And Keith, because he met the regular troops of the 12 th division, ate a little in the pioneer camp and added the car in front of the 34 th division. In view of this, it is suggested to be careful to wait for the artillery units behind to transfer the tank units to help him start again, because the Chinese team is really very powerful

"Ha ha ha ha …" Hank laughed and his face and neck fat trembled. "Mr. Case, are you frightened by China people? There is no denying that the Chinese team is a formidable force, but we have two infantry divisions! And in front of us are Hungarians, a group of farmers from Hungary who can’t even grasp the rifles in their hands. "
"My 36th Division has defeated this army twice, and now we are going to defeat them again, Mr. Case. This time, my 36th Division will lead you to sit behind the 26th Division and enjoy the achievements."
"Hum!" Keith turned around and rode angrily to the hillside and ran to his troops.
Hank proudly laughed again and saw Marshall outside, so he pointed to Marshall and said, "Marshall School, do you think our 36 th Division can’t defeat the Hungarian farmers in front?"
"I agree with you, Brigadier General Hank. The Hungarians have lost again and again. The 36th Division can do it at one stroke, and there is no doubt about it! But Brigadier General Keith’s opinion should also consider the trend of the Chinese team, which really deserves our vigilance! " Marshall said
"School! I didn’t expect you to be like those cunning politicians! " Hank said rudely, "China people have retreated to Tours and gone to school! It’s 40 kilometers away from Tours, but our support troops are only 20 kilometers away from us. We can get support then. The most important thing is that there is no Hungarian in front of the Hungarian division. "
"Even in the Chinese team, our 36th Division is not afraid of Marshall. Our 36th Division is a complete American infantry division." Hank emphasizes the words "integrity" and "America" very much. His infantry division is composed of more than 20,000 brave American boys who can defeat all enemies. Even if the Chinese team is no better, it will be a great achievement for the 36th Division to hold them off and wait for the follow-up troops to panic them with excellent troops.
Hank thought it was a little too much after he said it, so he held Marshall’s shoulder before laughing. "Marshall School is really congenial to you and me. I think we can be real friends, man. Let’s witness the third victory of our 36 th Division today!"
Although Marshall came from the general staff of the Expeditionary Force, he was unable to command the 36th Division, but it was different if Hank invited him to guide him.
Marshall gladly accepted Hank’s request to work with Hank with the 36th Division Command.
At about five o’clock in the afternoon, the attack preparation workers have completed the shelling of 72 guns of the artillery brigade of the 36th Division.
During the shelling, a few hundred meters away from the highway, the Hungarians would collapse because Brigadier General Hank believed that a gap would be broken.
The sun burned for a long time, and then it was no longer hot, and the red glow gradually rose, and the earth showed a different kind of splendor.
At this time, people burned, but the earth burst into flames, and with the billowing smoke covered the red sun, it became dark and heavy, just like advancing into the night.
Jonas, a German, walked in the ditch and encouraged Hungarian officers and soldiers in German. Zhang Yiping mocked him and an excellent German official rang in his ear. He led the troops to defeat twice and gave way to himself.
Although he just took over the army, not the German team, a German official’s self-esteem also made him unable to forgive himself like this. He wanted to make some achievements to impress Zhang Yiping when he saw him again.
I don’t know when he cared much about what Zhang Yiping thought of him.
Shells roared through the dark sky and smashed the Hungarian positions like meteors. The fortifications were not strong, the soil was not deep and soft. Every explosion was always accompanied by blood and bodies were thrown into the sky with black soil.
A shell exploded and the heat wave around Jonas drove Jonas back to the night a thousand years ago, which was a hidden danger that could guide Jonas to lie in the ditch.
Jonas is also a veteran, and he has a lot of battlefield experience. It is difficult for a veteran like him to kill him unless the shell hits him directly to avoid it. Veterans have a feeling of predicting danger, which is faster and more credible than consciousness. No one can say for sure.
For example, veterans can judge the impact of shells by hearing the sound of shells flying, and sometimes they will suddenly fall into a crater without hearing the sound of shells, followed by flying debris passing overhead. Are they ready to fall when they hear shells flying or coming? I’m afraid even others can’t understand it.
Chapter 335 The Battle of Orleans (21st)
Jonas brought him from the second German regiment to the army to complete the deployment in Zhang Yiping. He himself went to the battlefield and was in charge of the most important section-the front of the highway, which would be the key attack area of the US military.
About 20 minutes after the artillery fire was prepared, the US military launched a tentative ground attack. American soldiers in khaki uniforms and British farmers’ helmets formed a skirmisher formation to attack the Hungarian civil air defense guard.
In the ditch, Jonas pulled out his pistol, waved German in his mouth, shouted to drink his left hand, and kept dragging Hungarian soldiers out of the loose soil to give orders to prepare for the battle.
Some Hungarian soldiers lazily got up from the half-buried soil, fished out their rifles from the soil, and then cleaned up their clothes, mud and sand. Only then did they lie behind the trench and put their rifles, heavy machine guns and light machine guns out of the aiming holes to aim at the American soldiers who were moving forward.
