Aoshi Maru hesitated for a moment and gnashed his teeth. "No one refused to abort the fetus and escaped."

Liu Yiyun said, "Is that the only woman who escaped not being violated?"
Huo Junzhong was puzzled and asked, "If she hadn’t been that, how could she be pregnant? She’s not Maria, is she? "
Aoshi Maru wry smile way: "It’s escape. It’s the Moon Bones Moon Women’s Hall that focuses on cultivating future heirs. Those confused dharma monks caught her that night, but they didn’t infringe on her. Instead, they invaded other Bhikuni Bones Moon or Virgins’ Houses around her. We didn’t expect that she would be pregnant even if she wasn’t violated. It was not until we arranged for all Bhikuni to abort the baby that she found out that she escaped and then knew that she was pregnant."
Liu Yiyun said, "It’s not easy for those girls to abort their children, is it?"
"It’s not easy for me to tell you the truth." Aoshi Maru said, "The lack of willingness to cooperate with them is like being controlled by the fetus in the womb. Violence must be used to make them abort. Even if the fetus is aborted successfully, many monks have lost their emotions and become a walking corpse." Here Aoshi Maru said, "Liu Yiyun, I have brought the greatest shame to Takano for thousands of years. Now you should tell me what their purpose is? Who are they? "
Liu Yiyun said, "This symbol is the symbol of Luo religion. Luo religion respects chaos and recognizes wars and natural disasters. When people reach the end of despair, Maitreya will bring people ultimate happiness to the world. Luo religion is a magic root religion that has been hidden behind history since ancient times. From the Yin and Zhou wars to the chaos of the Han Dynasty and the collapse of the Song Dynasty, the shadow of Luo religion can be found in the birth of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Luo religion was originally a group of practitioners and later absorbed a lot of foreign religious ideas, but its Luo religion is not as good as a group of evil practitioners with religious ideas."
The teacher pill don’t understand, "it sounds like they are refined gas in China’s activities, so what are they going to attack Gaoye Women’s Hall? What about your mysticism? "
Liu Yiyun rarely has a serious face. "When Maitreya taught incense, Bailian taught chaos successively, especially when Tang Saier, the bandit leader of Bailian taught himself to be the Buddha’s mother, was involved in the mysterious Daoism. At that time, four gas refiners joined forces to capture Tang Saier alive after paying a heavy price. Before the operation in Tang Saier, she found out that she was trying to make Maitreya come down to the world. Luo taught that heaven and earth were born by her mother and experienced thousands of wars and disasters. In the last-day era, Maitreya came down to save the sky, and mysticism was born to make spells. There are several conditions for the mysticism of life and death. First, ghosts and ghosts can be born from the body of a religious person with a clean body. Second, for ghosts to come, there must be an instrument that has been purified for hundreds of years. The 300th ghost arrival place must have a lot of undead Y and N gas. If I remember correctly, Takano is not but Dongmishan is also the largest graveyard in the Warring States Period. "
Aoshi Maru was distressed. "It is inevitable that they will target Takano in this way, but they didn’t expect that none of those fetuses could be born or the plan failed."
"It’s not because when those mothers are pregnant, it doesn’t matter whether they are born or not. After the arrival of the ghosts, they need an unborn virgin. She must have a spiritual pulse, and her eyes can communicate with heaven and earth with such a female talent. Maitreya’s mother, I want to escape. That Takano nun should have this ability."
Aoshi Maru nods self-effacing. "Bones are born with an eye that can shine all over the world. Y and N Yang was brought to the mountain by Takano from an early age, and it is forbidden for men to contact with her. Even the monk Takano has never seen her. She was born at the age of sixteen on the day of her accident."
Huo Junzhong asked, "What will happen when Maitreya is born? Is that really Maitreya? "
"I don’t know what will happen when Maitreya was born," said Liu Yiyun. "In the late French era, Maitreya came to the world to save all beings, but how to save everyone doesn’t know whether it is Maitreya or not depends on how you recognize it. It’s just that we come to see that Maitreya is a name, just like this flower monk in front of you can’t be called Wang Zun. Do you think he will be the motionless King Kong described in Buddhist scriptures?"
Huo Junzhong carefully looked at Aoshi Pill and shook his head and said, "No."
Oshimaru’s eyes were wide open and puzzled. "How do you know?"
LiuYiYun laughed, "you and I know about you will come to spy on you? Aoshi Maru, three years ago, you went to Longhu Mountain to meet with the little Tianshi Zhang Chengdong, and you two fought against each other. When you left, you vowed not to be immobile, and Wang Jinshen would never set foot on the middle earth again. Since you came to China this time, Wang Jinshen, the greatest avatar of Dongmi Jingangfeng Temple, has been immobile, and you should be right to call you immobile. "
Aoshi Maru complained, "My teacher Zhang Tianshi will be very strict."
Liuyiyun ignored him, but told Huo Junzhong, "If I didn’t guess wrong, Luojiao will be a weapon of fate to destroy us. It is reasonable that you should not be involved in this big Armageddon at the beginning of Dan Daocai, but since you and Luojiao pulled the cause and effect, I’m afraid you are also doomed this time. Huo Daoyou should be small.
Huo Junzhong thanked his heart and said frankly, "Now that you are involved in running, you can’t run away, so let’s face it."
Liu Yiyun nodded, "Yes, the challenge of fate is to escape from the apocalypse. Although it is dangerous, if you can be born in this doom, it will prove that the avenue can soar. It is not far away. It is said that a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise."
