Hearing the sound of Shu in her mouth, Hao Ren’s face flashed with a smile, and her hands became more and more gentle. "Xiaoting, do you remember what I did when I worked in the escort agency? This skill was learned from me. At that time, those brothers in the escort agency were trying their best to bully me. One of the massage skills was that I was still a little angry with them before they trained me, but now I am a little grateful to them. If it weren’t for their training, I wouldn’t have such a good skill to massage Xiaoting now." Push me to tender model career network.

Chapter 275 Body Mountain
When Zhang Ting heard this, he looked at the front with his eyes slightly open and asked the man behind him, "Hao Ren, it seems that you haven’t told us much about your life in the escort agency. Is your life there very bad?"
Hao Ren bent his mouth and replied, "I don’t know if it’s good or bad. No matter what that escort agency did to me, I still want to thank it. If it hadn’t taken me in and given me a job, my brother and sister wouldn’t have starved to death."
"Well, I’m not tired anymore." Zhang Ting took his hand away from himself and pulled him to the bench where he was sitting just now.
"You won’t be waiting for me here so late, will you? Is there anything you want to discuss with me?" Zhang Ting looked at the man in front of him and asked.
Hao Ren gently nodded. "There is really one thing I want to discuss with you in Xiaoting. I want to arrange our marriage in three months. What do you think?"
"Yeah, but what’s the special significance of getting married at that time?" Zhang Ting asked Hao Ren, who was sitting opposite her with a calm face.
Hao Ren shook his head. "It’s nothing special. I arranged our marriage in three months because I didn’t want you to get married with me. I wanted to give you a better wedding."
It’s hard enough to look after this woman for nearly a year. If it weren’t for this charming women, who took care of his family, he wouldn’t be able to go out alone and feel at ease. He already owes too much to this woman, and he can’t owe this woman any more.
When Zhang Ting heard this sentence, he crossed a warm current in his heart and looked at him with a smile and said, "Well, anyway, I will listen to you in this matter and do what you say."
Hao Ren grabbed her hand and whispered, "Xiaoting, believe me, I will give you a grand wedding and won’t let you be wronged with me." This night, the two chatted late and went back to their respective rooms.
Except that Han Hao didn’t sleep well in the courtyard, most people in the Hao family had a good dream. Breakfast was rice congee with pickles.
This breakfast sounds a little shabby, but eating people doesn’t feel shabby. The pickles of Hao family were pickled by Zhang Ting himself in a special way, which is completely different from the pickles here.
"Girl, your pickles are delicious. No matter how many times I eat them, I feel that your pickles are delicious." Su Tian stretched out a thumb at Zhang Ting while sipping porridge.
Mrs. Liu, who has always shown contempt for Su Tian’s way of eating at ordinary times, is on the same front as Su Tian this time. She also pointed a thumb at Zhang Ting and said, "Isn’t that right? I also think it’s best to eat pickles at home in a small family. You must leave some cans of pickles for the old lady when she leaves. I want to take them back to the government."
"This is no problem. There are a lot of pickles preserved at home now. You have brought enough for the old man." Zhang Ting smiled and told Mrs. Liu.
At this time, Zhang Xi and Huan also looked up together. It is no wonder that "Girl, give me some cans, too" to Zhang Ting.
"Yeah, as long as you don’t dislike this shabby dish, you can take as much as you want." Zhang Ting is very confident about her pickles, and this year the villagers in the village thanked her for giving them a rich woman, and everyone moved a lot of fresh vegetables to her house. She saw that she could not finish eating them, so she pickled them.
There was such an episode in breakfast that passed quickly, and soon everyone ate well. After the table dishes were put away by the two maids in spring, summer, spring and autumn, Zhang Ting looked at everyone present and asked, "I’m going to go to the mountain this afternoon. What do you want to go with me?"
As soon as Zhang Ting’s sentence fell, a large group of people signed up. It can be said that except Han Xiaobao, the youngest, and the nanny who specially waited on him could not go, almost all the Hao family were out. When waiting for the mountain, Zhang Ting followed a large group of people and walked in the direction of the mountain.
"Everyone, this mountain road is slippery. It just rained here a few days ago. Please be careful not to slip." Every time you walk a slippery road, Zhang Ting will say this to the people behind you.
