Feather who stared at this extremely hot girl base base asked her just now that an old niang shouted feather who now little dream is trembling woman proved to be a dangerous animal.

"Take it for you!"
Looking at this guy, he upgraded his address from "silly girl" and "little girl" to "female Xia", and he also asked himself what his command was "you", the respectful name of tea Kerr. It was really nothing to find a smoke and yell at him.
"Woman, although I am handsome, I am definitely not a gigolo. I will never accept adoption. You can’t do this to me."
Looking at tea Kerr handed me silver moon Wolf gun, Cang Lang boots, crazy wolf necklace and silver moon Wolf demon pet egg feather who showed pain and difficulty, insisted on his refusal to keep and didn’t reach out to pick it up.
"Take it for you! Dare to talk to my mother? "
Hearing the words "small white face" and "kept" pop out of this guy’s mouth, Chloe’s mouth twitched and her face was covered with black lines. I really want to pull this guy out and flog him to death. Isn’t it "owe to smoke"? Then I’ll beat you to death
But tea Chloe still resisted the impulse to smoke this guy to death. She knew that she couldn’t make sense with this guy. She continued to pinch her waist and eyebrows with her hands and rewarded Yu Fan with "Old Niang".
"I dare not dare, but I can accept the gun of the woman. I just plan to choose the gun man and don’t want it!"
"How dare you? !”
"That I add a necklace other really don’t! You really don’t want to be kept! "
"Old niang to want to see you don’t want a try? !”
"Well, then add a pair of boots! You must keep this pet egg woman. After all, you still need a pet to ride. If you have to give it to Xiao Xiao, I will follow you wherever you go, including the toilet! "
Yu Fan was forced to accept three pieces of equipment, so he didn’t want to take pet eggs anymore. After all, silver moon Wolf Demon was induced by her, and she killed him and took pet eggs again, which made his conscience hard.
"You are malicious! Are you sure you don’t want it? Do you know the value of this pet egg? "
When I heard Yu Fan say that I had to follow wherever I went, including the toilet tea, Chloe twitched her mouth again, and finally squeezed out the word "you are malicious" through her teeth.
"Don’t forget it and add a friend!"
Seeing that guy’s head shaking like a rattle, Chloe thought that the toilet followed this sentence and finally took back the pet eggs and asked Yu Fan to make friends with each other.
Starting (
17 moving like thunder [chapter words 2421 latest update 21426 1:13:59]
When I heard that tea Chloe wanted to add friends to each other, Yu Fan immediately shrank her head and refused her proposal without hesitation. You don’t really want to take the initiative to support the elderly, do you?
"Why? I don’t care, do I? If you don’t add, you have to add! Immediately! "
Look at this guy. Tea Chloe has an impulse to vomit blood, begging to be friends with her. At least there are millions. Today, she took the initiative and was rejected!
This made her little universe burst out completely, and she found that she was getting used to the name "Lao Niang" in front of this guy.
"good! I’ll add it! I’ll add it! Woman, don’t be angry with me, Ma Jia! "
Once again, I heard tea Kerr roar and feather fan’s liver quiver hit his friend system, which shocked him. Actually, more than six million friends applied. It seems that the old man is really famous.
Directly look at these applications, enter the name of tea Kerr and send the friend application in the past.
"This is your initiative to add me! You’re not forced, are you? Can you imagine the consequences if you dare to delete people from your friends? "
Bring up Yu Fan’s friend to apply for tea. Chloe readily agreed, and said to Yu Fan.
"well! How dare you! Woman, don’t tell me! Can the little one go? "
"well! Let’s go! Just the somebody else also want to go back to pay "
Hear tea Chloe promised to let oneself leave Yu Fan directly and easily become a wolf again, and soon disappeared into the sight of tea Chloe.
"Hum! What a loser! Is she a tigress? Is it so terrible? It’ s very ladylike to be scared like this! "
Looking at Yu Fan’s escape, she seemed to twitch again from the corners of her mouth. She found that that guy had a tendency to let her go.
Because the Wolf King hasn’t refreshed all these wolves, they have also changed from active attack monsters to passive attack monsters, and there is no hate chain. All the detective techniques have been investigated very clearly, and tea Kerr has leisurely walked out of the Wolf Valley again.
However, when she came to the ravine, she found that the stone, which was particularly warm and soft, had disappeared. After thinking about the special skills of that guy who turned into a wolf and the fact that he knew he was looking for a chamaejasme flower, he had never seen it in front of him.
Tea Chloe finally linked that guy with that special stone, thinking that she was sitting on that stone and shaking it for a long time. Suddenly, Xiafei Cheeks finally knew that guy was in such a hurry to leave!
"I am a handsome boy and I owe it! I am not finished with you! "
I have received a good education since I was a child, and I have a good family education. I am a good lady and a good girl. Kerr has finally turned into an "old lady" because of Yu Fan!
Shit! Who is this beautiful woman who wants to be old again? It seems that the old charm is still quite big!
Yu Fan remembers that he realized a speed-increasing skill when he was avoiding the attack of silver moon Wolf Demon. He hasn’t come to check it yet! Yu Fan brought up the skill interface and looked it up.
Move like thunder (skill evaluation: immortal level)
Skills and experience: elementary 6/1
If you don’t move, you will be amazed. If you rush to the depths of Lei Xiu, your eyes will be thunderous. You will consume 3% of your blood and increase 1% of your movement speed and attack speed. When it lasts for 5 minutes, it will cool down for 1 minute.
"Skill evaluation"? Is this an increase after the upgrade of the system? This is like running thunder. Is it so awesome to be judged as a fairy-level skill? Even the fairy skills can be understood!
Yu Fan can actually understand the immortal skills for a while, and after looking at the other skills evaluation, he found that the most basic skills were thumped to evaluate the bronze level, while his own understanding of the side kick turned out to be a holy level skill, while the easy avatar evaluation was a great level skill.
It seems that the lowest level of this skill evaluation should be bronze level, which can interrupt skills and have a chance of dizziness. It is the first time that I was killed under great pain and life threat, and I realized that the holy level was normal. A pair of odd boots only added 3% movement speed, such as rushing thunder, and directly increased 1% movement and attack speed. It should also be rated as immortal level.
Yi shentong has the word "shentong" on his body, and he is also rated as a god. Did Yu Fan expect that he realized that both skills were so awesome because his understanding reached 95?
Or is it great that all the skills are understood by the players themselves? I can’t think of Bai Yufan, but I haven’t continued to think about it. I found that it takes 690,000 experience to upgrade from level 12 to level 13. At present, there are more than 400,000 experiences, and there are still more than 250,000 experiences to upgrade Yaoshi. It is really difficult to upgrade.
After adding the four attribute points from level 4 to level 12 according to the ratio of strength, physique and agility 2:2:1 again, Yu Fan found that her blood volume had actually broken thousands, reaching 16 points and her attack had broken hundreds.
Out of the wolf refresh zone, the wolf has transformed into an eagle, ready to soar and taste the feeling of free flight.
As a result, Yu Fan turned into an eagle and fluttered his wings before flying to a height of two meters and fell down. What happened? Why can’t I fly?
When Yu Fan flew to a height of about two meters again, another big horse fell down, and this time it was worse that she landed on her head and chewed a mouthful of mud.
"Lie trough! What’s the status of MD? Isn’t it always an eagle? Why can’t you fly? Come again! "
Come again!