Mountain righteousness is words to see Lin Ze said with his face ashamed and resentful to one side don’t know what happened, the secret instrument knights would-be knights in the position some tend to mountains! In any case, the mountain is their leader, and among the knights of the earth, where is the mountain position? They, the quasi-knights of the Secret Order, are more willing to believe in mountain words.

See these prospective knights face flashed look mountain heart relieved with these prospective knights support Lin Ze should be afraid to do it yourself! Although the mountain also wants to handle Lin Ze, the gap between itself and Lin Ze is too big. Just now, I said that the challenge is to arouse the resonance of these quasi-knights
But for Lin Ze, Qilan and Felton Christian, do they really care about the opinions of these quasi-knights of the Secret Order? Obviously, the idea of mountains is a little too naive
Linze was originally a ghost body. Ghosts and gods in this world have been regarded as taboo by human beings for several years, and Lachlan and Felton Christian belong to the dark race, which is the most powerful force in the whole Arad continent, let alone the quasi-knights of these secret knights. Even the formal knights of the secret knights are not regarded by Lachlan and Felton …
Lin Ze corners of the mouth slightly raised a smile. He quietly looked at the mountain. In those silver eyes flashing, it was extremely cold. The double mountains of mourning ghosts and gods dew and eroding ghosts and gods seemed to have been stripped by Lin Ze. Everything in my heart seemed to be presented to Lin Ze.
"Mountain, although I don’t know what the melting rhyme cold has become now, I know that it’s your revenge for melting rhyme cold. You really care about your status as a mountain knight of the Secret Instrument Order? Although I used to be ready to join the Order of the Secret Instrument, it seems that I have no fate with the Order of the Secret Instrument, but I seem to have a good fate with your leader of the Order of the Secret Instrument. "
As he spoke, Lin Ze slowly sideways, and the hilt of Shuanglong magic shadow sword in the silver flash ring has appeared in the hands of Lin Ze.
"Do you know this?" The bare hilt of Ssangyong Magic Shadow Sword was printed in the eyes of the mountains. When I saw this hilt, the face of the mountains suddenly changed dramatically. However, his eyes still flashed a glimmer of luck. He didn’t want to believe that it was true. He was lucky in his heart. This is an ordinary hilt. It can’t be a lightsaber hilt. Even if this hilt is a lightsaber, Lin Ze can’t inspire the power of lightsaber without the royal blood of lightsaber …
Lin Ze also saw a little bit of luck in the eyes of the mountains. His mouth was slightly raised, and his eyes flashed a little banter. The eyes of the quasi-knights of the Secret Order around him were completely attracted by the bare hilt in Lin Ze’s hand. Although many people didn’t know what it was, when they saw the shock in other people’s eyes, they also realized that the hilt in Lin Ze’s hand was definitely not anything.
It seems that Lin Ze can hear the prayer in the mountain heart. Lin Ze’s face flashed a cold meaning, and the dark fog and gas around his body slowly became dense. The dark power has been poured into the hilt of his hand …
Feeling the flow of Lin Ze’s physical strength, the mountain’s face became more and more gloomy. Finally, when the strange lightsaber shape of Shuanglong Magic Shadow Sword appeared in the eyes of everyone, the mountain’s face was left with despair.
The quasi-knight in the Order of the Secret Instrument has been stirred up. It’s really a lightsaber. Only the lightsaber royal family of the whole Dros Empire can make the lightsaber be inspired in the hands of this young man named Lin Ze. Is this young man actually a Drus lightsaber royal family?
The appearance of Ssangyong Magic Shadow Sword has shocked all the quasi-knights of the Secret Instrument Knights. They were also angry at the unfair treatment of the mountains, but it is a matter of course that they found out that Lin Ze turned out to be a royal family at this moment.
The Knights of the Secret Instrument are the Knights of the Deros Empire and even the Knights of the Lightsaber Royal Family. Their head is the Prince of the Lightsaber Royal Family. No matter where they say, the Knights of the Secret Instrument are inextricably linked with the Lightsaber Royal Family, and the lightsaber weapon is the most sacred thing in the eyes of these quasi-knights. Their reverence for the royal family will crush their sympathy for the mountains at the first time.
Mountain hard twist a head to look around the knight-to-be, their anger has dissipated, and they look at Lin Ze with reverence. No matter what, a lightsaber royal family will not arbitrarily frame a person. In the eyes of these knight-to-be, although the mountain is a mountain knight, it is still not worth the reputation of a lightsaber royal family like Lin Ze to frame him.
There is a big gap between the two people’s status. If the mountain hadn’t provoked Lin Ze, Lin Ze would never have shared his knowledge. This is the consensus of all prospective knights now. The lightsaber royal family will lead the Dross empire to unify the mainland. The lightsaber royal family will lead the Dross empire to prosperity …
Despair spreads like weeds in the heart of the mountain. The mountain never thought that the Lin family gentleman’s imperial knight body was actually flowing with lightsaber royal blood. His former heart performance was more like a clown than Lin Ze’s identity.
