Qi Yufeng didn’t want to talk more, saying, "Some people just have a kind of servility. Even if someone whips him every day, he feels that he is in the imperial city, and someone comes to save them. Instead of being grateful, they will fight to defend their Lord."

Tian Zaibao thought for a moment when he heard this, and felt that he seemed to have met such a person. He immediately asked, "Do we want to …" He made a chop with a wave of his hand.
Qi Yufeng shook his head and said, "It’s the first step for me to revive China. It’s necessary to temper justice with mercy, but it’s not too late to make plans when the remnants of the previous power don’t make trouble."
In a few days, Qi Yufeng inspected the grain, grass, military forces and equipment neatly outside the security city, and made Zhongjun drum and tee horn ring, and Qi Yufeng stepped on the podium and waved his hand.
But see a few ten thousand troops outside the city as Qi Yufeng army commander team rotating snake flat array to detain the tiger wing bursts facing the left the day before yesterday, rushing to the top of the four teams on the first day, the axis turned to the tail, and the earth axis turned to the right the day after tomorrow, rushing to the northwest wind, the northeast wind, the teams were in the right array, and the corresponding teams in Zuo Jun were in the left 50,000 military forces, which was not chaotic at all.
He knew that the subtle changes in this war were naturally due to the meritorious military training of Yang Yuanhai and others. He remembered that this time he saw Peng Yingyu and others, who had worked hard in recent years and turned into a white hair. Even the most pure skill, Leng Qian, and Wei Yixiao, the king of green-winged bats, were not fortunate enough to immediately feel with emotion.
But see the gate ho ho, ho ho has sounded a small team of vertical and horizontal to practice the art of war; Far away, however, the horn sounded and drums throbbed, but it was Du Bai and Shi Naian who came to the left army with more than 30 thousand chosen men in Chang ‘an.
The hatchback team met, but when Du Baisuo led an army, Ma Shizhuang Marten came to the city in a mighty way, respectfully lined up and shouted at Tian Zaibao’s team.
And Tian Zaidart belongs to the army, and Du Baizhu’s army meets, and one by one, the two sides can’t help but say hello to each other.
Du Baian stopped at Shi Naian and went to Chengtou to visit Qi Yufeng together with the generals.
Qi Yufeng saw that the former bandit had grown into a commanding general at this time, and his heart was so happy that he was about to help him up and watch carefully.
After Du Baixu’s words, he asked Shi Naian, "How has Chang ‘an always been?" This Chang ‘an is the foundation of Xiliang Army at this time. Before he conquered most of them, almost all the supplies came from Chang ‘an, so it is impossible to ask.
Shi Naian chuckled, "Princess Agai is a girl’s middle school, Zhuge, and I do everything, whether it’s soldier’s pension, equipment and supplies, the trench or investigating corruption and deduction, all in good order, and general Yunbao, a military commander, is on duty and can be guaranteed in case of loss."
Tian Zaibao couldn’t help frowning when he heard this. "How can there be corruption and deduction?"
Qi Yufeng is also a little puzzled. "Is there so much now?"
Shi Naian laughed. "We’re waiting for success, and who doesn’t want a share in this regime change?"
Qi Yufeng silently nodded and stopped talking.
He knows that this enterprising day will not happen overnight, just as most of the weak forces have been merged today, and the strong forces have fought against each other. Only when the military strength is strong can Xinjiang expand its territorial political stability and not dry up in World War I.
He needs to show the world a message, that is, Xiliang has the ability to bring benefits to everyone and needs the world to move closer to them. It is absolutely impossible to make drastic changes before the day is settled.
I have no experience in governing the country. Qi Yufeng knows this, but he even knows that he doesn’t need too much experience. What he needs to do now is to manage this stall and stop letting the Chinese people be conquered people, and let others do it.
Immediately Tian Zaibiao and Du Bai integrated the two armies in one place, and the city was dark and rambling. Qi Yufeng drew his sword in Chengtou and shouted in his mouth like a heavy thunder.
"By destiny, the sun, the moon and the temple in this life subvert the country and float.
Drink tears and swear to cry blood. A hundred years of decline and several revivals.
It’s hard to seal the sun’s setting before the rivers and mountains recover their armor.
Who is the first king to fight the sword? Who does Xuanyuan recommend without blood?
We are all fighting for the rugged country of Wan Li.
Frequent years of hard work for adventure, barbarians, Xiongnu, not destroyed home
Give me back my rivers and mountains to defend our country. This ambition will never be lost.
Today, we are waiting for the military consolidation to drive out the Tatars and restore China! I hope that you will help each other in adversity and never violate it! ””
The city cried tens of thousands of people shouting "expel the Tatars and restore China!" Helping each other in adversity will never be violated! "
Chapter one hundred and seventy Into the attack mostly
In the Turkic language of the Yuan Dynasty, "Khan Li" means "Khan’s residence"
Since Kublai Khan in Yuan Shizu was in the fourth year of Yuan Dynasty, Yuan Shundi was in the twentieth year, and the capital of Yuan Dynasty has been here for one hundred and one years.
Its city is short from east to west, and the long wall from north to south is 60 miles and 240 steps long. Eleven gates are opened on three sides: south, east and west. The second gate in the north is attached to Nezha’s "three heads, six arms and two feet"
Its central pavilion, the south imperial city, is surrounded by a red wall, also known as the "Xiao Qiang", and its main entrance says that there are a thousand-step corridor, a small wall, and a water channel outside the east wall.
There are three palaces around the center of Taiye Pool-Da, Longfu Palace and Xingsheng Palace, which are the administrative and living places of Yuan Di where the Imperial City is located.
South of the imperial city and north of the southeast yamen office, Jishuitan area, downtown area, east of ancestral temple, west of Taishe Drum Tower and Bell Tower are all here, and this place is the most prosperous business district of the city, including rice market, market, satin market, fur hat market, gold and silver jewelry market, iron market, goose and duck market, and garden pavilions such as Wanghu Pavilion and Wanchun Garden.
Most of the city walls are made of rammed earth, with a height of four feet and a width of more than ten feet. The old method of Song Dynasty was adopted when riding a horse to build a city vertically, that is, the wall was first set with permanent wood, then with horizontal wood and then rammed with soil.
Because the rainy soil walls are easy to be washed and soaked by rain in summer, which leads to the collapse, the masonry coating was discussed at the beginning of the city construction, but it was stopped because of the lack of financial resources. After that, the Yuan court specially dispatched troops to harvest reeds and weave reed mats. Every year, reed mats cover the walls in summer, which is called "reed city", which is called "hemp fiber covering the city" in folklore.
At first, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the management of the city gates was very loose and accessible. Later, the Yuan Dynasty’s national political erosion uprising sprang up. In the 19th year, Yuan Ting built eleven earthen jars with defensive facilities such as watchtowers, gates and crenels. Over the years, when the walls were loose and collapsed, they also recruited civilian workers to repair them.
The whole city was magnificent and magnificent, and it was impregnable, but it was the first male city in the world at that time.
Qi Yufeng was dressed in a robe lined with pure white background, and the outside was a silver-gray armor with a four-foot long Gu Jian hanging from his waist. But when he saw that the scabbard was faintly emitting a layer of green gas, it was conceivable that its extraordinary gold wire was inlaid with the word "Eternal", but he stood in the wind like an eagle.