In the report, a soldier salutes, "What shall we do now if we find a white lake thief boat ahead?"

Onigumo didn’t answer the subordinate words, but pulled up the words and joined Sakkaski.
Lieutenant general sakkaski’s words about fighting dogs …
These are the words of Lieutenant General Onigumo.
Lieutenant general …
A talking bug was put in front of Sakaski.
Lieutenant General Fighting Dog "What will Lieutenant General Saka do now? Please make an order quickly."
Onigumo "Lieutenant General Sakkaski, what are we going to do now? Are we going to retreat completely?"
Major General Dodal "Lieutenant General Sakkaski …"
Give a quiet red dog a calm face. "Do you think the white beard will appear here? Do you think we have a chance to escape? Department to give me ready to attack to the other side into the range of all give me a good boom "
"Yes" comes in the worm, and the absolute execution level command is firm.
Sakaski ordered all the words to shut up. Yeah! Since there is no chance to escape, why not fight together?
You, Sakkaski, look at the general officer next to you. "Now, the joint department will immediately inform Marshal about the situation here and say that we need support."
"Yes," the general responded with a serious face …
At this time, Jose felt that his face was cold and he couldn’t help but "snow?" He stretched out his hand and looked at melting the snow in his palm. Why did it snow in Wan Li just now in the sunshine? It can be said that the weather is really chaotic.
"Bang, bang, bang …" At this moment, one by one guns were ejected from the gun lift, and I didn’t know that the white Hu Hai thief boat had entered the range of the naval warship.
How can an attack of this degree hit the White Humobidick? It seems to respond to Jose’s words. It seems that hundreds of shells have been blown up one by one not far from the Mobidick. None of the hundred shells actually touched the other side’s hull.
At this time, the wind is stronger, the snow is more encrypted, and even the temperature in the air begins to drop. Jose looks at his hands and the magma has turned into a red dog.
"Sakkaski, don’t wave your strength. You can’t follow the volcanic bombs to the side of the White Tiger Pirates."
Don’t try how to know that the deep sound starts and then one by one with magma fists flies to the sky, and the hot breath makes the air conditioning in the air warm.
"Meteor Volcano" This is the biggest attack move of Red Dog.
Flying to the sky, one by one, punching rocks, one by one, and the volcanic bombs bombed the Biddick, which was drawn by Baihu, with sharp cracks.
Compared with hundreds of volcanic bombs, even the Fangna Mobidick is small, which is definitely a disaster level than this attack.
"Lieutenant General Sakkaski has launched an attack." Looking at those volcanic bombs, a soldier was surprised. "Even a white beard can’t stop this!"
"Yes," another soldier paid and said.
"How terrible! It’s a volcanic bomb. No, we’re going to be bombed. "Some wannabe in the Mobidick shouted in panic.
"Dad, do something," another minion shouted in panic.
"Goo Lala Lala ~ ~ ~ Volcanic bombs seem to be playing with magma kids. This is really a mess." The man who spoke was a huge man with a white beard bent like a string moon. Who is this not a white conference semifinal?
"Dad, you still have the mood to laugh! Hurry up and think about it! " The minions looked at the approaching volcanic bomb and said with a face of frustration
Chapter 10 Against Bai Hu Pirates (Come back quickly! )
"What’s the panic?" Speaking is a man with a cold breath. He is 1.9 meters tall, with a silver shawl and long hair. The whole person gives a cold feeling.
A young man with white and slender hands looked up at the volcano bomb that had reached 300 meters high and spit out three words "snowstorm"
At this time, the airflow in the air suddenly changed dramatically, and a snowstorm suddenly rolled back toward the volcanic bombs, and the snow blew through the original volcanic bombs, which still smelled hot. In an instant, they became huge ice hockey balls one by one, and then fell to the sea hundreds of meters away, and at the same time set off a huge wave after wave.
Just raise my hand for an instant to block this disaster level attack. wannabe was shocked. Although he knew that the captain of the second team was very powerful, he didn’t expect it to be so powerful
"Not the kui is a captain"
"Awesome!" cried one pirate excitedly.
Not only did they stay, but also the distant naval soldiers and generals stayed. It was the first time that they saw Lieutenant General Sakaski’s attack blocked and perfectly blocked.
"Absolute degree" rings when you drink low.
I don’t know that the silver-haired man who started the snowstorm suddenly appeared on the sea surface, and then the sea surface was frozen in an instant. Not only that, but the ice layer also spread around with time, and the waves that were several meters high were frozen in an instant.
The sea was frozen in less than 30 seconds, and it was really shocking that the whole sea was frozen like this.
Looking at this situation, Saakashvili’s face sank again. As stated in the data, it was indeed true that the second team captain of Baihu Pirates Group, Xuemo * Curry Zhuode, actually mastered the natural Melissa Zhou fruit. You know, even he just mastered about 6% of the magma fruit at this time! Now, after mastering Melissa Zhou’s fruit ability, Curidon has been able to virtually eat frozen fruit pheasants in some aspects, just like at this time, eating Melissa Zhou’s fruit ability, and he can actually freeze the whole sea.
"It seems that I have to shoot!" Jose looked at the front with a dignified face and began to chant when he drew his sword and pointed to the front.
The technique of touching the statue with a thousand hands reflects the brilliance of the archer in heaven, the wine falls off the road, the wind ignites and the wind meets, so you have to be confused …
This is the feeling that even the red dog has a palpitation, but the bare strip is small, but it gives him a sense of danger
At this moment, even others will be heartbroken.
The light bullet body is nine days old, and the gray turret leads the bow to dissipate in the distance and breaks the road. 91 thousand hands are shining to eliminate the gun!
Whoosh whoosh …