"Although you’ve always wanted to kill me, I still admire you! You’ve done your best to achieve this point without any blood relationship with you. It’s a pity that if you were another person, you would really die in your design, but I have the power. You never thought that if you can be an actor all your life, you can’t be so good at acting. "
Speaking of which, Lin Ze’s face smile slowly disappears and slowly approaches the mountain ear and says softly.
"I won’t kill you personally. Since you and djinn Blue are so good, let you be together forever! Withdraw … "
After saying the last word, Qilan and Felton Christian suddenly loosened their grip on the mountain shoulder and Lin Ze instantly disappeared beside the mountain.
The mountain didn’t react to what had happened, but in a second he felt that the whole world was already dark, and then there was that kind of pain of bones and bones …
In the eyes of these quasi-knights of the Secret Instrument Order, djinn Blue’s huge palm suddenly fell from the sky and shot Lin Ze, Qilan and Felton Christian from the carriage, and the mountain was shot into a paste in this palm …
The real crisis has finally come. djinn Blue has finally broken the protective barrier on the periphery of the ghost train. Angry djinn Blue wants to devour everything. The mountain died in its hands. The smell of the first person’s blood makes it very excited. It wants more blood, and there are a few in this carriage that make it feel more excited than food.
Looking at djinn blue that constantly * * * lips purple tongue Lin Ze a line of people are all feel sick and those secret instrument knights are quasi knights have been intimidated by djinn blue momentum, they want to escape but the body is out of control …
However, just when djinn Blue wanted to slap again, Lin Ze chose to stand up. Although Lin Ze himself was a victim of the mountain plan, the main goal of the mountain was himself, and these quasi-knights of the Secret Instrument Knights were burned in Linzeshen’s gate fire.
In any case, these quasi-knights brought their own disasters, and they are also the future fighting capacity of the Dross Empire. Lin Ze naturally won’t let them lose their lives in a place like this.
Moreover, djinn Blue’s goal has been locked in himself, and he will eventually fight djinn Blue to die. It is not Lin Ze’s style. Now Lin Ze has joined forces with Qilan and Felton Christian. He believes that with the strength of his ghosts and gods, Qilan and Felton Christian, together, they should be able to defeat djinn Blue.
"run to the back of the car and don’t look back if you don’t want to die!"
Lin Zeyin appeared in the ears of every knight-to-be, and after Lin Ze’s sound, these knights-to-be were finally aware that their bodies had regained control. Looking at Lin Ze, Qilan and Felton Christian, these knights-to-be were filled with emotion. In their hearts, Lin Ze, the three men, had become heroes who sacrificed themselves to protect others.
If Lin Ze, Qilan and Felton Christian know what these people are thinking, I’m afraid they have to laugh and cry. They don’t want to be heroes. You know, heroes end up fighting for human beings and die. They don’t have such great aspirations.
Looking at the damaged carriage overhead, Lin Ze and Qilan Felton Christian looked at each other and nodded gently. The battlefield here is too small, but the figure of the frost dragon scassa is limited. Even if Lin Ze is so flexible, it is difficult to dodge in the blue palm of djinn.
Chapter 719 djinn blue fist
Now that the roof of this carriage has been destroyed by Blue, Lin Ze and others simply jumped off the top of the ghost train directly from the carriage of the ghost train. Anyway, this layer protects the barrier of the ghost train and has little protection for Lin Ze …
There was a loud noise, and the group of quasi-knights who fled to the second half of the ghost train were almost overturned by the impact of the zenith lift of this car, and their faces were full of horror.
This level of fighting has left a deep imprint on their hearts, and the prospective knights are full of yearning for Lin Ze and their strength, hoping that they can be as powerful as Lin Ze and others one day; There is a quasi-knight who has been frightened by the evil breath of djinn Blue, and it is hard to get any higher strength.
Lin Ze, Qilan, Felton Christian at the top of the ghost train, our great frost dragon, Lord scassa, has completely demonstrated their strength, and they are facing the huge djinn Blue … Perhaps this djinn Blue is not as good as Lin Ze imagined, because at this moment, Lin Ze, the three of them, Yi Long, add up and fight with djinn Blue. The strength of Blue is much stronger than that of Lin Ze before …
"What a disgusting slug! It’s a shame for the great scassa to suppress such a disgusting monster! Lin Ze is all because of you. If the great scassa is still the original strength, how can it be suppressed by this huge slug? "
Feel the frost dragon scassa in djinn Bruway, and look at Lin Ze with resentment.
Although it is said that the carriage of the ghost train will no longer bear the erosion of those purple fog, here they will also completely face the momentum of djinn Blue Department! After all, outside the ghost train, they will no longer accept the protection of the ghost train.
