Qi Yufeng was surprised when he heard this. Did he become an eye-catcher?

The old road snorted and laughed. "These Tianzhu people are fishy, but they can be shaped like pigs with iron face and silver teeth. They look straight like cows with long hair, deep hands and feet, dark and stupid, and sheep dogs with bad temperament. I can smell this foul smell dozens of miles away."
Qi Yufeng couldn’t help thinking that this veteran is still a racist when he heard such fierce words.
The old man saw the color of his eyes and explained, "I said I came to this gang."
Qi Yufeng looked up, but he saw no trace of the silence in the fields. At this time, he had a profound work, even the movement of the grass and trees around him could be distinguished. But now there is a whistling wind outside the forest, and what is the sound?
Chapter seventy-nine Success or failure is outstanding since ancient times
He looked back at the old road, only to see that the old road was sitting in front of him with an iron box and a leisurely wine. "They were too scared to come for less than half an hour. Let’s have another drink first."
Qi Yufeng nodded immediately heart way even if people have their own and the Tongwei long here also have nothing to fear, so rest assured to barbecue and drink.
When he finished eating another fish, he heard that the Taoist priest suddenly said coldly, "Why don’t the three monks of Tianzhu show up since they’re here?"
If his voice is broadcast far away, if Hong Zhong is like a heavy thunder broadcasting far away and shaking the fields, Qi Yufeng’s heart is secretly surprised that this man can do so many miles away, and the more clear and clear he is, the louder the sound becomes. It seems that this man’s martial arts has indeed entered the mysterious realm, and he is very far behind.
A bunch of people riding camels in the distance were walking slowly in the moonlight when they suddenly heard a thunderbolt. I couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Listening to the sound sounded like a ring. At once, many people couldn’t help but feel scared. Three of them suddenly announced the Buddha’s name and suppressed the ring to make everyone settle down.
But the sound whirled like a jolt of thunder, and among them there was a strong wind, like a dragon churning around, but it was still disturbing.
Immediately, the hundreds of men asked the three monks for instructions and slowly turned the camel around and walked in the direction of Qi Yufeng.
The three monks took the lead in further stepping into the forest. They took a look and saw that an old man and a young man were warming themselves. One of the thin monks couldn’t help but wonder, "Who are you …?"
Laodao slowly raised his eyes and smiled. "And Mo Wen, who am I? You three are Longxi, Longjia and Longye of Nalanduo Temple in Tianzhu. Are you invited by the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty to deal with the Han people in the Wulin of the Central Plains?"
The three men looked at each other with surprise, and immediately a monk thundered in the previous step, "Who are you? How did you know we were going to the Central Plains?"
He stepped on this step to detain the ground "bang" and shook it. Qi Yufeng held the grill with his hand, but he also accidentally made it collapse. Looking back, he saw that the trees in Fiona Fang were all tilted outward for more than ten meters, as if a huge meteor had fallen from the sky, and the air billow was bursting outward.
Immediately, he couldn’t help looking up in his heart, but he saw that the Tianzhu monk looks ordinary, his height is not high, his head is oily as if he had rubbed ghee, and his temples on both sides are sunken to a depth of half an inch. However, although others are not strong, they look strong and powerful, and all the muscles that can be seen in his face, hands and neck seem to be packed with knots, and his whole body seems to be full of energy to explode.
Immediately, he couldn’t help but be surprised. He said that if this man’s palm skill is as exquisite as his skill, I want this man to compete with martial arts. If he doesn’t make the sword have to fight to 500 strokes, he will see who has the strength. But it seems that this man has no brains to open his mouth, so it’s easy to deal with it. However, the monk who spoke earlier was slow but didn’t know his skill.
Sophisticated ha ha smiled and looked up and said, "Don’t worry that I’m a human being. Since I stopped three people today, I advised them to go home early. That’s why the Millennium Temple of Nalanda Temple was broken in your generation."
The three men said two words to each other. The strongest monk said, "You … want to die?"
Sophisticated shook his head and said, "Long Ye is the one who wants to die."
The dragon "suddenly stepped on the words and punched the old chest. It was rare to hit the old chest with a fist as fast as a fist, and the left fist was faster in the middle. It was strange to hit the old other first."
Qi Yufeng heart in a surprised to see the flash at the moment, the monk then deceives me and can’t help but heart way this man is so tall, I’m far from it. "
His mind just turned to here, but he saw that the old man sat cross-legged on the ground and didn’t start. His left palm waved a "pa" and struck the dragon’s crown with a light sound. This palm was as soft as cotton and as strong as iron. The dragon cried and his brain shattered like a pile of wet mud, and he died without humming.
