When he couldn’t help but feel depressed, he recalled that the sword technique he had learned, Changbai Sword Sutra, was a general program, followed by Miaojia Sword Technique and Miaohu Sword Technique combined with Snow Mountain Sword Technique, followed by Tianshan School Three-point Sword Technique, Taiji Sword Technique and Linghu Sword Technique.

This time, I learned the three strokes of Yandang Mountain and the wonderful swordsmanship of J and jīng, and all the swordsmanship of Wuyue factions was mediocre.
If this "broken sword" is memorized, it is not impossible, but knowing what it is when facing the enemy is bound to affect the power of the sword.
He was bored and immediately stabbed, which turned out to be a "stabbing tactic" in the Changbai Sword Sutra. He couldn’t help but stay for a while and then shook his head with a wry smile and said to himself, "What’s the matter?"
Then I practiced it for a while, and the sword was another trick of "stabbing words"
When he was a little naive, he said, "I am so proficient in the Kung Fu of Changbai Sword Sutra that it has been ingrained in my heart. When I make the sword a little slippery, I will practice the sword trick, but it is not the nine swords of Dugu."
He suddenly thought of here, and suddenly his mind flashed, saying that his "Changbai Sword Sutra", a middle-aged man’s severe martial arts, may be no less than this lonely defeat. The Changbai Sword Sutra is also the outline of Tianjianfa, which can be merged to absorb thousands of swordsmanship. J: ng Hua, I will infer from this that it is necessary for Dugu to recruit nine swords.
When he confirmed the similar tricks of a long white sword sutra, many complicated, abstruse and j Ο ng beauties suddenly became clear, and the understanding of the "long white sword sutra" and the "broken sword" martial arts deepened.
Qi Yufeng couldn’t help exclaiming that the original Changbai Sword Sutra had already learned about it, and he could exert that earth-shattering power with equal strength and depth. However, after reading this "broken sword style", Li realized that the martial arts of the day could be transformed by itself in this "Changbai Sword Sutra", but many seemingly ordinary tricks originally had this wonderful effect.
And the same is true of the nine swords "broken sword style" of Dugu. Just now, I didn’t understand it a little. When I thought that the middle-aged man made the sword, his figure and footwork confirmed each other, I immediately realized many secrets of "broken sword style".
These two kinds of swordsmanship are really all-inclusive kendo programs, and the directors of hundreds of martial arts can compete with each other, equally matched
Can just think of Qi Yufeng can’t help but shook his head again. At this time, he is like Kong Dengdong Mountain and Lu Dengtai Mountain, while Xiaotian is generally in front of the key points of high swordsmanship. The wonderful flaw of swordsmanship J and NG has already taken in a glance, and his eyes have become extremely high unconsciously.
On the seventy-two styles of swordsmanship "Changbai Sword Classic", each style can be changed with a lot of practice. If you carefully understand it, you will add a power. This power will never be learned. It can be said that the road is simple, complicated and elusive.
However, the sword-breaking style of Nine Swords in Dugu is not the most reasonable judgment based on other martial arts actions. There are many complicated and varied responses, and each move has a separate cracking method. Although it is broad and deep, J Ο ng is deep and strange, it is difficult for beginners to extricate themselves from the complicated swordsmanship, and there is no sense of returning to the original as in Changbai Sword Sutra.
Now that he has learned the "broken sword", he will read the third trick "broken knife" formula in turn, but seeing that this "broken knife" swordsmanship is very short, there are only a few 500 or 600 prefixes, so he wrote that all kinds of swordsmanship, such as single knife, double knife, The Lancet, ghost knife, machete and horse-chopping knife, pay attention to light and heavy, and slow down.
Qi Yufeng gruyter knife method people can’t help but feel a little bored when they see this, and the power of knife method can’t be underestimated.
The "broken sword style" in front is broad, complicated and varied, and the meaning of the sword is different. Isn’t it that the founder of martial arts has no inspiration when he weaves the "broken sword style" without all kinds of strange ideas?
Or did the people who founded this set of swordsmanship study swordsmanship deeply, but the swordsmanship may not be so j and jīng-savvy?
But he continued to look at it, but he was ashamed, but it turned out that this broken knife style was not only the first few moves, but also the broken knife style, but also the combination of "broken sword style" was needed to make one method universal and universal, so I won’t go into details.
Many changes in the stone tablet saying "broken knife style" evolved from "broken sword style". Since you learn to break the knife style, you can change it a little, but you don’t have to say much about the rest of the changes.
When he has a "broken sword" foundation, he will be puzzled by this "broken knife" after reading the general theory of saber.
According to the statement that the solitary nine swords are "broken knives", the knife method is far from the peak of fencing even at the top.
There are three reasons for this.
