Lin Youxuan made a huge bet on Zhang Ye, forcing Ye Zhang to make one decision at several difficult crossroads, and Ye Zhang almost stepped into Lin Youxuan’s desperate theory: is it a desperate situation in the game or a psychological maze?

However, Lin Youxuan never thought that Zhang Ye would be so enterprising. When Ye Zhang saw Lin Youxuan, he said that "you chose the wrong protagonist", which was also the summary of Lin Youxuan’s failure.
"You did a great job beyond my imagination. Although I lost, I succeeded!"
Lin Youxuan responded to such a sentence after a long time. At this time, Ye Zhang’s face suddenly changed, and several thoughts flashed rapidly in his mind, which eventually stopped at a little blink, and his eyes looking at each other were full of horror.
Lin Youxuan lost the glitz. He failed in all the betting departments of Zhang Ye’s body. Ye Zhang didn’t become his perfect chess game, and he didn’t break out from silence. Instead, he chose to freeze all his glory in the glitz. Once he left the glitz, Ye Zhang was still beaten back to the prototype.
But Lin Youxuan still succeeded?
That’s because Lin Youxuan saw a breakthrough from Zhang Ye, something that he had never encountered or thought about, and this breakthrough was exactly what Lin Youxuan did not have creative thinking or inspiration.
Lin Youxuan lost his glitz, but he won a breakthrough in his own realm. He was able to create a more perfect online world, and he made a war stunt. At that time, Lin Youxuan was suspected to be more perfect than now.
Ye Zhang was silent. He knew he could stop Lin Youxuan from going crazy. Because he was a nobody, he was always able to counterattack. It was never fishing line Ye Zhang. Did he counterattack?
No, if an idiom comes to form, Ye Zhang is benevolent, and he has made great efforts to harvest everything today. Whether it is success or reputation is his cause and effect, which is by no means a counterattack.
"I’m leaving Ye Zhang. Maybe we’ll meet again!"
Lin Youxuan turned away, and this time Ye Zhang took a step and some feelings shouted.
"Lin Lao!"
Ye Zhang doesn’t know what kind of mood he is now. Although he knows that Lin Youxuan is a madman and a source of evil, he still can’t help Zhang Yexin’s feelings. Without Lin Youxuan, there would be no Ye Zhang today. At this time, maybe the flashy conspiracy will disappear and stay will be a new flashy.
"I know what you want to say, but Ye Zhang, your game is not over yet!"
Lin Youxuan left Ye Zhang and returned to the original Tianqi expansion. At this time, Hou Jiangchen in white still smiled at his side, but now he has become a friendly. Jiang Chen will accompany Ye Zhang to continue the Tianqi expansion.
At this moment, Ye Zhang gradually calmed down his heart. He took Jiang Chen to the gate of Longque Imperial City to meet the famous warriors and others. At the same time, they gasped when they saw the sign of Jiang Chen’s friendly army.
"Is he one of our own?"
Ghost Yin couldn’t believe his eyes. This huge shock made him feel unreal, but he frowned because he thought the same as Ye Zhang.
Jiang Chen’s appearance is a balance between players and NPC. Obviously, even though the players’ attributes have reached the 5-cap level, just like in the troubled times of death, the 13-level level can be collected, but it actually takes the 2-level strength to match.
"Let’s go and worry about it. You have to face it!"
When Ye Zhang uttered this sentence, the little beauty gave him a strange look, which seemed to feel that Ye Zhang was different at this time.
Now that glitz has finally returned to calm, there is no conspiracy behind it, and there is no confrontation. From now on, it will be to enjoy the game process, and at this time Ye Zhang received a message from Feng Zhi
"There is a guild player warning from Baimayuan, Ye Zhang. It seems that a super master was born!"
After getting Feng Zhi news, Ye Zhang Zhan Yan smiled and then raised my hand and pointed to the East Mouth.
"Let’s go to Baimayuan!"
Now Baimayuan has become a chaotic battlefield. I don’t know where it came from. NPCs from all walks of life are engaged in a fierce confrontation with players. Players have given them a lot of time to upgrade their strength and modify their familiar skills because of the Beggar’s rune stone, so it is not difficult for them to fight, and many players stand out in the battle.
However, NPCs, all of which are dragons all over the world and have ternary attributes, are constantly dying in exchange for the mana and blood consumption of players, and this continuous battle has gradually become overwhelmed
"Brother Cyclone, shall we take over?"
Angry inflammation has been very impatient, and he is ready to go coquettish. The five abilities of the conscious almighty, except the dream, he dare not make it easily, and the other four skills will be a powerful help for their team
Ye Zhang didn’t worry. He knew that the news Feng Zhi sent him wasn’t just these little shrimps. Maybe the real main battlefield wasn’t here, but Baima used to be a religious relic with a very large area. At this time, a huge mechanical turning sound came from another place not far away.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-two Tens of thousands of worlds
Ye Zhang’s team arrived at the scene, and it was shocking that the player’s large area fell to the ground and was killed by the range damage skill. This behemoth is familiar to Ye Zhang because it is armed with mecha!
The famous war took a gasp, and his heart was extremely shocked at this time. You know, this is? ? ? The ultimate level BOSS will appear in this place. Can it be said that those "doors" connected to the weeping world have been hit?
But this is obviously not the time to think about these issues, because Ye Zhang has taken over.
Ye Zhang’s appearance made some players in the weak period of Beggar Emperor’s effect breathe a sigh of relief at the same time. At this time, they made the skill Beggar Emperor’s effect give them a chance to die, but being killed for the second time is bound to go out. No one wants to go out, so at this time, no matter whether they have any hatred with Cyclone, they can see the savior falling from the sky. They all burst into cheers together.
However, Ye Zhang didn’t respond to them when he knew that the mecha’s armed terror was a famous war and angry inflammation. Needless to say, they had already fought with the mecha’s armed forces once, and the second time, although they were still a little nervous, they could cope with it freely, but Ghost Yin and Little Beauty were immediately very shocked.
During the battle, the famous war explained the effect of the mecha’s armed skills with Ghost Yin and avoided the mecha’s armed attack. At the same time, Ye Zhang and the famous war made a three-stage attack, which shattered the defense system of the mecha’s armed rules just like at the beginning.
After the mecha’s armed defense rules were collapsed, the injuries of Ye Zhang and Mingzhan were greatly enhanced. At this time, the angry hand suddenly dragged the whole team into a different dimension.
"hmm? My injury has increased by 5%. What is this? "