In the face of this white bone python, people naturally won’t take the energy to deal with it, so they can choose a person to lead it away first and escape. Ye Ye, who is best at it, naturally accepted the job.

Ye Ye directly jumped out of the attack on the Grand Master and picked out a beautiful sword in his hand, which stung the eye of the Bones Python.
This white-boned python is hard all over, but its red eyes are its weakness, and Ye Ye happened to stab it in the weakness. How can this not make this serpent angry?
Bones python, after all, is not a great Buddhist, not so high IQ, and soon left the team far away under the guidance of Ye Ye.
After pulling the Bones Python away, everyone continued to make a hard attack on the Buddhist, and the blood volume of the Buddhist was still falling rapidly.
Ye Ye, on the other hand, is a python with bones. Ye Ye has been circling for a long time. From time to time, he gives the serpent two swords and then turns his head and runs away. Ye Ye, on the other hand, he is desperately chasing and attacking Ye Ye.
Ye Ye’s moving speed is the fastest in the team. Speaking of the speed of Tutu and Grandet, it is already extremely fast, but it is still a lot slower than Ye Ye.
Speaking of all the speed of Yeye, it has something to do with other races. Everyone has never cared about Yeye race because it looks exactly like Terran, but actually Yeye race is a very awesome hidden race-spirituality.
Spiritual practice is actually a Terran higher than Terran, that is to say, those who cultivate truth and half immortals.
Since ancient times, there have been people who seek the avenue and go against the sky, but people who can really become immortals are rare. However, even so, with the sacrifice and exploration of more and more people, a path that can become the avenue has finally been found, and this path is still full of difficulties and obstacles, and it takes extraordinary talent to choose this path. A passerby is a spiritual practice. A spiritual practice in which a hero is superior to a special Terran is an extra-long attribute. The attribute "Agility" (different spiritual practices have different super-long attributes) adds 1 point to the initial agility permanently and the agility growth rate is 13 times that of other races. The impact of agility on characters is calculated separately by 1 point. Agility increases by 135 points, movement speed increases by 12 points, and attack speed increases by 7 points. Avoidance and hit cannot be changed because spiritual practices pursue the avenue race, and professional assassins, thieves, witches and dark death classes cannot be changed. You can’t change your job except that you don’t have the same idea. Foreign professions, priests, holy knights and other professions can’t change their jobs
It’s impossible to be unhappy with this agile growth rate and the speed of growth for several nights, but it’s a pity that he will change his job to become an assassin, otherwise this agile is definitely an awesome assassin.
Speaking of it, Ye Ye made a lot of efforts when he changed his job. Because of his wonderful race and his special sword design talent, Ye Ye decided to become a fast swordsman, and later he became a swordsman through some opportunities.
Let’s get to the point. Ye Ye is alone with Bones Python. Because of the speed advantage, Bones Python has no cure for him.
On the other side, everyone is completely releasing all kinds of fighting passion.
Old Cat told Grandet and Cat that in other games, the weakness of humanoid monsters is generally the same as people, either the heart or the head or the neck. When attacking these places, there will be damage bonus, and at the same time, these places are also weaknesses and have damage bonus when players fight. In the game "New World", Old Cat said that these have not been confirmed.
So everyone started to do experiments, leaving three melee classes to make special attacks on those key positions around the sinkhole, and then compare the damage in other places.
After several experiments, the three melee classes can be very sure that these key points are still there in New World, and it is inferred in turn that these weaknesses should also be there when players fight, but it will be a little troublesome for players to wear equipment to protect their heads and hearts, so that players can attack their necks most effectively when fighting.
After reaching this conclusion, the three melee classes practiced with the neck of the Grand Master, and they also summoned Gao to let them attack the neck of the Grand Master.
There is only one bone in the neck of the Grand Buddhist. Although it has not been broken, it has also been blasted into a blackened piece. The blackened tibia is also covered with various weapons scars, which is an insult to such an unruly monster of the Grand Buddhist.
Before you know it, the sinkhole lasted for 15 minutes and it was over. The Grand Master was free again.
However, when he regained his freedom, his blood volume was only 31%. There was no way for him to make his own defense too weak and the fighting passion of all people was ignited.
It’s the second day of the May Day holiday, and I just lost my manuscript.
Honestly, most readers went there to play during this holiday. I didn’t go there to work hard!
Don’t forget to support this novel.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-one The decapitation
Breaking away from the bondage of the sinkhole, the Great Buddhist was rushed over by the old cat with a collision skill before he came back, and he was sent into a syncope state again.
