This curse can be said to scare all players, because its effect is so sharp that people are afraid. The black smell that has been entangled in the body and the figure that comes out from behind from time to time are enough to scare many timid players. Faced with this curse, most players choose to stop sticking out their claws, and Chen Kai’s demand for some things is not very urgent. Although they have a little shortage of gold coins in their pockets, they don’t just pay for the road in the pockets of dead people.

For them, it is more important to find the hidden boxes where the rich people hide their money than to dig out the last gold coin of the other party in the body, and usually they will burn the exposed bodies. Although burial is the best destination for the dead, burning the bodies is the only good way to deal with the spread of the undead plague
The smell in the air is thicker than the smell of barbecue, which makes those residents who have escaped from life even less appetizing for meat. Because the smell of burnt human flesh is in the air, it is estimated that not many ordinary people can still put meat into their mouths.
Looking at the black smoke clouds rising from time to time outside, Chen Kai knew that it was another pile of bodies being set on fire. In this case, he slowly tidied up his equipment, because now his physical condition has gradually recovered to the combat condition. Of course, at this moment, Sa saros will continue to stay in the temple area. He must take care of Daniel? At the same time, Culozza also wants to unite a temple to see if his future Lord can win the support of some temple forces
Of course, Chen Kaixian took care of this, and in fact, the divinity officials also need a person to help reduce their guilt in poisoning. After all, from any angle, the temple was attacked and almost broken, which would make them bear serious guilt, and they might be directly exiled to the wilderness. In this case, even if they were poisoned, they could avoid this situation. They must find a partner to help them carry it, and Daniel is undoubtedly the best candidate at this time.
Although the so-called back-to-earth is also suspected of taking the blame for helping, Daniel has no choice but to take this debt. Of course, for Chen Kai, there is no pressure on him, because this matter has little to do with him. Anyway, he is a warrior who fought in the temple. The most important thing is that he is not a clergyman in Culozza Special Temple. In a sense, he doesn’t have his own position in the temple. Of course, it is estimated that he doesn’t want to have a position because of it. As a result, he is tied to a place, and this is definitely not that he wants to get a life
When Chen Kai slowly stepped into the street full of sadness and crying with a huge sword, the smell of barbecue filled the air, and it was disgusting. Not far away, several players were slowly collecting the ashes, which would eventually be placed in the temple where the spirit of peace was located. However, it is estimated that most people will not have their own tombstones, and it is difficult for players to identify them. In order to prevent the undead plague from infecting the bodies or prevent them from becoming a hotbed of plague, they must burn them.
Behind Ll, I slowly followed Su Wan and Alisha to go out with the original match and mistress. Ll undoubtedly envied many players. Of course, these players envied them by receiving some information from the Internet. If they knew that Ll had worked so hard that even two people had no way to estimate it, they wouldn’t be envious. But anyway, in the game, Su Wan and Alisha have all been eaten by Ll. The only problem is that Ll ate a big meal in a daze. The root is that he was completely kicked out.
However, in a short time, all the places that Chen Kai passed through were relatively safe, but the halo range of Rola Chen hasn’t disappeared yet, but after several hundred meters, the area they passed through is not necessarily the same. At this moment, Xu Fei and they are clearing a stronghold occupied by the undead plague-transformed thugs. Of course, they are not only staring at this stronghold, but also there are another group of players, and these players are not Ivan or Nicholas. They belong to a small team like Chen Kai.
However, in terms of combat effectiveness, these dozens of players with an average level of 70 are not Chen Kai and their opponents, even if Chen Kai has not arrived at this moment. Of course, they are also very self-aware and directly choose to pick up a line of people with Xu Fei and put them away. Of course, even so, it is enough for these players who are behind Xu Fei’s ass to make a small profit, because for these thugs to transform the undead, although their combat effectiveness is very good, Xu Fei and others can be blasted into slag in the face of even higher combat effectiveness.
"Another pauper!" Seeing that his head was cut off by himself and his body was still shaking, the mob leader Yun sighed depressed. Of course, the poor man in his mouth is not completely dead at the moment. He has gradually transformed it because of the plague of the undead. Although the transformation is not so complete, the body surface has not yet turned pale. If it turns pale, hardening the skin alone is not an ordinary weapon to cut.
