Three, the Milky Way in Wan Li flows into the sea.

Bai ri heng xing su xian sang Tian Cang Gou Hua Xu wan
Hero symbol, hades stick right
Vast sky
Suddenly, the Milky Way Three Wan Li appeared a huge burning day round.
Three Wan Li Milky Way flows like it flows into the vast Xinghai.
The peak of Wan Ren Yuefeng, Xinghai Square, is like piercing Xinghai and running through the void.
Instantaneous collapse
Xinghai feixie daytime backward flow
The sky crumbles and collapses.
The fire is endless, Wan Li.
The flood surged for nine days.
All the monks were speechless when they saw the great changes in the sky.
So powerful, so powerful, you will die if you touch it.
But the fire or the flood was raging and rolling in Wan Li, and it didn’t really fall.
Just like ancient mirror replay.
The sky is full of fire, but the water is endless.
Tianzhu breaks the earth to maintain the sky, inclines to the northwest, and the sun, the moon and the stars move; The land is dissatisfied with the water and dust in the southwest
Wan Li Xinghe shines in the daytime.
Buried in fire and fierce water
The sky is dead and shattered.
Pieces of broken pieces emerge as mirror images of ruins.
Looking up at Wan Li from the side, the sky is full of cracks like a spider web.
Looking up at Wan Li from the side, there is a broken moon in the sky
Looking at Wan Li from the side, fire and water are raging everywhere in the sky.
Horribly like the end of the world, the dark red color filled the sky, and every monk was so depressed that he couldn’t breathe well at this time.
Such a natural disaster destroyed the Milky Way and buried the sky.
Friars can’t hold on for a long time even if they are really frightened by Yuan Ying.
Fire and water are still raging, broken yue is still falling down.
Bury the sky and open the market.
Seeing such a wonderful sight, Sun Hao had a very intuitive understanding of the word burial day in his heart.
Buried in Tianxu, Tianxu buried the ruins of production after Qingtian.
That is, Sun Hao and others need to go in and look for opportunities.
It is no wonder that the fall rate of the burial site is so high that the nature is so vast, the heaven is so terrible and the sky is so dramatic.
It’s no wonder that the celestial fairy charm will eventually be renamed as the hero charm, and the magic road will simply be called the post of hades.
Looking up to the sky, all the monks have an idea at the same time. It is already a hero to dare to enter such a dangerous place.
In such a dangerous place, receiving a post is almost like receiving a call from the keeper.
"Drink" a binge in the Heavenly Palace
"Drink" Pluto boat a binge drinking.
Heroes and hades fly high together.
Zhongtian market crashed into each other.
The golden and black lights are entangled and circled like two dragons biting each other.
A piece of golden light and a piece of black light splashed down as they hit.
Splashed light turns into smoke, and finally they interweave and turn into smoke, and gradually extend to the high heaven market.
The steps are lifelike, and gold and black are full of patterns.
The ladder is gradually approaching the Tianxu, and finally the two entangled dragons suddenly fly up and rush to the Tianxu.
Boom, one or two dragons fell into the Tianxu.