"I execute you on behalf of the people, you traitor. You’re going to end soon … do you know?" Pavlochev grabbed Mai Rykov’s neck and suddenly shouted loudly.

"Ho-ho-ho ….." Mai Rykov was out of breath with his neck stuck.
Suddenly, a crow heard a ringing sound in the snow, and a Cossack pulled out his saber from its scabbard and rushed over. The amazing force cut it off according to Pavlochev’s head.
Baplochov shivered and immediately bent his left arm to the top of his head to block the knife; He saw his wrist cut off and folded into a triangle sabre and fell back to his head. First, his fur hat fell off, and then Pavlochev fell slowly like a broken stalk and ears of grain. His mouth twisted strangely and his eyes narrowed painfully as if stimulated by bright light.
The vicious Cossack cut Pavlochev again, and then he trudged along, rubbing the back of his knife, which was red with blood.
Mai Rykov got up from the ground like a madman, gasped and ran to the back of a carriage with a machine gun, turned around, and the vault driver held the machine gun and pulled the safety and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Kill them … these damn things! Kill them all! ……”
Mai Rykov pulled the trigger and fired wildly at his former comrades-in-arms. Suddenly, the officer with a pair of beautiful eyes like a woman and a red army officer’s ear hood ran around with a bullet, which made him jump high like a fence, and then he fell down-he couldn’t get up again.
After the gun went off, the tall and mighty officer rushed forward, but two Cossacks waved sabres and cut at him. He grabbed a knife and the blood flowed from the cut hand to the sleeve. And another knife pierced his face, and he shouted like a child-kneeling on his back, and Cossack slashed his head with another knife, and his face rolled around in the snow, and he could see two red eyes and a dark mouth.
The little guy with curly hair was very alert and almost rushed out of the encirclement-but a Cossack chased him and killed him with a knife in the back of his head. Then the Cossack threw out his hand and stabbed a Russian prisoner in the back. The prisoner was flying in the wind and blowing up his coat. He was stabbed by a sabre and grabbed his chest with his fingers until he died.
A white-haired officer had just rushed out of two steps when he was hit by a machine gun and fell to the ground. When he said goodbye to his life, he dug a deep hole in the snow on his feet, and if it hadn’t been for a few poor Cossacks who ended his life, he would have been digging like a fine horse.
The lives of more than 1,000 prisoners are fleeting. Mai Rykov stopped yelling at the machine guns. The carriage looked at his guns and bodies one by one. His tears blurred … Major Kolinov walked over and stared straight at Mai Rykov and asked solemnly, "Do you think we are very cruel? Do you regret it?"
"No, I don’t regret it!" Mai Rykov can answer mechanically.
"This is …" porco Geoff said harshly. "If we cossacks want to live forever, we must do this and completely kill the Russians. Only in this way can we live and give us such a good opportunity. We should not miss it. Cossacks will always be Russian slaves!"
Piri Donoff rode over and sat high on his horse and said, "Well done, Mai Rykov deserves to be a Cossack, but now we have a Chinese team and captured a group of prisoners and asked us to receive them. It is estimated that we will be busy this winter."
"The leaders of the central Soviet Union and Russia are all pigs, and the * * team has already planned to hibernate, but they have to provoke them. Well, now people don’t stop … I think St. Petersburg will lose our work more and more this winter …" To be continued.
Chapter 716 into St. Petersburg
The weather is clear, the blue sky in Wan Liyun is full of dazzling sunshine, and the snow-capped hilltops in the distance are shining with sugar-like Venus. The small village in the headquarters of Zhang Yiping is patched together like a bed of cloth, and the hilltops are paved with a curved blue river on the left, and the villages and troops are stationed on the right. On the other side of the river bend, there is a small town with blue light shining. Here is also a small town where the garrison is stationed. On the east side of the town, there is a gully that extends vertically and horizontally to the low hills. On the hills, there are poles that extend to the distance like fences, but there are no lines on
Although the weather is sunny, it is very cold in the old days. The sun shines rainbow-like beams around. The north wind blows hard, the grassland is low, the snow rustles, but the horizon is bordered by vast snowfields. At the end of the eastern horizon, the grassland is smoky and shrouded in Zi Xia fog.