"I don’t know until I am poor!" Su Xinghe’s sword was severely chopped in the shaking body. The bloody scene once again came to this small room. There is no doubt that this leader locked his room in that box. Unfortunately, he was infected with the undead plague before his bad luck. When they came in, he was completely killed by the undead plague. If they had come earlier, maybe this guy could have been saved, but now he can become a corpse and be purified.
"Done! Let’s see what we have. I hope this time I won’t go back to Su Xinghe and let go of my weapon and rest. Of course, his consumption is not huge. The so-called rest is leaning against the wall with a giant sword.
"I am the best at this kind of thing!" Cloud said slowly, and then the dagger in his hand slipped along the closed edge of the box, sharper than the dagger blade, and the lock was cut off instantly by his power. So a sacristy dagger was brought to the box, and maybe it would only be made by the old four. If the dagger owner knew about it, he might jump out of the grave.
Unfortunately, when the box was hit, they saw not a full box of gold coins, but a beautiful woman hiding in the box, and more importantly, this sister seemed to be in a coma, and God knows what the other party and the mob leader were hiding in the box.
"Is this a box sister welfare?" Cloud whispered a little and then called several girls outside. Facing this kind of thing, it was difficult for them to deal with, because the younger sister wore it but it was quite thin. At the same time, because of the sultry environment in the box, she was able to struggle before she passed out, and as a result, her clothes were torn.
"Fortunately, if we had come early and been late, the possibility of this sister would have been suffocated!" Looking at a famous girl lying beside Wang Feifei, Xu Fei said slowly that because the box was in a closed environment and hid in such an environment for so long, the gas inside was almost exhausted. If it wasn’t for the keyhole, it is estimated that the people inside would have been suffocated, but even if staying in a dirty and carbon dioxide-filled environment for such a long time led to coma, it almost took the famous girl away.
"So what now? Leave her here or send her back? " After all, it’s not a safe place from now on, and this anoxic coma girl can’t wake up for a short time. Without saying a word, she can definitely choose the latter. If it’s the former, leaving a sister alone in such a place full of undead is almost a rhythm of letting her die.
"Of course, I sent her back!" Chen Kaiyin slowly appeared in everyone’s ears, but his body was not completely clean. On the way, he encountered a big wave of zombies. Of course, this big wave of zombies has now completely turned into corpses. With the help of Su Wan and Alisha, these zombies can be handled even without Chen Kai. For Chen Kai, these zombies are simply inferior cannon fodder. Dozens of zombies seem to be a big wave, but actually they can’t even warm him up.
The only bad thing is that the blood sprayed by these zombies makes his armor dirty. Fortunately, his body exudes divine power and instantly turns the undead plague into a thing of the past. Otherwise, Chen Kai, who is covered in blood, is simply a mobile plague spreader. In fact, many players are white about this, so they try not to get hurt or contaminated with the undead blood. Only those who have strong confidence in themselves like Chen Kai will not mind the blood.
However, if you are not in a hurry, Chen Kai actually doesn’t want to be covered in blood. After all, it is not very comfortable to be covered in blood. Of course, for Xu Fei and them, Chen Kai’s arrival means that the highest combat power of the team has been restored. Although to some extent, Chen Yi is the most terrible fighting force at the moment, and it is estimated that no player can compare with him in purifying the undead.
Actually, it is because of this that some players are pulling a large number of undead into this area to purify the aura power and get rid of these zombies, but this will lead to an increase in the consumption of aura power, and these undead usually can’t bring much experience value to Chen Yi. To some extent, she hopes that the aura can continue to be maintained instead of becoming a weapon for some players to brush money, because Chen Yigen will be taken advantage of in vain if he doesn’t get a profit.
The first volume Chapter 455 Life and death (5)
"Robbins! Come here! Yes! !” Xu Fei waved to a player behind him, and this player is the leader of the team who picks up cheap players behind them. Of course, the two sides are absolutely mutually beneficial. Xu Fei naturally doesn’t want the players behind them to make trouble for them. Similarly, these players don’t want to offend a group of masters whose strength is less than twice that of them.
The most important thing is that compared with not being very polite to people, Ivan and Nicholas Chen Kai are still polite. At least when they eat meat again, the people behind them will have a bite of soup, and by the way, they will not even drink a bite of soup if they follow Ivan’s words.