Is it a blessing or a curse? Huo Junzhong doesn’t know, but it is still necessary to strengthen his own ability to survive in this big disaster. Although Liu Yiyun is polite, the meaning in the words is also very obvious. Huo Junzhong doesn’t even have the qualification to fight against doom. If he wasn’t involved in Luo Jiao’s troubles, he would have taken the initiative to rob him. In this big disaster, he was just an important miscellaneous fish.
Taking this opportunity, Huo Junzhong asked Liu Yiyun for a lot of knowledge about Dan Tao. Because of the short cultivation time in South China, Huo Junzhong’s biggest problem is that he doesn’t have a solid foundation and he doesn’t understand a lot of theoretical knowledge about Dan Tao. Therefore, although Liu Yiyun can’t talk too deeply, he still benefits a lot.
And when he seriously asked Liu Yiyun if there was any way to quickly ascend to Daoism, Liu Yiyun pondered for a moment, saying, "Tao, Tao, Tao, Tao, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism, Daoism
Aoshi Maru said, "It’s good to be calm as a mirror, but I can’t teach you the method if I can’t reach the state of mind."
Liu Yiyun sneered, "What’s there to hide? Your eastern secret spells all come from the sea people, while Haizu has magical powers. The Huiguo secret method learned from Huiguo people in Chang ‘an is also the basis of the Buddhist King Kong method, and it was created by donkey kong Wheel. In the final analysis, your eastern secret tricks still come from Middle-earth."
Aoshi Maru did not deny it, but retorted, "But you have the best culture in the world, but you don’t know how to cherish and destroy your beliefs. You slander your ancestors, such as Confucius and Mencius, such great men and old gentlemen, such great sages as Datang, and even deny that you still have beliefs in your society except money?"
Liu Yiyun sighed, "The rise and fall of all things in the world are reincarnation. Tianjun Yu Ji’s tyrant ascended the throne and killed the overlord Sun Ce’s bamboo slips, but it led to the chaos of China in the last five days. Even if we build a road, we practitioners can still see the rise and fall of the vicissitudes of the country."
Aoshi Maru also sighed and gave a sudden high-five in Ri language, saying, "Fifty years compared with a day, people are nothing but a small thing to see the world as a dream. Life once went into extinction, and then at present, bodhisattva’s chagrin is full of mind and eyes. Is there an immortal?"
I haven’t finished singing yet. A young man who drank too much poured a bottle of beer on the head of Aoshi Pill. "The dead ghost is noisy."
Aoshi Maru got up and bowed to apologize "Sorry"
Liu Yiyun’s face sank with Se, and he didn’t care about others insulting him. He was a little scared. The monk Li Hua was even worse than he thought. According to the practice, Wang Jinsheng’s person Li Ge would be like a fire, violent and aggressive, but this guy could not move his anger at all. That’s true … If the enemy, the monk, I’m afraid, is the first enemy.
In the abuse of drunken youth, the three men checked out of the lobster restaurant in a hurry.
The first three people in Li did not agree when to meet again, but all three knew that they would meet again in the trap of fate.
No matter the future fate, such as Huo Junzhong’s identity or students, they still need to complete what they should do in physical education, that is, learning.
As usual, after several classes, Huo Junzhong came to the activity room of the club at noon, and several members of the club gathered around their heads to discuss something fiercely.
Huo Junzhong asked before he left, What’s the matter?
Chen Haobo said excitedly, "Even the boss helped me find my dream girl."
Huo Junzhong saw that the original brain of the club was put together and placed around it. It was a brain table that Huo Junzhong had never seen before. This brain looked like a 50-inch video camera placed horizontally. There was no keyboard and other equipment. The crystal pairs quickly slid on the screen, and every time they slid, a box would zoom in and out with his fingers.
"What is this?"
Rick said, "When you were in the United States, Chen Zi asked Lian Boss to buy this supercomputer, and then connected it to the zhèng fǔ incarnation system, and then added the satellite system of the United States and Alexander to send a face recognition software to refine the search for the city. After four days of hard work, I finally found it today."
"They are here now." Lian Jing breathed a sigh of relief and magnified the image on the screen. Although it is not very clear, it is enough to distinguish the environment from the face.
Royal wash green volunteers gently read "paradise club … what are they doing at the gate of the club? Don’t … Chen Zi your dream lover is going to be a hostess … "
Chen Haobo’s face Se doesn’t look good either. The children know what’s inside this club name. "Impossible, they can’t be there for some other reason, such as their sister in do miss. They want to save her …"
Sound has strength, and obviously I don’t believe it myself.
Huo Junzhong was surprised that the appearance of the paradise club looked nothing, but it was where the romantic real Zhu Youneng saw the land.
From the night when they met Chen Haobo, Huo Junzhong was sure that these two women were not simple. They would definitely not be candidates for the Paradise Club.
So appeared at the gate of the paradise club is to find Zhu Youneng … But two people don’t enter the paradise club and what seems to be waiting outside.
Yu Xi Qing Zhi patted Chen Haobo sympathetically on the shoulder. "The dream of first love is always beautiful and easy to break. The three-dimensional world is more cruel than it is. Let’s continue the journey of the second dimension. The second-dimensional sisters will never let us down and grieve."
"There must be a reason." Chen Haobo still accepts what is in front of him. "I want to find them and ask them clearly. Even the boss will adjust my address."