See Xiao Shouchen said, "The first step in the construction of Taishi Mountain is the most important, that is, the two pavilions, the Patriarch House and the Fengjian Pavilion. The Fengjian Pavilion in NINEONE Jianzong Center is the symbol of my Wanjian Sect. These two places must be completed before other buildings. Moreover, the Patriarch Wanjin Body can’t live in the Buddhist temple of Fawang Temple for a long time.

It will probably take more than a month to send someone to escort the secret weapon to and from Fengjiange Department, and it will take about a month and a half to go back and forth.
When this step is completed, other buildings will be completed before the end of autumn in two months. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold for the grand ceremony of the patriarch’s succession.
At that time, it is better to invite big factions to come to the patriarch to congratulate them and let them meet our ten thousand swords. "
Xiao Shouchen said that Qin Baicheng clapped his hands and laughed at this. "It’s good that those people even have an excuse in winter. They also have one less excuse in this crisp autumn!"
Qin Baicheng said that Guo Dingfu also smiled.
Xingyun will not object to this, but Xiao Shouchen said it in more detail.
Xiao Shouchen laughed and went on to say, "It is the third step to build the heavenly sword and the Excalibur Gate 2 halfway up the mountain after the completion of the ceremony of the patriarch’s succession. Although the two doors are sparsely populated at present, they can be the same as Wan Jianzong, Guo Lao and Qin Lao, and Shouchen elders. Shouchen will not stand by.
When we firmly establish Guo Lao and Qin Lao in the Jianghu, we can recruit people. It won’t be long before the Heavenly Sword and Excalibur Gate II will be revived. By then, which sect in this Jianghu in Sanmen Qi Xin dares to make noise again? "
Xiao Shouchen Kan Kan talked about the mountain construction in this room and said it again. Listening to the clouds, he had to admire this person to do things in a coherent way
High-five Guo Dingfu laughed, "Xiao’s master has a heart. These three steps are just the right priorities and proper old-fashioned recognition."
Said and looked at the clouds Guo Dingfu smile "of course, this also ask for instructions let’s patriarch by patriarch decision.
Clouds smell speech is busy laughing to "even Guo Lao is admiring clouds and naturally has no different opinions."
Guo Dingfu shook his head. "The old man is not as good at seeing the dead as he used to be in previous years. The patriarch doesn’t care about the old man’s opinion on rebuilding the Heavenly Sword Gate. The old man can’t see whether the Heavenly Sword Gate should continue to be decided by the patriarch."
Guo Dingfu said that everyone immediately saved this old life for a few months. These months may go west at any time. How can Jianmen accept his younger brother? He really can’t wait for that day.
Xiao Shouchen apologized to "Shouchen’s thoughtlessness led to Guo Lao’s sadness. Guo Lao and I Wan Jianzong did not hesitate to lose the number of years of life. Shouchen will help Tianjianmen! Please rest assured Guo Lao. "
Guo Dingfu smiled and waved his hand to "old man has lived enough at this age. What else can I see?" More won’t have what hurt not sad say xiao owners don’t have to take it to heart "
Said Guo Dingfu turned to the clouds as small as "After the death of the worthless old man, the four patriarchs of Songshan, if they feel that they can be made, let them lead the heavenly sword gate to Songshan to be calm and be the leader, or let them be a guard beside the patriarch."
How can the clouds break the heavenly sword gate in the future? When you shake your head, you will say, "Brother Zhang is a guard beside the clouds, but he has wasted Guo Lao and relaxed his mind. Having clouds will make the heavenly sword gate fall apart from generation to generation!"
When the heavenly sword gate was completed, the ceremony of succession had already passed. At that time, the position of the heavenly cloud was more stable, and naturally there was no need for Zhang Songshan to accompany him. It was not difficult for the patriarch of Wan Jianzong to help the revival of the heavenly sword gate.
Guo Dingfu smiled and didn’t say anything more. It’s late to see the sky again. Xiao Shouchen left immediately after four people settled down.
After Xiao Shouchen left, they left clouds and Guo Qin in the house, and then they found Yan Qinghan and introduced it to Guo Dingfu. Then they talked about the nightmare of Han Yong in Huashan at night. Even if they were calm as Guo Dingfu, they could not help but sigh that so many things happened in this month.
"Guo Lao, judging from the Huashan incident, Xiao Shouchen secretly benefited the remnant faction, which is what he has achieved. We should pay more attention to what Han Yong said. Although the remnant faction has no superior to win, the strength of more than 1,500 people is not small."
Guo Dingfu nodded when he heard this. "What’s the plan of the patriarch?"
Hangyun recalled his mountain thoughts when he said, "Hangyun does have some income. First of all, what Han Yong said should be true. Many people in this happy valley are tired of revenge. My maid, Jian Mei, also said this. In this way, if these people can reach a tacit understanding, they will help us at least and can resist those remnants controlled by Xiao Shouchen.
And this has another advantage. With these people to help us, those middle factions will not become our enemies because they see Xiao Shouchen’s potential. "
See Guo Dingfu nodded and went on to say, "Now the only thing to worry about is that their demands are too high and they want the whole valley of happiness, but it can also be discussed. In my opinion, the conditions they want are more difficult than they want."
In and out of Anle Valley, it’s too complicated to hide from others. It’s too easy for the remnants to send someone here, but it’s also possible for me to sneak in without disturbing others. Moreover, it’s impossible for Xiao Shouchen not to notice when I go there for a few days. "
Clouds here Qin Baicheng is also frowned to "that Han Yong since the patriarch said that he should have a way to contact"
Guo Dingfu heard this and smiled at him. "Old Qin should not worry about the patriarch’s color. I think it has been planned."