So when Xu Fei shouted, the player named Robbins came running fart Dian fart, which made Chen Kai feel amazed that the other party was from China. It is even more surprising that this player will follow Xu Fei behind their ass. Compared with Ivan, the bald guy, these players who are mixed in Luohan Empire in China are naturally more inclined to follow Chen Kai and their fellow villagers.
"What is it? Brother Fei! When did you part-time trafficking in people? Where can I find this sister? " This player named Robbins is definitely familiar, but soon Xu Fei waved to the other side.
"Don’t bullshit! There should be a lot of experience in finding someone to send her back to the temple area. If possible, Xu Fei may receive a follow-up. There is nothing wrong with it, but generally speaking, finding a living person in Culozza and sending the other person to the safe zone is really rewarding and lucky, and the follow-up can also appear. But in many cases, the difficulty of follow-up is simply high, which makes people afraid that most players will not continue to follow up after earning this escort experience, because everyone knows what this follow-up is. Of course, if you are lucky, you can receive a simple follow-up, such as finding someone, but even so,
"I’ll go! Brother Fei is doing this job again. Can’t you give something good? Ok … ok! There is no problem with safe custody! " Although my heart didn’t like it very much, Robbins finally found several people to send this sister away.
Of course, it can be said that the discovery of the younger sister from the box happened in Culozza Techeng. When several players were depressed and carried each other out of their sight, they had completely wiped out the last area of the stronghold. Of course, these thugs who were kept in the stronghold were completely turned into ashes by Chen Kai’s sacred flame. The most important thing is that Chen Kai changed the way of sacred flame again, and a ray of sacred flame appeared at the fingertips. This new understanding ability is to protect the temple and reward it after it was not completely broken. Of course, this new skill is not expected except to force it.
Because this new ability is to make Chen Kai’s ability to control the sacred flame rise again, he estimated that at that time, if he relied on his own ability to kill Gilgang, he might get more rewards, but Chen Kai knew that it was impossible to balance his conscience. He felt that this new ability was not bad.
Don’t look at this flame. It’s very weak, but actually, even a little Mars contains more than 1000 magic points. The most important thing is that with the flick of Chen Kai’s finger, Mars will instantly form a burning sacred flame to attack the target. Unfortunately, he didn’t want to change his job as a theologian. Otherwise, it would be very easy to turn into a theologian just by relying on this force-loading ability, but even the new luck effect of the sacred flame can deal with low-level undead and meet powerful creatures. Unless his magic is so great that he can directly destroy the defense line of the other side, the result will be the same.
After all, the level of sacred flame is too low. The most basic magical skill is that unless Chen Kai can raise the sacred power of sacred flame to the level of divine punishment for fire, the sacred flame can always deal with the enemy, and it will always be those guys whose dark power in the body is consumed. Of course, Chen Kai has relied on the sacred flame to deal with many high-level enemies, but it is rare to really kill them completely by relying on this skill. Of course, in some States, the power of sacred flame will be strengthened, such as extreme anger. Of course, this situation is rare.
Of course, Chen Kai’s ability to release a sacred flame with a snap of his fingers is really handsome, but if the number of enemies is large, then Chen Kai’s ability is definitely to find the cause of death, even if he releases the sacred flame faster, the giant sword is the best weapon in the face of too many undead.
Unfortunately, there were not many good things found in this last room. Obviously, these thugs were poorer than Xu Fei’s imagination. Although they found several bags of gold coins and a box of money, the property inside was only a few thousand gold coins. It was almost not enough for Chen Kai to eat a few meals. Of course, if you count those equipment, it might be more valuable. But Xu Fei was depressed when he thought of it, because most of the equipment was lost to Robbins, a native of China. He can’t get it back yet.
"Poor is a little poor! But this product is still quite enjoyable! " Clouds look around at those wine bottles. There is no doubt that these are all wines, and they are extremely rare vintage wines. The most important thing is that these wine bottles are very well kept, with almost no damage and shaking, and those barrels made of oak barrels in the corner are the real big heads.