The remaining two people can’t help but shout loudly when they see him. The three of them have the highest martial arts among Indian Buddhists, which is better than the Dongba Plateau of the Black Sect. This time, they received an invitation from Yuan Shundi to go straight to China to make a name for themselves. Who would have thought that one person had died in this mountain forest before going abroad in the Central Plains?
Immediately, Long Jia suddenly flickered out of his right palm and attacked the sophisticated chest. Before Qi Yufeng, he felt that his heart was slightly sluggish and quickly flickered back. He knew that this sophisticated palm was extremely strong, and he was worried that this sophisticated palm was not an opponent, but he saw that the sophisticated palm was as soft as cotton, and it was as strong as iron. Ah Er cried that his brain was shattered like a pile of wet mud and he was killed without humming.
Qi Yufeng cried almost jumped up in surprise "I wipe! The same trick actually has an effect on the saints? "
Just then, suddenly a man with a sword rushed over and shouted, "What’s going on?" He looked down and shouted, "Who hurt the holy monk?"
Qi Yufeng saw this man dressed up as a Yuan court official, but he held a swinging sword in his hand, and saw that he walked lightly. He was about forty or fifty years old, but his martial arts was no less weak than teaching a scattered person.
Only to see Tongwei Laodao close his eyes, but three words burst out in his mouth: "Dog Tatar!"
The military attache cried angrily and said, "You dog!" Say he sword stab to the green light flash before the sound is stronger than that Qi Yufeng earlier.
Qi Yufeng saw his swordsmanship awe-inspiring and exclaimed, this man is a good swordsman. If he can have a good time in World War I, he was about to draw his sword and want to rob the enemy, but he saw that Taoist Tongwei ignored the sword in his hand. He still waved a clap with his left palm and struck the official’s crown with a light sound. The official cried that his brain was shattered like a pile of wet mud and collapsed without humming, and he was killed.
The monk named Longxi saw that three people were killed in succession in an instant, and saw that the sophisticated eyes were sharp and cold towards him. Although he had been practicing Zen for many years, he couldn’t help shaking his head in a panic. The old monk will come back this time. "
Then he bowed with his hands folded and his body slowly regressed and he was about to walk out of the Woods.
Only to see that the old man suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute! The Vajra was my Chinese treasure!"
The Longxi figure paused slightly and then scurried like never heard. The Taoist immediately jumped and stretched out his hand to grasp it on his shoulder.
That Longxi heard this and cried the hidden dangers in his heart. Suddenly, he took out a magic magic Vajra from his arms and made a killing move to grind his teeth to change his life.
Pity that monk Longxi came to Tianzhu as the first master in a country, and the famous national audience was not afraid, but the veteran martial arts had already explored the innate condition, but he was like this veteran opponent. Immediately, before he made this move, he was caught by the legendary martial arts man and heard "pa" with a light sound. Monk Longxi cried his brain to pieces, collapsed like a pile of wet mud, and died without humming.
This veteran saw this catch so easily shattered Long Xi’s skull, but he couldn’t help but also gave birth to a confusion. Has my martial arts reached such a state?
The loss face cried consternation and looked at the Tongwei Taoist saying, "Half a catty is almost the same."
With a slight smile on his face, Taoist Tong asked, "Since it’s almost the same, why don’t you come to me now and practice for a few more years before you beat me?"
Baibai’ s face was stunned and he said, "The manpower is exhausted. We are over 100 years old, so there are still many days to live?"
Road flyover Tongwei also nodded and said, "Yes, I knew that I made an exception today and killed a few more when I got the Temple of Hades."
Hearing this, road flyover Baibai couldn’t help but ask, "Did you know I was coming?"
Taoist Tongwei looked at him a few times, but with a hint of loneliness in his eyes, he nodded, "Yes, if you are alive, how can you be willing to die at the hands of others?"
Hearing this, Baibai suddenly heard a long whistle echoing in the mountain for a long time and then said, "Speak more and do it!"
Two people stand opposite each other, one is the first master of martial arts day, and the other is the first devil of the day. Qi Yufeng’s eyes are still in these two people.
But seeing that the two of them also looked at each other, Taoist Tongwei saw that the eyes of Taoist Baibai were bright and shining. Zhan Ran seemed to have won the essence of authentic work at first glance. A generation of masters had to observe carefully before they could see a point or two of evil spirits. He knew that he really understood the Central Plains and Tianzhu and took martial arts to find another way to practice, and achieved the goal of mixing and turning the realm of Yin and Yang. He could not help but sigh in his heart, "What a pity!"
Road flyover hundred loss cold hum a "you die in my injury is not the same pity? It’s a pity that there are many things that don’t need to say more. "
Taoist Tongwei nodded and said, "Come on."