"You’re here at last!"

"I just ate pineapple and didn’t see it."
"Where is it? I’ll come."
"The second monster hasn’t been killed yet. Do you still kill it?"
When Ye Zhang saw these news, his heart suddenly warmed up. It turned out that all his worries were unnecessary. If Zhi didn’t seem to take all that yesterday to heart, he suddenly giggled and clicked the message bar.
Chapter two hundred and ninety-four Stir the excrement stick
When the two met again overseas in Dasha, Ye Zhang’s expression was still awkward.
"That … yesterday … I …"
Ye Zhang stammered out a few words and then saw Zhi Re’s smiling face. Zhi Re grabbed his sleeve and laughed.
"Team up quickly."
Ye Zhang rushed to invite her to form a team and swallowed the word "sorry" back to her stomach. As if nothing had happened, they walked towards the desert.
After the appearance of the fiend, the Ye Zhang monster is still a light shield sword. This magic Ye Zhang won for 1 minute, but he didn’t hurt the fiend enough to finish bleeding.
"Zhiruo, can you summon some pets to help me?"
Ye Zhang saw that it was almost 1 minute, and Zhire shouted to one side. Zhire cocked his head and thought about it and came up with a scapegoat magic. When this magic made it, four hierarchical pets appeared beside Zhang Ye.
What are some stupid pets in Ye Zhang?
But then he knew that the fiend’s sudden insertion of this skill from the ground would cause all players in the range to be hit and fly into the sky for a short time, but Ye Zhang epidemic control was just a harmful skill for him.
Because of the suppression of the huge level 1 of the earth fiend, this damage was directly blessed by the holy blessing, but to Ye Zhang’s surprise, when four derivative pets were killed, Zhang Ye’s magic moon beads were unsealed at the same time, and the same unsealed and destroyed dome.
"Is this ok?"
Ye Zhang couldn’t believe that the magic moon beads were unsealed, but the unsealing of the destruction dome surprised Ye Zhang. Among his demigod weapons, now only the destruction dome and the inflammation anger don’t know the unsealing method.
Anger was unsealed in the battle of dreams and ghosts in the deep-sea caves of Atlantis. At first, Ye Zhang meant that the condition of unsealing anger was that it was attacked by water monsters, but it was not.
Therefore, it is extremely important for Ye Zhang to unseal a demigod weapon.
At this time, the 4-point attribute bonus, although the holy blessing effect was offset by the magical epidemic state, but the destruction dome blessed the hardened skin in more than two status bars, and he lost 35% of the damage and God-given armor, and he also gained more than 10,000 points of defense.
In this way, after the effect of light protection and sword sealing disappeared, Ye Zhang temporarily resisted the attack of the earth fiend, and also because of the double absorption of mana by the magic vortex and Civil morning breeze, Ye Zhang didn’t need to care about the blue amount.
But he is also curious about how much blue this fiend has. You need to know that the magic vortex magic absorption capacity is 5% per second. This fiend blue has not been sucked clean.
At this time, Ye Zhang’s damage has been greatly strengthened, and the biggest highlight in the battlefield is not Ye Zhang but Zhiruo.
The talented magical girl is really worthy of the name, and Zhiruo’s judgment on the attack on the earth fiend is very in place. He almost formed a battlefield master with different styles with Ang Yan.
When you are familiar with the means of ground fiend attack, if Zhi can always release the skills of ground fiend, you will find a spell magic of painful soul at that time, and this magic can make the skills of ground fiend effective and transform its damage into damage to ground fiend.
Don’t underestimate the fiend’s skill, which is very harmful. When a Rapier in Ye Zhang hit ten thousand lives, Zhi Ruo can cause more than 30,000 injuries to the fiend, which directly makes Ye Zhang fall off his eyes.
There is too much blood in the fiend for half an hour. In the past, Ye Zhang has maintained about% health, but the blood in the fiend has only dropped to 75%.
But Ye Zhang also thinks it’s worth it. It’s a level 1 BOSS, not the kind of fish and shrimp in the vice. Compared with Zhire, he summoned his spider pet, and Ye Zhang said to himself after looking at it.
Be sure to help her with a strange pet, and Ye Zhang himself summoned the cartoon white dragon, and the Libailong arrival skill summoned the second white dragon.
When the two white dragons came, the spell was done to the fiend, but when the two white dragons cast a burst blast bomb together, there was a little star in Zhi Ruo’s eyes.
Ye Zhang is quite proud of the fusion of three white dragons at this time, but he is the biggest card today and has not summoned the ultimate white dragon to deal with the fiend, which is also considered by Ye Zhang.
The ultimate white dragon summoning skill requires waves to fight monsters, just like the forbidden spell, not to kill monsters, but to form a physical deterrent.
"If Zhi wants it, haha, let’s go find a better pet for you when a monster is finished."
Ye Zhang promised to let Zhi Re immediately reveal his expectant eyes. At this time, the blood volume of the fiend dropped to 6%, and at this time, the damn trouble came again.
"Little whirlwind!"
This time, there are more people than once, not only elves but also semi-dragons. Some of these people are players who died at the hands of Ye Zhang, and at this time, their enemies are particularly jealous. For these people, the unrealistic fantasy of killing Ye Zhang is no longer there.
They are more like a dung-stirring stick that brings trouble to Ye Zhang. In fact, once they personally stopped Ye Zhang from killing the fiend, they didn’t feel much anger because of death, but there was a twisted pleasure that could bring trouble to the whirlwind in glitz. There were not many players.
Ye Zhang can’t kill them now or ignore them, but he still has some freedom. It can be said that the battle between the scholar and Ye Zhang in Xianyang City was absolutely deeply rooted in the hearts of the players, and the whirlwind was easily killed and shocked.
Magic stealing, dispelling and purifying. Nowadays, few players will learn unpopular skills at ordinary times. At this time, it suddenly became popular in glitz, and it was Ye Zhang who learned these skills.
After all, the demon is AI. He is set as an independent AI with his own release skill range, but different BOSS of players will be targeted, but players will not.
"It’s okay. They gave it to me."
Zhi Ruo smiled and told Ye Zhang that she was now very dependent on Ye Zhang. Because she followed Ye Zhang and exhausted her benefits, Zhi Ruo could get enough pet eggs and countless Fu Shi little girls’ dreams.
Zhi Ruo is still unwilling to kill people. She gave a royal pardon, which sealed the place with magic, including Ye Zhang and her own magic, while her health dropped rapidly.
In this way, Ye Zhang will feel at ease. Although Rapier and the heavenly punishment method make it, when Zhang Ye opens the cartoon castle and then enters the cartoon castle with Zhi Ruo, a night cries and an eternal tear comes out, Ye Zhang can also do high damage with a 5% chance of crying at night and a 5 times damage effect.
Players have accepted that they can watch Ye Zhang play strange games, and at this time, more players are looking at Zhi Ruo.
Obviously, this layer was once ignored by them, and the female elves were their number one enemy.
Chapter two hundred and ninety-five beg for death
"Do you really want to help that sister?"
"Sister whirlwind is going to destroy all Elf players. He is crazy. Don’t be deceived by his appearance!"
"That is, elf players should unite to fight against the small whirlwind. Do you want to be exterminated?"
Many people have lured Zhi Ruolai. If they show their strength and make them very shocked, one person can trap all of them with a stone, so that players can fight back against Ye Zhang’s core talents.