difficult times, other diseases in the world were affected by them. Ida’s entry would be reduced in essence, and it would last until the war was won. Ada can’t win. Let’s face the reality. Don’t expect him to express his willingness to be the manager of Monroe real estate at the end of the letter, because Ada may naturally feel that it is difficult for him to do this, and implicitly imply that this responsibility requires wisdom and knowledge, which is really not Ada’s ability.
She got up, stuffed the letter into her pocket and went back to Black Gully along the mountain. No one knows what is more terrible ahead. I don’t know where Ida still has the courage to look for hope to go up the big forest. She found that the haze had cleared or was blown by the wind. A cold mountain suddenly appeared close at hand, but when she reached out, it quietly passed away. The sun had already set in the west, and in two hours, it would fall into the high area behind the mountain. When she passed by a hickory tree, she stood on the branches in the long dusk. A red squirrel suddenly screamed at her and several pieces of hard shells fell beside her.
Walking to the old stone wall at the top of the grassland slope, she stopped again. This is a lovely place. It is a farm. A stone in the corner of her seems to be covered with moss, but it is not obvious. An elder of the Black family built this stone wall by the way when clearing the stones in the field, but after a few feet, he stopped and replaced it with a crossbar fence. The wall went north and south to the west, and it was warmed by the afternoon sunshine. There was a golden crown tree nearby. A few premature apples fell into the long grass and were about to rot, giving off a sweet smell, attracting bees in the sun. The view of the stone wall buzzing in the light is not wide, but it is peacefully guarding the corner of the forest with a blackberry and two tall chestnut trees. Ida thinks this is the most peaceful place she has ever seen. She rolled up her scarf into a pillow and lay in her pocket at the root of the wall, reading the chapter on how to catch the blackbird flying. She kept reading the story of violating laws and regulations in war and forgot herself, and finally fell asleep in the west oblique sunshine bee song.
Ida slept for a long time in a big dream. She dreamed that she was on a train, and many passengers were waiting for the train. In a glass cabinet, there stood a human skeleton, much like she had seen an anatomical landmark in a museum. The blue glow suddenly lit up in the waiting cabinet, and the lantern was just lit. Ida was horrified to find that the bone was reborn, and the flesh body was gradually taking shape. Her father was resurrected.
The other passengers dispersed in a hubbub, hiding in the wall in fear. Ada resisted the fear and went near. She put her hand on the glass door and waited, but Monroe didn’t finish the recovery. In the end, it was just a living mummy with thin parchment clinging to the bone, moving slowly but frantically, like struggling in the water. He put his mouth to the glass and eagerly told Ada as if what was the most important thing to say. Although her ears were already clinging to the glass, Ada heard a vague sound and argued that it didn’t mean anything. At this time, the wind sounded and it seemed that a rainstorm was coming to the glass cabinet suddenly. The crew came over to summon the passengers. Ida knew that the train destination was Charlestown. The car clock in Charlestown would turn back to her childhood. The passengers all got off the bus. They were very happy. They waved and smiled from the window. I don’t know from which carriage a song floated. Ida watched the train slowly by the track alone.
When I woke up, my head was dark red, and Mars was looming in the western forest. Ida knew that it must be past midnight, because she had been taking notes recently to record the position of Mars in the first half of the night. Half the moon was high in the sky, and the night was dry and cool. Ada put on her scarf, but Ada had never spent the night alone in the forest before, but she found that it was not as terrible as she thought, even though she had a scary dream. The moonlight blue gauze cage was in the Woods, the fields were cold, and the sky was shadowy. A partridge croaked in the distance.
She sealed the earthenware jar with wax and put it into two fingers. She put the blackberry candied fruit in her mouth. The candied fruit didn’t contain much sugar, so it tasted fresh and refreshing. Ida sat for hours watching the moon pass by and ate a small jar of blackberry upside down. She remembered her dream that her father saw a black figure in the well. Ida realized that the phantom in her dream had a strange influence on herself. She didn’t want her father to come to her or the horse to go with him, although she loved Monroe deeply.