In fact, these Hungarian local soldiers can be said to be veterans. They have been able to mix in the western battlefield for a year without dying, or they are mature soldiers. The officers and men of these Hungarian infantry divisions look at them and play around. But if they fight seriously, they must be stronger than the Americans, so they have no fighting capacity and fighting will. It is because the army officers and soldiers are tired of fighting and don’t know how to fight.
Jonas’ hysterical screams played a little role. These soldiers survived this round of heavy artillery fire and have not collapsed yet!
Then, when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, Jonas will kill a group of American troops, and he can also make a job in Zhang Yiping. Jonas has no confidence in these miscellaneous troops, and the Americans can’t stop it. They can make a job in Zhang Yiping as soon as they give some damage to the American troops.
Although Zhang Yiping is not a German official or Jonas, Jonas is no longer a prisoner, but Jonas feels as if he is still very afraid. He is afraid that he said that the Germans are not, afraid that he will blame him, afraid that he is so afraid of him.
Jonas is such a bitch. He’s not such a bitch! Perhaps this is because Zhang Yiping directly abused him, insulted him and laughed at him for showing Jonas’ servility and Jonas was used to it.
"Chug Chug …" The dull heavy machine gun sound suddenly rang, and when people heard it, they all fired one after another. The gun looked very messy, but it angered Jonas.
"I haven’t made the fire! Who fired first … "Jonas waved a pistol and scolded him, but no one paid attention to him. At this time, it is difficult to know who fired first, and it is meaningless to investigate at this time.
Brigadier General Hank, who commanded the war in the distance, burst out laughing when he saw it. He put his hand on Marshall’s shoulder with a wave of his hand. "Dude, I told you that these Hungarian farmers used tools to clean the pigsty for pigs … instead of coming here to gun …"
"I ordered to step up the attack for a round and take this position …" Brigadier General Hank’s unique laugh rang out again.
Guns are more intense. Hungarians are veterans after all. They have more combat experience than Americans. Once they really fight and defend the United States according to the ditch, it is difficult to take advantage.
Brigadier General Hank ordered, "Put in two battalions and attack from both sides!"
Jonas saw that the Americans lost dozens of bodies in the first round of attack, and thought to himself, this is a good way to explain to Zhang Yiping, and it is time for the arrogant China people to know that China is not the only one who can win the battle in this world.
At this thought, Jonas waved his pistol again and danced more hysterically, all of which cheered Hungary up.
At this time, the positions on the left and right sides changed. The American tank pioneer rushed to the position. A teacher in Hungary saw something urgent and ran away with his troops.
A German officer came running with a light machine gun in his hand, and the barrel had turned dark red. "Mr. School, I’m sorry to tell you the bad news that the Hungarians have escaped again!"
"What’s this all about?" Jonas roared, because the long roar affected Jonas’ voice, and now he speaks a bit like tearing the sound of cloth.
"There’s no time. Let’s go!" The German official did not consider Jonas. He picked up the plane and the gunman followed a large group of Hungarians in the direction of Tours.
Jonas also sighed and climbed over the ditch behind him and fled with the Hungarians.
Brigadier General Hank burst out laughing when he saw it again. He patted Marshall’s shoulder heavily again. He was as fat as a pig and put his hand on Marshall’s shoulder. "Marshall, man, our guess is accurate. We knew that Hungarians would definitely collapse. This time, we have to win the battle and destroy the enemy’s effective forces more. We’d better go after them and divide them into several pieces and then gradually destroy them!"
"Great minds think alike! Brigadier General Hank, that’s what I thought just now, but we must guard against China people! " Marshall said
"Dude, you are really a cautious person. I will pay attention!" Brigadier General Hank said it, but he didn’t put Marshall’s words at ease.
Brigadier General Hank ordered the troops to pursue directly to Tours City, and ordered people to inform Brigadier General Keith, the commander of the 26th Infantry Division, that the 36th Division would pursue and ask the 26th Division to meet him.
However, even if the 26th Division doesn’t meet, there’s nothing. Brigadier General Hank thinks that this time it’s a shoo-in, and even without the 26th Division’s support, there won’t be any accident.
Then Brigadier General Hank pulled Marshall into a truck and rolled across the defense line to Tours with the chasing Hungarian team.
The sun sets rough, Yuan Ye sets off the sky, and the red sky draws a fresh outline. The clouds in the distance are like majestic peaks, and the afterglow of the sun shines on the earth, dyeing Yuan Ye a lux.
The Hungarians ran forward like a flock of ducks in a mess, and the American troops behind them also ran, but they often stopped and squatted as soon as they ran, raised their guns and knocked down the Hungarians who ran slower.
The bodies of Hungarian soldiers were scattered all the way, or were they trampled to death by their own people
The Americans pursued all the way without knowing that they had entered the ambush circle of the Chinese team.
In the reeds outside the swamp, the officers and men of the 32nd and 31st regiments did not dare to move in the grass.
Behind him, the swamp stinks of animals and plants, and mosquitoes buzz, and they can stare at people’s blood even through a dress, but this is tolerable.
Looking at the road ahead, the Hungarians ran like a SangGuQuan before the American army.
Chapter 336 The Battle of Orleans (22)
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The Hungarian routed troops ran into the ambush of the 32 nd and 31 ST regiments as quickly as possible, followed by the pursuit of American infantry. In the process of escape, the American guns rang bang, and the Hungarians screamed again and again.