There are many exotic flowers and plants planted around the house, which are beautiful.

See MuHai come to Zhao Qingguo is full of smiles "bro come back? !”
"Brother Zhao, this is really too much trouble for you." Muhai nodded with satisfaction.
"Bro speak where words" Zhao Qingguo shook his head.
"Dear rural elders, thank you so much."
Muhai is in front of the room. Thank you very much
"Mr. Mu is a stranger when he says so. From now on, we will be a village, that is, a family."
"Yes, Mr. Mu’s family should help each other."
Muhai’s eyes were full of emotion when he heard these words.
Facing some simple villagers, an idea rises in Muhai’s heart.
Muhai walked to the front of Tang Yu. "Rain is falling all with me."
Say that finish MuHai took Tang Yu hands to the woods.
"What bad things do you want to do in broad daylight?"
Zhou Qian saw it and immediately followed it.
"What do you mean by always following us?" Muhai turned to say
"We are a trio. Where are you and where am I?" Zhou Qian held her head high and didn’t pay any attention to Tang Yu’s strange eyes
"It’s a date. If you want to be a light bulb, come."
Say that finish MuHai pull Tang Yu went to drill in the woods.
"You …"
Zhou Qian is short of breath to see the two people far away, revealing a reluctance to chase but embarrassed to chase.
Finally, I stopped in the same place and ran around. "Dead little sea and smelly little sea, you will like me one day."
I followed Muhai for a long time before Muhai stopped to stare at Tang Yu affectionately.
Tang Yu looked down at Muhai’s fiery eyes and was ashamed to dare to look at it.
"Xiao Hai is … not here … well," Tang Yuyin was so low that she couldn’t hear herself clearly.
"It’s fine here. There are only four of us left, and no one will disturb us," Muhai said.
"But … but safety measures haven’t been taken yet." Tang Yu is like a mosquito.
"Don’t worry, I’ll be discovered if someone comes when my knowledge is swept away," Muhai said.
Hearing this, Tang Yu turned black and stared at Muhai with a face of bitterness.
On top of her head, the magic thoughts rolled straight into Muhai Dantian.
Chapter 221 Soak jade [even]
Induction to Jiuding magic furnace magic can increase MuHai not from one leng he knew Tang Yu misunderstood again.
I blame myself for bringing Tang Yu to a place alone. It’s still very quiet everywhere, so it’s impossible for people not to think blindly.
"Rain is falling all, I need your help." Muhai looked at Tang Yu and said with a smile.
Tang raindrop nodded, "Xiao Hai, you said"
"Rain is falling all, I have 200 million yuan for you to allocate to build Guya Village and Yusang Village. It’s up to you how to do it."
Muhai immediately turned over more than 200 million to Tang Yu and kept 100 million for himself.
"The sea this ….." Tang Yu stare big eyes with thick surprise.
At the sight of so much money, Tang Yu’s mind was short-circuited
"This … so much money, Xiaohai. Did you earn this money?"
For a long time Tang Yucai return to absolute being looked at MuHai asked.
"Yes, Rain is falling all. Don’t worry. I believe you can do well. There will be monster siege in the future. It’s up to you to build a fence." Muhai said.
"good!" Tang Yu nodded heavily.
"Rain is falling all, you know I have seven days left to go to the Secret Service College, and I don’t know when I will come back," Muhai said.
"I will miss you in Xiaohai" and Tang Yu hugged Muhai.
"Rain is falling, I will miss you too." Muhai gently stroked Tang Yu’s hair.
"Rain is falling all while I’m away, you must pay attention to your Zhou Qian. It’s best for them to be together like peas and carrots." Muhai solemnly said.
"What?" Tang Yu showed hesitation.
"Because we have offended Jian Kunzong, if they really come for revenge, I’m afraid Zhou Qian can’t stop it," Muhai said.
"This … I’m afraid I can’t stop it," said Tang Yu.
Muhai smiled. "Rain is falling all, if you two attack together, you are not your opponent even in the early stage of then."
"What if it comes to Yuanying?" Tang Yu said.
"Don’t worry about it." Muhai pointed to the radish in Tang Yu’s backpack.
"it?" Tang Yu doubts
"Yes, Rain is falling all. Don’t underestimate it. It’s a beast that eats the sky. It already regards you as a relative and depends on you. If you have something, it will shoot," Muhai said.
"God-eating beast?" Tang Yu’s face was surprised. "But it didn’t make a move this time."
"That’s because it’s sleeping!" Muhai smiled and said, "All I want to say is that when you feed Lingshi, you must feed it less and make it sleep less."
"Well, I listen to you." Tang Yudian nodded.
Two people hug to each other for a while after Zhou Qian came running.