Q source pressed the e key.

The audience’s eyes are fixed on the wheel mother at this moment.
Q source ambush makes everyone feel that Lu Zhan is a bit risky.
If you come from the tower, you won’t be ambushed.
What shocked them was that the effect of small dharma e skill appeared on the side of the wheel mother, and the wheel mother disappeared at the same time
Wheel mom had flashed to his body just now.
"How can there be such a Aauto Quicker speed!"
Many viewers were stunned.
Because there was no warning in the body of Xiaofa E, it was too short from the moment Xiaofa E appeared to the moment of flashing, but Lu Zhan actually flashed past.
Flash the landing position, or there’s still no little twist position. In other words, the little e is hit again.
Not because it was blocked by the wheel mother E, but because it was flashed by the land show.
"This is not hand speed!"
Purple flower is also very surprised.
"Well, it’s prejudgment!"
Li Juntao said that he was very white in ad. In fact, Lu Zhan had long realized that there were people in the grass. After all, two soldiers were added before Xiaofa disappeared.
After all this flashing, it is predicted that the small method will be used.
This kind of pre-judgment is due to the fact that it takes a lot of experience to predict the danger.
It was also after Lu Zhan played a small game that he felt a sense of crisis.
"But why not? Isn’t this a wave flash?"
Li Juntao still has doubts in his heart.
Lu Zhan took the game and quickly explained it to him.
Get out of the way. e Lu Zhan wiped his eyes in the grass.
He had already guessed the ambush position of the small method and had been calculating the attack distance of the small method.
If Lu Zhan didn’t face many small dharmas before this incident, he didn’t know the distance of small dharma e, and now he already knows it.
After being e so many times, he has learned how to face the small law e.
Although Q source didn’t hit E, it responded quickly and threw its Q and R to the landing place of Lu Zhan.
At the same time, the amount of QR damage is amazing [W W W]
But when he QR was in the middle, Lu Zhan’s mother came out with a white shield
It’s mom e!
If two skills come too fast, one e can block two at the same time.
Q source’s hand speed was too fast, and he lost his two skills to Lunma, but these two skills were blocked by Lu Zhan E.
After three skills, Lu Zhan didn’t drop a drop of blood!
This is the reason why Lu Zhan flashed to hide after he felt the ambush of Xiaofa.
Although flash is more valuable than e, flash can hide from the small method, and e can’t hide from other skills of the small method
If you are hit by a qr code, your mother will lose a lot of blood, and the situation will not be good.
The wheel mother herself e is different. Lu Zhan’s e skills and avoiding qr are tantamount to declaring the failure of the dharma.
Q source panicked.
Come and ambush. Who wants a wave of killing? Who thought that three skills would be effective for Lu Zhan?
This is a nightmare for him to come and eat by breaking out!
At this time, Q source lost its resistance and planned to choose to escape.
He walked along the grass to enter the wild area.
Lu Zhan just flashed behind him, but the attack distance was enough. Lu Zhan threw a Q out of the flywheel and went straight to Dafa.
Xiaofa is running for his life, and he can’t choose to avoid it, because if he hides, he will slow himself down, and he can eat this Q hard. It hurts to fight back and forth.
Besides, it hurts when it’s mom’s turn to hit him.
Fabregas was also slowed down by the red buff, which was very embarrassing.
Xiao fortunately, he has treatment. At the critical moment, Xiao Fa gave himself treatment and increased the speed.
However, behind him, the wheel mother also accelerated.
It’s mom’s turn. She’s as light as a swallow. She runs much faster than him.
Q source will flash too strong in two steps, but his blood volume drops too fast.
Wheel mother lit it after he was treated, so he was still bleeding.
Wheel mother soon hit the third general attack.
A few Q sources left in the small amount of blood pressed D Jian desperately and finally the residual blood flashed over the wall.
Lu Zhan lit it for him, and there are still three seconds left, and the blood volume is still dropping.
Xiaofa is taking medicine.
The camera is aimed at Fabregas, and everyone is watching if Fabregas can survive.
Chapter 5 Master demeanor
Seconds after seconds, Faber walked and looked at his blood volume.
The small method of taking medicine and igniting the body alternately takes effect. After a while, the blood volume reaches single digits, and then it rises again, which simply hangs the audience.
Until the last second of ignition, there is 1 point left in the small normal blood volume.
Many people are thankful in Q source. If you want to live and develop slowly, you may not have no chance to make a comeback.
However, just as he breathed a sigh of relief, a flywheel suddenly appeared from the other side of the wall and slid relentlessly to Fafa’s chest.
Veigar, the evil wizard, should fall to the ground.
The Federation regards this as blood, but the actual land exhibition has won this game.
Q source looked at his body strangely. He never thought that Lu Zhan could throw it at him from the other side of the wall.
Lu Zhan is an ad. It is a prejudgment to pursue an output body with one decorative eye and no other eyes.
But this prediction is too accurate!
He hid in the grass and was ambushed by Lu Zhan. It can be said that he was seen offline. Now this blow is simply a miracle.