She sat until the sky, with the gray dawn, the sky became brighter and brighter, and the mountains gradually became clear, but the dark color of the night still lingered on the top of the mountain, and the fog rose, losing the shape of the mountain. In the early morning warmth, the grass was covered with shadows, which were tree dew and their shadows. When she got up and walked to the side room, she could still smell the night when she passed the two chestnut trees.
When I got home, Ida took the portable writing desk and sat in the reading chair in the corridor. It was still dark here. A golden sunlight shone from the window and fell on her lap. The window of the writing desk divided the sunlight into several small pieces, and the light beam was full of suspended dust. Ida spread the writing paper in the sunshine and wrote a short reply to the lawyer. She refused him because she thought that she was qualified for this almost poor and white industry.
Sitting for hours at night, Ida turned over and thought about all the possibilities before her. She had few choices and tried to sell her property and return to Charlestown. It wouldn’t last long to get the money by selling the farm in this difficult time when buyers were hard to find. It won’t be long before she became a parasitic tutor or music teacher and sheltered in a friend in Monroe.
Or get married. The idea of an old maid who is hungry and goes back to Charlestown makes Ada feel creepy. She doesn’t want to know what it will be like. She spends most of her money on clothes, and then there are always several floors away from the top of a certain class in Charlestown. No one wants to be bad. The old men talk about marriage. Because of her age, all men have gone to war in the army. The only ending she can see is that she has told someone that she loves him, but in fact he just happened. But even when she is at a loss, she can’t force herself to imagine the specific scene of such a person’s marriage,
She won’t get much sympathy and ridicule when she goes back to Charlestown in disgrace, but there must be a lot because in many people’s eyes, she foolishly squandered the time suitable for marriage. In those short years, young ladies of the right age were idolized at the top of the culture and worshipped by men, and they all stood in the eye and sent them to the marriage hall. It seems that that that is the only direction of universal moral motivation. Ida was relatively cold and detached in this respect, which made Monroe’s friends feel quite relieved at that time.
But her words and deeds not only helped to improve the situation, but also contributed to it. After dinner, when the ladies retired to the separate living room, Ida often boasted that she was extremely tired of the suitors. Their interests seemed to be confined to business riding and hunting. She felt that someone should be found to hang a men’s no-go sign on the porch. She was sure that this remark would lead to the old-fashioned hypocritical response. Perhaps an elderly lady or a young girl was eager to cater to those. The most noble sentiment of a married woman is to follow the man’s will. At this time, she will say that the end point of a woman is marriage. Adama replied that it is true. We agree on this. Why don’t we delve into the meaning of the penultimate word in your last sentence? Everyone is calculating in their minds which word it is, while Ada is proud in silence.
People who know them generally agree that Monroe has turned her daughter into a monster that is not suitable for men and women to live together. At the age of 19, she refused to propose twice, which did not cause too much surprise, but caused quite serious indignation. After Ida turned the other side out without thinking, she explained that their shortcomings were superficial thoughts and feelings or people. Besides, both of them wore shiny hair oil as if to make up for their lack of wisdom on the surface.
For many of Ada’s friends, it is unforgivable, if not inevitable, to refuse a proposal from a rich man with no obvious defects, so a year before they moved to the mountains, many of her friends alienated her and thought she was full of thorns and too surly.
Even today, returning to Charlestown is still a painful idea, which can’t be accepted by her heart, and there is nothing to attract her back there. Of course, there is nothing to attract her back there. The nearest relative of her family is cousin Lucy, who is unkind, menstruation or doting grandparents. She welcomes her with open arms, thinking that she is alone, lifting her eyes and kissing her, and a bitter taste comes to her heart, especially when she sees the broad and strong family ties among the surrounding mountain people. They will surely meet a relative if they walk along the riverside road for a mile.
However, despite being a stranger in this place, those blue mountains seem to be keeping her from leaving. No matter from which angle she considers everything in front of her, she can see a ray of happiness by thinking so. She wants to be attached to the mountains and see if she can live a satisfactory life with the ordinary conditions here. The combination of them seems to point to a relaxing life prospect, although she can’t even imagine the simplest outline now. Monroe often says that the way to get satisfaction is to listen to herself. Sex follows the path it guides, which she believes is absolutely true, but it’s easy to say, so don’t say that even if you cross the first step, there are reefs everywhere.