At this moment, a huge and complete dragon soul was directly cut into several parts.

The dragon soul was divided into swords and sorrow, only to see a huge dragon tail part flash directly into a jade bottle with special characteristics in its hand.
Sword sorrow didn’t take a look at this part of the dragon’s soul. The jade bottle has been put away, and another one appears towards the part of it.
But the change happened at this moment.
"Kill the sword sea and ingest the dragon soul"
A charming drink rings only to see a large sword light flashing like a sword sea, and with bright red blood, the killing gas is stronger than this one at the moment, and now it suddenly appears in front of the sword and faces the huge dragon soul head directly.
The sword light shines, and the biggest part of the dragon soul head has disappeared in an instant.
This moment is Xia Qi are slightly alpha males.
The change happened too fast, and the sword sorrow didn’t come to react. Some of the biggest dragon souls had already been collected by Gu Yue, who killed the sword Sect.
It was not until Gu Yue, a charming man, drank and killed Brother Jianzong and wanted to escape. Jian You and others just reacted and flew into a rage.
"Stop her. Stop her at all costs."
Sword sorrow binge drinking livid at the same time, the whole people crazy descended towards Gu Yue.
"I dare to pay attention to things in Sanxiao Jianzong, which is simply a death."
"Killing Jianzong will definitely make you die after leaving here."
One by one, Godsworn Sanxiao Jianzong is furious than drinking in his mouth, and some people are crazy about burning JingXie directly.
"Come on, Gu Yue, come here."
Xia qi see impatient mouth repeatedly drink.
Gu Yue also has a slight panic. I didn’t expect that Sanxiao Jianzong was so crazy. Many monks would burn JingXie directly and come here. At this moment, I heard Xia Qi calling and rushed over.
However, Xia Qi several people are next to the passage, while Gu Yue is in the palace, but he wants to come over for a while. More importantly, at this time, there are two strong men who have been outside the palace for three days, and they have already reacted and are about to intercept Gu Yue.
"tight encirclement"
These two monks are Yuan Baby Godsworn. They are tough and armed with a sword. At this moment, they drink a sword and hang firm but gentle. The scattered light shines and turns into a sword net to cover the road ahead of Gu Yue.
"Kill the sword."
Gu Yue, together with the four women around him, is holding a blood-red sword at the same time. At the same time, his hand is firm but gentle, such as a sea of blood, which directly impacts the sword net in front.
One side is blood-red sword light, and the other side is pure white sword light, which is more holy than crashing into each other at the moment.
After the roar, the sword light will break at the same time.
Gu Yue several female figure constantly broken sword net will rush out directly.
"Trying to escape is a dream. Give me a blast."
However, although the sword net was broken, the two strong swordsmen in the Three Clouds did not suffer too much damage. At this moment, when they saw several women in Gu Yue, they were about to rush out, and they suddenly threw out their swords and drank heavily.
Long sword hanging a violent breath suddenly send out.
"Go back quickly"
Xia Qi felt this wave of shock, and he drank it in his mouth and rushed out directly to meet Gu Yue.
But Xia Qi is no matter how fast it is, it can’t come. The power of two long swords is not weak, but at the moment it is violent than crashing directly, and the mighty energy is like a storm sweeping across the square.
The two three swords of the strong turned out to be a magic weapon of direct explosive spirit.
You know, if you want a magic weapon to blow yourself up, you must be connected with your body and mind. Once you blow yourself up, it is not only as simple as losing a magic weapon, but more importantly, it means that part of your mind will be directly destroyed.
At this time, the two brothers who blew themselves up at the same time fell to the ground and sprayed blood on their faces like white paper.
However, their goal has also been achieved. Gu Yue and four women around him failed to escape and were forced to return to the palace. All five women were pale. Obviously, they suffered some injuries in the explosion just now.
Taking advantage of this moment, several women in Gu Yue have lost the opportunity to escape, and they have been desperately rushed to Sanxiao Jianzong to be firmly trapped in the palace.
There should be another chapter in the morning.
Chapter two hundred and sixty-one Impact Yuan Ying
Chapter two hundred and sixty-one Impact Yuan Ying
"I dare to fight for something and kill it for me."
Sword sorrow a group of people came to Gu Yue several women trapped in the central to see at the moment Gu Yue several women pale shape was a cold mouth.
Sword sorrow voice did not fall has taken the lead.
Broken clouds sword cut out like rolling clouds, and cut across it, covering all four women in Gu Yue.
And sword sorrow at first more than a dozen famous Gu Yue trapped in the central three clouds sword of the strong also at the same time to sword light cold enveloped a day towards Gu Yue four women arrival.
Dense firm but gentle earth will cut this piece into pieces.