After a line of people walked for almost half an hour, the procession finally stopped. Zhang Ting turned around and said to everyone behind him, "Well, let’s rest here first. If you have anything to see, let’s disperse separately. There will be no wild animals here. Those who have finished are not worried."
Hearing this, several old people are very safe and courageous, and many of them agree to take a walk in this forest to enjoy the natural scenery.
In Hao Gui, the three of them were led by Zhang Ting. "You three will accompany me to pick wild fruits in that tree, ok?" Zhang Ting looked at the three of them and asked.
The three little guys are often familiar with this mountain, and they have no objection to whether they can play here. When they heard Zhang Ting’s words, the three little guys nodded at Zhang Ting without objection.
"Well, let’s start now. I remember that there was a large wild fruit tree in the forest before. We went there to pick it." Zhang Ting led the three of them to the east of the forest.
Just as Zhang Ting thought, this time they went to the mountain, it was the mature season of wild fruits in the mountains, and the wild fruits were red and fruitful. Hanging on the trees made people want to eat at a glance.
However, this wild fruit looks attractive on the surface, but if you eat it in your mouth, you will have the urge to throw it on the ground and trample on it. Who told them that it tastes sour?
"Sister Zhang Ting, why do we want to pick this wild fruit? This wild fruit is not good to eat and sour. Last year, when Xiao Pang and they came to the mountain, I picked this wild fruit and tasted it. My teeth were sour and I couldn’t eat." When I talked about Hao Gui’s experience at that time, I shuddered all over.
Zhang Ting smiled and looked at him and said, "Sister Zhang Ting certainly wants them to eat well. Don’t worry, Sister Zhang Ting has a way to make these sour wild fruits become something that everyone likes to eat." After saying this, Zhang Ting looked up and looked at the Shan Ye fruit trees, and his eyes narrowed into a crack.
Chapter 276 Have something to find
I heard that these sour fruits can become delicious. Hao Guili nodded his head and looked at Zhang Ting with confidence and said, "Zhang Ting’s sister Hao Gui believes in you, Zhang Ting’s sister. If you say you can cook well, you can cook well [latest chapter]."
Say that finish this sentence Hao Gui to his two white fat palm pei saliva arm sleeves also to roll up.
Zhang Ting looked at his strange move and a surprised idea flashed through her mind, but she couldn’t believe it. "Hao Gui, why are you rolling up your sleeves? Give me your sleeves quickly. But there are many caterpillars in this mountain. If they touch you, they will itch."
Hao Gui looked at Zhang Ting’s side and smiled at Zhang Ting. "Sister Zhang Ting, I’m not afraid of those caterpillars. Sister Zhang Ting, you and your well-off brother and sister are picking wild fruits on the tree. I’ll go to the tree to pick them. I’m good at climbing trees."
After that, Hao Gui seemed to want to prove to Zhang Ting that he was good at climbing trees. It seemed that he climbed the tree with dexterity before Zhang Ting’s mouth. He climbed the tree with the tree between his feet like a caterpillar.
By the time Zhang Ting thought about it, Hao Gui’s figure had climbed to the tree. Looking at his small figure in the tree, Zhang Ting felt that his heart was about to jump out of this little guy.
Zhang Ting patted his heart and looked up at the tree. Hao Gui said, "Hao Gui, you can see it in the face. Hold on tight. Don’t climb too high. Pay attention to Ann."
Hao Gui bowed his head and smiled at the bottom of Zhang Ting. He proudly said to Zhang Ting, "I know that Zhang Ting’s sister Zhang Ting is coming soon. I’m going to pick you up in the face." After that, Hao Gui saw this little guy jumping on that branch in a big branch. In a short time, Zhang Ting felt that several red fruits had fallen from his head, and some of them were still hitting her shoulder. The scene looked very impressive.
"Ha ha, it’s fun, sister Zhang Ting. Hurry up and pick it up again." As soon as Hao Gui’s sentence fell, there was a shower of fruit from Zhang Ting’s head. Soon before Zhang Ting, the ground was covered with red fruits.
"Okay, okay, don’t jump any more. These wild fruits are enough. Please be careful when you don’t come. Don’t worry," Zhang Ting shouted at the tree against Hao Gui.