Bear touched a purple bell way

Wu Ming couldn’t help laughing. "How can you carry me with this size?"
"I’ll make it bigger."
Wu Ming shook his head. "Don’t ride your well, isn’t there a black dragon? Just him."
It’s not that riding a mount is faster and saves energy, but it’s a status representative.
He is now a famous true gentleman in the three realms, and the Three Immortals Island in the East China Sea is also a place where many scattered immortals gather. If you go through the clouds like this, you will lose your title. Some things are hard to say and difficult to do.
Then he went to the well and called a black dragon to listen to the well water thump thump thump, and a ferocious faucet surfaced.
"Does the master have orders?"
Wu Ming said, "I’d like to go out and ask you to be a footman. Would you like to?"
The black dragon nodded, "But at the master’s command."
"Okay, you come out."
Wu Ming wiped the wellhead and lifted the black dragon seal.
In an instant, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and it is the clouds from the dragon and the black dragon that attract many dark clouds when their breath is slightly leaked.
And the top pu making it is the Buddha’s light that immediately dispels the dark clouds.
The black dragon flew out of the well and spread across the ridge of the main hall, facing the sky and singing in Yi Long.
Then I woke up and hurriedly bowed my head to admit my mistake.
It’s been trapped in that well for too many years. Although the dragon can be powerful and small, it won’t be crowded, but it is uncomfortable after all
Now the black dragon has become ten feet in size, and Wu Ming is holding a bear and flying to ride the dragon.
"I wonder where the master is going?"
Wu Mingdao "Penglai Island in the East China Sea"
In an instant, the black dragon took off and went straight to the east through the clouds.
Wu Ming in the sea of clouds asked, "Have you ever been to the East China Sea?"
This fellow used to be the Dragon Palace Dragon in Beihai. Although he made a big mistake and was deprived of his real name, he must also know the way. Although he has traveled to the four continents of heaven and underworld, he has never been to Sanxian Island.
The black dragon heard the news and replied, "Xiaolong has been to the depths of the East China Sea of Sanxian Island, but I don’t know where it has gone for many years?"
Wu Ming nodded. "It’s ok to go."
The black dragon suddenly sang in the sky, resounding through the wind and thunder, wrapped in pieces of clouds and thunder, and threw it into the East China Sea.
Chapter 323 The East China Sea Visit Dragon Palace Deep-sea Monster
"I didn’t realize that I was afraid that I was suppressed by him."
In a cloud, the Great Sage is talking with a figure.
When the Great Sage heard this, he couldn’t help wondering, "Is it difficult to finish the cockroach?"
The man laughed. "Maybe you underestimated him. After all, he is a marshal of the canopy, but now he is just a stupid pig. It may have been affected."
"Since you say so, I’m relieved. What happened to Lingji?"
"He practiced the bitter body practice, but he was beheaded by that many eyes, and his heart was broken, and he was greedy and stupid. Okay, I can’t help it. It’s time to go."
When the Great Sage looked at a time gone, he no longer stopped being seen by that fellow of Nine Lives.
Donghai Sea
A black dragon cut through the sky and disturbed several seabirds.
"Master, look at it. That Penglai Island is no longer here and I don’t know where to drift."
Wu Mingming nodded: "Well, since you can’t find it, ask the owner of the East China Sea."
The owner of the East China Sea is naturally the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. If anyone knows everything about the East China Sea, the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea is called the second, and no one dares to call it the first.
Then he dived into the oriental sea and went straight to the Crystal Palace.
The sea patrol hag stopped the waterway early and asked, "Where did the black dragon come from?" How can I come to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea? "
Wu Ming got up and said, "I’m Huang Huaduo, and I’m here to see your Dragon King on business."
The hag immediately shouted, "It turns out that it’s a true gentleman with many eyes. I’ll report it to the king and ask the true gentleman to wait a moment."
Hag heard too many names and knew that he was a malicious person and dared not neglect to report to the Crystal Palace at a rapid pace.
When the Dragon King of the East China Sea heard about it, he couldn’t help wondering, "Why did Wang, a true gentleman with many eyes, come to visit me?" Please. "
Immediately, I arranged a dress and went out to meet with each other. Among the three realms, except for one pulse, most of them talked about Taoist friends while they could not be chaotic.
Otherwise, in terms of age, it would be a foolish account.
A little while later, I saw a majestic and luxurious true gentleman coming in with a black dragon and a bear.
"Please forgive me for coming to visit the Old Dragon King with many eyes."
Ao Guang couldn’t help smiling a little more. "Where is my good nephew, but now he is so heavy that he can take time out of his busy schedule to come to my crystal palace. I’m not very happy."
Two of them went all the way into the Crystal Palace to have tea.