"Robbins! Pick a bucket by yourself and I’ll put it away! " Xu Fei shouted to the player who was drooling at the barrels not far away. The latter’s face showed an extremely nai and depressed expression, because he was very aware of the value of these barrels. Although these wine pastes were directly converted into gold coins, the price after sale was higher than that of their hard work in the past few hours, because even if the wine was placed in those bottles, the lowest price was dozens of gold coins, and these barrels were at least calculated in thousands of units, and gold coins were not silver coins.
However, Robbins also knows that he can choose a bucket, which is very good. After all, he and his team have hardly done anything except cleaning the battlefield, so they have found a lot of good things like cheap. If they can come more often, he must be very happy, but he knows better that cheap is easy to take, but he must not be too greedy.
So Robbins chose a barrel with the lowest value, of course, even if it is sold at the lowest value, it can be exchanged for ten thousand gold coins. His members didn’t pay much attention to this choice, while Chen Kai and others put away the remaining barrels. Of course, before that, Faye Wong Feili was purified by magic. Because according to some statements, this wine cellar should die here, where the leader is most concerned. God knows if they don’t take measures to take away all the wine bottles, it will lead to the resentment of the depressed dead.
Of course, these wines are estimated to end up being sold in their hands. Of course, at present, these wines will be kept in their equipment for a long time. Fortunately, there is still a lot of room for the equipment of the group. Of course, if they encounter something more valuable, they may throw away some low-value wines.
After leaving this house, Chen Kai and others naturally went straight for a goal, and what they need to do most is to clean up the undead wandering in the streets and save those residents at the same time. After all, saving an ordinary resident can gain about 100 to 300 points of experience, and at this time, even if there are fewer mosquitoes, it is still a piece of meat. Although a resident gains little experience, the problem is that Culozza has a large population, but the more people save, the more experience they gain, and at a certain stage, the experience gained will be doubled. This is the reason why many players are willing to do such a job.
However, for Chen Kai, they don’t want to spend too much time in such a thing. If possible, they now prefer to call everyone to attack the Lord’s Mansion. But the problem is that they can’t do this because the player’s strength is too small now. Although everyone knows that it is necessary to get into trouble with Dalroth first to completely end this disaster, it is necessary to see the numerous undead soldiers outside the Lord’s Mansion to make sure that the battle is not completed with all the help.
However, there are still a large number of undead around these soldiers. If there are only a few thousand undead, Chen Kai and them will not be so afraid. But when the number of zombie residents exceeds 10 thousand, everyone feels very troublesome. The thing is that this number is getting bigger and bigger, and now the only thing they can do is to fight against the spread of undead plague.
They have to ask Dalroth to snatch as many people as possible to save the residents. Everyone knows one thing, that is, one less person becomes a zombie and an undead, so Dalroth’s strength will be weakened by one point. Unfortunately, the rule of cheating will make them attack the city wall. Otherwise, if they occupy a city gate and hit it, players outside will be able to enter in large numbers. Players have never been afraid because players are not afraid of death and there are many players moving around Culozza.
Of course, if someone can cheer up now, then he should dare to take responsibility, and the players can lead the attack on the wall. Unfortunately, now Daniel? Culozza, however, is curled up in the corner because of his heart pain. If he comes out in another way, Chen Kai and others can continue to rely on their own strength to fight, which is estimated to be a unified way to limit the large-scale reinforcement of players and set up an obstacle, but Chen Kai and others really don’t like this obstacle because they can watch a large number of residents die because there are not enough people.
If there are 100,000 players entering the city, then Darrose should be afraid, because it takes an hour for players to completely clear the undead in the whole city. Unfortunately, at present, there are no more than 7,000 players in the city, and some unlucky people have lost their equipment seriously because of hanging up.
Of course, as time goes on, more and more players will gradually revive, but also because of the time, the residents who have become zombies are also increasing rapidly. Now, if the number of zombie undead exceeds 30,000, it will bring a terrible overwhelming situation. Even Chen Kai is estimated to have fled in front of such a number of undead. Even if there are a lot of cannon fodder among these undead, it is terrible. The most important thing is that in an extremely crowded environment, when combatants wield weapons, their own strength will be completely submerged by the undead sea.
At present, the biggest responsibility of all players who can move is to kill as many undead as possible and save more residents. Even if Chen Kai doesn’t want to do this job, they can do it under the condition of insufficient strength.