At this time, the Soviet Central Committee called on the Soviet Red Army and Red Guards to launch a winter attack on the Chinese team, which caused the Chinese team to rebound. The Russians broke the attack of the Soviet army in one fell swoop like a hornet’s nest and advanced to St. Petersburg, the last city of Soviet Russia.
Chen Yade, commander of the Northwest Corps, received an order from Zhang Yiping at this time to report to the army headquarters from the front line. At about eleven o’clock in the afternoon, he had been riding all the way to the Zhang Yiping headquarters.
Chen Yade, who is uneasy in the Zhang Yiping headquarters, said, "This battle was really unexpected, but since it was fought, you’re welcome. Although the weather is cold, we are prepared and not afraid of their old hair."
When Chen Yade came to Zhang Yiping, he would blame him for the army’s plan to stop large-scale fighting this winter, but when he was teased by those Russians, the army almost attacked the front line and advanced to Petersburg.
"It’s not too cold to achieve. The temperature is about 20 degrees, which is almost the same as our country. The coldest place is Siberia. We are here in Moscow and St. Petersburg. According to the past weather records, the coldest time in winter is 30 degrees at most, so we can adapt to the weather conditions …"
"In addition, I think the Soviet army is already a spent force, and their combat effectiveness has dropped very badly. Many times, they will be defeated at the touch. I think their blood and courage in Moscow have been exhausted," Chen Yade said. "At this time, I think we should wipe them out without giving them a break."
Chun Liu, chief of staff of the army, also said, "After our attacks in the past two years, especially these big battles, both the population and materials of the Soviet Union and Russia have suffered heavy losses. Now when the winter comes, Russian food should have become the biggest problem. I believe that the cold weather this winter is their biggest threat …"
"In the future, we intend to let them collapse by themselves in this cold winter, because we have warned European countries not to sell food and materials to Soviet Russia through phase channels, otherwise, the enemy of China * * team is now controlled by Soviet Russia, and the most likely aid to Soviet Russia is Britain. They can supply materials to Soviet Russia by sea, but now the British can’t offend us to support the socialist country, Soviet Russia, because their prisoners haven’t been released yet, and at most they can do it secretly …"
Chen Yade said, "I know all this, but what kind of thing is it to starve them to death by the weather?" Why don’t we shoot them and let them die to their hearts … No matter how bad the weather is, it’s impossible to freeze to death and starve them to death. At most, they are some koo civilians … This shows how cruel we are … It’s a loss of the commander-in-chief gentleman’s name … "
"Fart gentleman!" Zhang Yiping Pei said, "It’s better to be a gentleman to these old hairs than to bump into them."
"But since the fight is over, let’s do both the economy and the military and continue to strengthen the crackdown …" Zhang Yiping said, "But I will go back to Beijing in a few years and hand it over to you here …"
Chen Yade Ma stood at attention and said, "Please rest assured, Commander-in-Chief, that our Northwest Regiment will take St. Petersburg within a month …"
"The city is not important, but the important thing is to destroy the effective force of the Soviet army. Simply put, let them die a little more …" Zhang Yiping dialect is as cold as the weather outside, but no one is aware of the room heating. Because they have been doing this all the time, the * * team is an army composed of gunmen, which determines that they are the main cities that kill people.
"St. Petersburg’s Northwest Regiment Army is the main North Regiment Army to rest …" Zhang Yiping told Chun Liu about the deployment of the army after he left
Lin Yihu attacked Moss and suffered a little injury. He was in the field hospital for a month. After the leg injury healed slightly, he decided to go back to the company to go to the field hospital. The officer sent the horse to him. Lin Yihu was sad with mixed feelings of sadness and happiness. In this warm field hospital, he was happy to see his comrades back to the battlefield. The idea of meeting comrades-in-arms and re-participating in the battle comes to my mind from time to time. Although the field hospital is so warm, those young pretty nurse’s warm words make people want to leave.