In the first knife method, the attack is less than the sword method, such as teasing, picking, clicking and hanging; There are three types of defense: sweeping, cutting and twisting, and the knife is single-edged instead of double-edged, which is not as dexterous as a long sword
Secondly, the sword is green and the knife is black and blue, and the sword body is light and thin, so it is not hard to block the hard frame. Instead, it is not a martial art to cut steel every time it is hard to avoid the blade and meet the gap, and the knife method is hard to sink to death according to the high position.
Third, the knife method is fierce, brave, fast and fierce, which is not as rigid and flexible as swordsmanship. If you are quick and quick, you can never resist the high sword method.
Qi Yufeng said, "It seems that this elder who founded the Nine Swords of Dugu was not seen Tai Chi in the Southern Song Dynasty. If he knew that there was a kind of knife method called Tai Chi Dao, the conclusion would not be so."
However, if you think about it carefully, it is generally correct to say that Tai Chi is so strange, slow and fast, and Rouke is just martial arts.
From ancient times to modern times, the knife method is easy to crash, but it is never a generation of masters.
Ancestors have long remembered ten Ri practicing boxing, a hundred Ri practicing knives, a thousand Ri practicing guns and ten thousand Ri practicing swords.
He also said that the moon stick, the year knife and the generation gun-the sword is hidden with you.
A good swordsman can handle a knife and a gun with ease, but a swordsman may not.
This is like playing the piano to the master’s realm, and you can hold up a concert by yourself to learn other musical instruments. However, Qi Yufeng’s harmonica is only a trail after all, which is a bit out of place.
Pei Hu was also enlightened by the art of using saber, but he also abandoned the sword and practiced sword martial arts when his martial arts was accomplished, so it must be true that he became more and more J: ng.
He couldn’t help thinking with a pie mouth and heart. Some people in the later generations are unique, and they often compare saber and swordsmanship.
It’s as if swordsmanship can be compared with swordsmanship when it’s practiced to the extreme, but it turns out to be non-mainstream
Think about Lin Ping’s grandfather, Wang Yuanba, the golden knife enemy of Luoyang City. At the age of 70, he may not be able to compete with him in martial arts, so he knows about the future of this knife method.
When he looked at that place, there was a halberd painted on the side of the magic brother’s weapon.
I can’t help thinking that painting a halberd in the sky is a hundred soldiers. Whether it’s chopping and piercing, picking and pecking, or hooking and probing, it’s all available. Not only can you compete with hammers, boring and other skills, but you can also compete with relatively light spears and guns.
It is because of too many functions that it is the most difficult to practice and control among the long weapons.
Because of this, this earth-shattering weapon has almost become a decoration. In the past dynasties, there were few people who practiced painting halberds.
But once someone practices, they will become a generation of God of War, almost contemporary enemies such as Lu Bu of the Three Kingdoms and Xue Rengui of the Tang Dynasty.
Compared with swords, it should be the same.
Chapter 75 Than 5 swords
Qi Yufeng practiced sword again for a while and felt dizzy. At that time, all kinds of thoughts came in a variety of ways. It seems that according to the nine swords of Dugu, you can easily create hundreds of strokes of J and jīng.
Immediately, he had a headache, and since he couldn’t force it, how about practicing slowly?
Thought of here, he put everything back to the cliff and slept in the cold wind of Huashan Mountain.
When he got up, when the sun was coming to deliver the meal, he didn’t go back to the cave. He looked straight at the cliff and waited for a while, only to see a few figures walking off the cliff quickly and abnormally. In front of him, a dress fluttered and turned out to be a woman.
He looked intently, but it turned out that Liu Yuqing, a senior teacher elder sister of Huashan School, led a bunch of female brothers and apprentices.
When he couldn’t help wondering, "Hey, why are you here?"
Liu yuqing laughed. "Yesterday, the third brother said that you fiddled with a set of swordsmanship, as if it were better than our Huashan Yu female nineteen swords. We specially studied it for half a week, but we didn’t understand it very well. I’m looking for you."
Qi Yufeng saw that the food J and jīng was far more beautiful than Ri. I think it was the big teacher elder sister who also learned martial arts to please him. I couldn’t help be in heaven immediately.
Yu Yu, the woman who improved the nineteen swords, has learned the nine swords of Dugu. What can’t explain his heart? He immediately said with confidence, "If you don’t understand anything, just ask me."
Liu Yuqing saw that Se, the gaunt god, was a little crazy, but his eyes were full of energy and I couldn’t help but be curious and asked, "Is there any treasure in this cliff?" Why didn’t you stop when you came? "
Qi Yufeng nodded mysteriously and laughed. "Nature has treasures."
Liu Yuqing took out a bowl of soup from the rice basket and said, "Look at your hard work. This is the big white snake’s bone marrow boiled soup. Brother Liang asked for it. We all tried it. It’s good for your health. Drink it quickly."
Qi Yufeng’s excessive work these days is not delicious. He even thanked him and grabbed the bowl and drank it.
Before Tao Yaoyao died, he asked, "Little Martial Uncle, you have ignored me these days. What are you doing hiding here?"