Lin Ze is really very quiet about the frost dragon scassa. It is really unexpected that a strange dragon should be so nagging. Supposedly, shouldn’t the frost dragon be as cold as frost and silent? Why is scassa so special? Even Qilan and Felton Christian don’t know what to do with the frost dragon scassa …
"Good good don’t aside somewhat ironic! Don’t feel sick only you, okay? The three of us are more tolerant. Now I will give you a chance to show yourself. You are the great frost dragon Lord scassa. Now you go and purify this hateful slug. "
Lin Ze looked at the frost dragon scassa floating in the middle with an expression on his face. If scassa can really defeat djinn Blue, Lin Ze will definitely worship him.
Scassa, the frost dragon, also fell silent when he heard Lin Ze say such a thing. If it was his own peak strength, he could really defeat this djinn Blue. But after all, now he is a level 1-6 shadow beast. How can he have a one-on-one fight against this djinn Blue without the strength of a strange shadow beast?
However, it is also very reluctant for scassa to give up so easily in his heart. The frost dragon scassa is the most common skill. The frost dragon scassa suddenly opened his big mouth and sprayed it at djinn Blue. It seems that the power is extremely fierce. It seems that djinn Blue can really be frozen. But Lin Ze shook his head naively after seeing scassa’s attack this time …
Although this bite of frost and dragon’s breath is spewed out by scassa, it is still impossible for djinn Blue! Djinn Blue is not a dream train conductor Rabindranath. Even if the temperature of the frost and dragon’s breath in scassa is lower, its attack will have such a big root to completely wrap djinn Blue, let alone completely freeze djinn Blue. scassa’s attack will be futile.
Djinn Blue’s purple body left a blue mark, and then the blue frost slowly melted in a few seconds. The scassa attack seemed to have no effect on djinn Blue.
It seems that scassa, the frost dragon, has a flicker of doubt in his eyes about his attack on Bruna, djinn. He is very confused about why scassa’s huge biological attack is so indifferent to himself. However, since the other side has launched an attack, it must return the favor.
Djinn blue suddenly opened its big mouth in an instant, and Lin Ze felt a strong fluctuation spurting out from djinn blue’s mouth … Lin Ze and his party also didn’t expect djinn blue to attack like a fluctuation, and they didn’t come up with a good way to resist it for the time being …
In the fluctuation of djinn Blue Roar, Lin Ze was directly knocked down by this roar, which made Lin Ze three people somewhat unprepared, and djinn Blue flashed a surprise in her six eyes when she saw Lin Ze three people fall, and then her two huge arms suddenly * * * * on the ground, and then djinn Blue came to the top of the whole carriage with strange power.
Lin Ze and his party felt a crisis on the floor of their car. Now they seem to have got up and can’t come. No one knows what djinn Blue’s attack was like this time. Lin Ze can shout.
Now the three of them have fallen to the ground, and the frost dragon scassa is still flying in the sky. Seeing that Lin Ze is not affected, they are in crisis. Although scassa has been bickering with Lin Ze before, it is impossible for him to let Lin Ze be attacked by djinn Blue. scassa has already felt a strange force coming from the car cover. The target of this force is Lin Ze three.
Once again, a dragon spat out by scassa, but this time the frost dragon’s breath was not an attack, but to help Lin Ze defend itself against the strange attack that came out of the ground.
"Bang bang!"
Frost and dragon’s breath turned into an ice wall, which was hit by several fists coming out of the ground. But in an instant, cracks appeared on the hard ice wall. Lin Ze, Qilan and Felton Christian finally knew what djinn Blue would put his fist into the ground!
Djinn Blue’s fist can extend such a long distance, which is really amazing for Lin Ze, Qilan and Felton Christian …
Chapter 72 Tough djinn Blue
Scassa’s frost and dragon’s breath formed an ice wall. Lin Ze resisted the moment, but it was enough for Lin Ze. They reacted. djinn Blue’s huge palm, but they had seen the mountains. His earth property and shadow defense were all made into a paste by djinn Blue’s palm. Now Lin Ze, if they were really hit by djinn Blue’s fists, they might not feel much better.
However, djinn Bruna’s fist that emerged from the ground was not the fist that broke the ice wall of the frost dragon scassa, and more fists emerged from the ground to let Lin Ze three escape.
Fortunately, djinn Blue’s strange fist attack didn’t last long. Although Lin Ze and his party were very embarrassed, after all, there was no successor. After chasing Lin Ze for more than ten meters, they slowly stopped.
Lin Ze three people are relieved to see this kind of situation. They have been chasing Lin Ze like this by djinn Blue. They are also very sorry. These fists are full of ghosts, and the purple fog of the original ghost train constantly erodes Lin Ze three people’s resistance. Lin Ze three people have to be careful and be slightly careless, and they are contaminated by djinn Blue’s ghosts …