Qin Baicheng stared at the smiling clouds and shook his head. "Did you learn to sell when you were a patriarch?"
Clouds smell speech is busy to "not selling clouds, but this response to the law. Clouds don’t know if they can’t do it, and they are afraid to make people laugh."
Guo Dingfu shook his head when he heard this. "No one dares to laugh at the patriarch even if it is wrong again."
Qin Baicheng is also known as Yan Qinghan’s identity, which is far from natural inconvenience, but there is a smile in her beautiful eyes, as if she already knows what the clouds are going to say.
A detailed discussion of the French king temple (chapter five or three)
A detailed discussion of the French king temple (chapter five or three)
All three people here are waiting for their own literary style to say, "Just now, Shouchen said that it is necessary to transport the secrets in the valley of happiness to the hospital, and then he will draw up the articles of association to discuss with us."
Isn’t this an opportunity? I can take this opportunity to go to Anle Valley, where my party is aboveboard and unobtrusive-an insurable secret book, Enron, and I can go to see those remnants. "
Qin Baicheng heard the words and clapped his hands and laughed, "Yes, it’s a good excuse to deliver the secret swordsmanship of Fengjiange. It’s just feasible to kill two birds with one stone to serve those secret swordsmanship important patriarchs in Fengjiange."
Guo Dingfu also nodded and smiled.
Clouds go to see Yan Qinghan again and see that she is also a moment.
Seeing that all the people are in favor of saying, "Tian Xiao Shouchen brought the articles of association and listened to him first. If he didn’t arrange for the staff, he would try not to show any traces in his speech."
People smell speech naturally agree with seeing that the clouds are becoming more and more suzerain-like, and they are all smiling.
A few people say a few words again, and everything is agreed to be dispersed, but the clouds are left with Guo Dingfu.
Yan Qinghan knew that the clouds were worried about the longevity of narcissus. When the door was lightly covered, he shook his head and turned to his room.
"The patriarch still has something to do?"
Guo Dingfu sat in situ to see people are already gone and asked with a smile.
Clouds smell speech hesitated for a moment. He waited for Qin and Yan to leave and ask again, but he didn’t want to play this old age in front of everyone, even touching this old sad place.
But when I think of my younger brother’s lifelong event, I always sigh. "Dare you ask Guo Lao that you once said that you had a method of pulling out seedlings to strengthen your martial arts to the sky, but this ruined your life? I wonder if this method was given to others?"
Guo Dingfu smiled again when he was slightly stunned. "The name of the law is that a man who steals a day will steal a day. Although it can be a quick success, it is a big loss of life. It is not a good law, but an old man who has not got it today is worried that the non-human people will cause disaster."
Walking clouds smell different to "disaster?"
Guo Dingfu smiled in surprise at the sight of the clouds. "Can the patriarch think about it? For example, what will happen to the more than 2,000 people who learned this method when Xiao Shouchen went to his door?"
Clouds then just a heart-pounding to "Guo Lao can get a glimpse of the water girl in the sky. This method can be promoted to the taxiing level in his twenties. Xiao Shouchen wants to get this stealing method. Even if the qualification of the sword gate is far less than that of Guo Lao and the water girl, it is not impossible to get dozens of soul level masters. It is really impossible to wait until then to go to all the famous houses!
By that time, it will be difficult for everyone in Wanjianzongmen to live past forty years old without saying anything, which makes people feel cold all over! "
Guo Dingfu knew what he thought when he saw the expression of walking clouds. When he laughed, he wanted to keep this martial art in his heart and never come to the world again.
When Xingyun heard this, he suspected that "according to Guo Lao, this method can be used by others, but that person doesn’t have to learn it?"
Guo Dingfu laughed, "That’s true, just like Danxia sent a refiner to refine, but that person doesn’t have to learn Danxia gas refining, and it’s more labor-saving than stealing the sky."
Clouds smell speech heart dark to "so Guo Lao should be in front of someone else’s body" thought of here and asked "I wonder if Guo Lao can remember the original sword door mystery open the main narcissus water girl? Xingyun once heard her personally admit that this method has increased her skill. "
Guo Dingfu slightly recalled and laughed, "There is such a thing. At that time, Xiao Shouchen repeatedly wanted to acquire the old man’s skill of stealing the day. Finally, he saw that the old man really meant it, so he brought a little girl, who should be a daffodil in the future."
Guo Dingfu recalled that "speaking of the girl’s qualification is really good. If she practices hard and gets a peek at the sky after she is 100 years old, it may not be a pity that Xiao Shouchen is too eager for quick success."
When Xingyun heard this, he was slightly dissatisfied. "Xiao Shouchen is eager for quick success, but I really didn’t expect Guo Lao to increase her skill regardless of the longevity of narcissus!"
Guo Dingfu has always been kind and generous in his mind, but he has done such a thing unexpectedly.
Yun Xin’s indignant face naturally won’t be moved. Guo Dingfu smiled when he saw it without excuse.
Clouds look in the eye, and the heart is so dark that "Guo Lao’s Wan Jianzong can even put his own life into it, not to mention a narcissus with good qualifications."
Clouds just want to listen to Guo Dingfu laughing here "I don’t know the patriarch suddenly this problem? It is necessary to ask the patriarch what the old man knows. "
Clouds smell speech will sigh aside to say "the narcissus girl now my teacher younger brother together, these two people sincerely treat each other, I saw is also pleased?