This collision not only sent the Grand Buddhist into a state of syncope, but also made the people’s fighting passion more vigorous again.
Hey, turn over the crowd and don’t care about Ye Yeru’s direct crazy attack on Grand Buddhist.
May be infected by this kind of atmosphere, even the summoners are as sharp as chicken blood.
In fact, the greatest contribution to the summoners’ sharp attack comes from Tutu, who imposed a pink mark on the Grand Master, and the summoners’ attack on the Grand Master became sharper at this mark.
The cat even came out with its own pulse beam.
In such a sharp attack, the blood volume of the Grand Master dropped rapidly, and finally the blood volume dropped to 25%. A difficult helper appeared.
Bone Dragon (Super Elite) Blood Volume
Grade 45
Attack mode melee
Attack skills: steel bars wagging their tails, bones dying and dragons dying.
Auxiliary skills overlord roar
Bone Dragon is the guardian of life created by Bones Magic by the Great Master of Skeletons. When the blood volume of the Great Master of Skeletons drops by a quarter, this fierce beast with bones will appear. Those who hurt their master’s enemy and kill the bone dragon will be launched to regenerate the skeleton warrior when they are in a dying state.
As early as the Great Buddhist was still trapped in the sinkhole, Gao Rang and others had already discussed the post-battle strategy in the battle.
Among them, crape myrtle in white came up with a fighting strategy that surprised everyone. The fighting strategy of crape myrtle in white is very simple, that is, the decapitation plan!
The decapitation plan, as its name implies, means to kill the main leader at all costs, and the policy of white crape myrtle here means to attack the great Buddhist at all costs
I want to give up attacking Bones Python and Bones Dragon, but attack the Grand Master because Ziwei in white indicates that in the explanation of the Grand Master’s attribute, it will be combined with Bones Python and Bones Dragon when the blood volume drops by 1%. That is to say, even if these two monsters die before the Grand Master’s blood volume drops by 1%, their bodies will be combined with the Grand Master. On the contrary, even if these two monsters are still full of blood, they will still be combined with the Grand Master when the blood volume drops by 1%. In this case, why should we try to kill Bones Python and Bones Dragon?
After listening to the white crape myrtle this reasoning, the crowd was suddenly enlightened.
Since we want to attack the Great Buddhist, someone must lead the Bone Dragon, and this Grandet took it for granted.
Grandet is a good monster puller. It is very easy for him to pull the bone dragon out of the war circle.
In this way, Grandet is pulling a huge bone dragon in a circle not far away, and in the opposite direction, Yeye is also pulling a white bone python in a circle.
Ziweilai in white is a very intelligent girl, but she is also a schoolmaster in the real world. However, in real life, there is no amount of learning, and there are still some autism in the real world, so she can’t learn and finally end up as a professional player with her brother.
Ziwei in white first analyzed the current situation of this game before making this beheading plan.
First of all, this skeleton nest where everyone is located is definitely not a normal mode, which can be seen from the number of monsters that appear at the boss level.
Looking at the ordinary mode now, it’s just that someone has just passed it, so the mode is naturally not easy to pass. Since Gao Rang and others are allowed to break into this mode, there must be a reason and a reason. If there is a reason and a good reason, then this mode is bound to pass.
Then Ziwei in white wakes everyone up. In fact, the game is not only based on the players’ strong fighting power, but sometimes learning to think of a better way is a more correct choice.
As far as the Grand Buddhist is concerned, Ji is a cunning man who can’t pass the boss, but as far as the Grand Buddhist is concerned, he has many shameless skills and can summon elite monsters to help. These conditions are impossible for players to resist now, but from another angle, although the Grand Buddhist is cunning, he has a certain humanity just like the Duke of Qingluan, and this humanity happens to be his weakness. In addition, the Grand Buddhist is also weak in defense. Although he has more than 20,000 blood, he can use it up in more than half an hour when he attacks this 20,000 blood.
After that, the Great Buddhist summoned the two elite monsters. Although the blood volume of these two monsters is not much, in the attribute explanation, you can see that after entering the dying state, these monsters will turn into many skeleton warriors. This is very unreasonable. These two monsters will go against the sky and even count the monsters after they die. This is actually a wake-up call for players. Should these monsters be killed and woke up at the same time? Players will think back to the former Great Buddhist attribute explanation, and then players will notice the Great Buddhist. Buddhist’s 1% blood fit explains that this tells players that these two elites actually don’t kill or that they must not spend energy to kill. It is because of this series of analysis of white crape myrtle that the strategy of "decapitation plan" is drawn.