Yuan Zhixiang, a small town on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, has been wandering until dusk and felt a kind of annoyance. He really knew that he had this feeling long ago and wrote to his senior Vicke Wang platoon leader Vicke Wang, telling him that it was because his marksmanship had reached a certain level, and it was a good thing to get together before making a breakthrough.
Yuan Zhixiang felt that this annoyance became more and more intense, and he would feel uncomfortable if he didn’t fight for a day, as if something had been cut from him, and he couldn’t adapt to this new situation more and more. He walked down the street and looked at the faces of strange Cossack cavalry absently. Some of them he recognized, and many others recognized him and called him master!
When he got to a place, a Cossack cavalry who fought with him stopped him, but Yuan Zhixiang didn’t know the name of this Cossack and couldn’t hear what he said clearly. Cossack cavalry pulled Yuan Zhixiang into a room and invited him to play cards together.
Around the table, a group of Cossack cavalry who had just arrived in the small town played blackjack. They played cards in the smoke of cigarettes and rustled and counted colorful China banknotes and coins. Some Cossack interim governments also issued banknotes. These people shouted desperately, which increased Yuan Zhixiang’s annoyance and wanted to go out of the country, so he came out.
Seeing that the annoying day is coming to an end, I think that maybe the attack on St. Petersburg will be launched tomorrow, which makes Yuan Zhixiang settle down a little.
In the street, he saw a familiar figure with the back of a knife and shouted.
Lin Yihu rolled over on horseback, and the two hugged each other and patted each other on the back until both of them were about to vomit.
"I miss you so much, Lin Yihu!"
"No, I don’t want you …" Lin Yihu looked like a slap in the face. "There are many young and beautiful female soldiers in the field hospital. Why don’t I come back if I can’t rely on them?"
"Well, you’ve seen enough younger sister come. I just saw a Russian sister who is very watery and wants to call a brother to go with her. Since this is the case, I won’t advance you …"
"No, no, no … this is your gift to welcome me back. How can I refuse …"
The next morning, Yuan Zhixiang’s infantry regiment entered the peripheral position of St. Petersburg and prepared to launch a new attack on St. Petersburg. Two infantry divisions from the northwest regiment approached St. Petersburg from the east and south respectively, leaving a small gap in the north of St. Petersburg except for the western ocean.
Lenin led the Soviet Central Committee to feel that the situation in St. Petersburg was not good, and it was ordered to leave St. Petersburg two days ago.
This is a densely populated town, one after another, and not far away, I found another town in front, but not St. Petersburg.
Yuan Zhixiang’s company was facing a suburban train, and some Russian workers in heavy clothes and the Red Guards’ team shot when they were still far away, which fully expressed their fears.
Behind the train, a long line of teams walked in the direction of St. Petersburg, crossing the snow-white Yuan Ye like a fat black snake-winding into the distance
This is a group of refugees. Whenever the Chinese team appears, they are asked to move. They trudge forward through soft and wet snow. There are many people in the team who are still middle school students, and there are also groups of refugees who wear Red Army uniforms. People of old age and status wear coats and sets of heels, and there are countless women walking behind the cart. They slowly move around the cart and struggle knee-deep in the snow.
"The Russians have run away again!" Lin Yihu sighed with a rifle. "These refugees are just like the army, and they really can’t afford guns."
Yuan Zhixiang walked in front of his company’s skirmisher line and walked side by side with him. Lieutenant Pandeli, the deputy company commander, was well-behaved. He looked like an old wild fox and was full of cunning.
"Let them run, run to the other side, what are their food except waves … these Russians will starve to death sooner or later in this cold winter …"
"I’d rather spend a little money and everyone give them a bullet …" Yuan Zhixiang said. "Seeing so many Russians, I can’t help but want to shoot a few times …"
"I know how you feel, but it’s even more disappointing if you shoot differently …" Pandley said. "I’m not saying that you’re not a good marksman, but that it’s far from here … unless you’re a higher-level gunman …"