It is said that priests will become heroines throughout October, such as Ai Luen, the first high-ranking priest of the night elves, and the prophetic wife of the tenth priestess, who speaks Tyrande, and mirana’s night shadow happens to be the place. Throughout her life in the twentieth month, the priestess left many indelible deeds, even if it was short. The human side called her the executioner, and the culprit of the night town tragedy, the tribal side, praised her much. At the instigation of Motriti, the natural disaster corps competed to slander her. She once represented the night elves and sent many guards to join the country to lead the elves to cross the sea The clan took on the priestess of the Guards Corps and let the night elves take on the guards for a long time in the next 30 years. With the death of mirana, the situation of the night clan leading the Guards Corps was gone.

Witnesses said that the mouth gesture of the priestess before she died should be to call out Morred’s name, which made the master wonder that the death of such a young lady (although we have to bear some responsibility) did not cause a big storm. The parties generally reacted indifferently. Queen undercity called mirana’s death "retribution". Chief Sal only expressed "regret" for the frontline commander, and Magina even said that she didn’t know about it! A random informant told me that Magina and Motriti were in some kind of subtlety, which might explain that he and mirana had always been at odds. Unfortunately, the few luna moon marks left by the elf sentinels who followed mirana’s cross-sea expedition and were killed on the Black Coast were slowly covered up by the fog of history.
Mirana’s assassination left a year-end ominous sign for the peaceful dwarf. There are several death doubts worthy of discussion. One ironforge soon announced the blockade of the city. The assassin Molif was caught on the spot. He said that he was tempted by natural disasters and assassinated, but refused to disclose other specific issues. Second, Molif was taken to Ironforge prison to wait for him, it would be the death penalty. However, he was actually shot on the fifth day, perhaps without full trial. The sniper team responded that the assassin refused to say. Act III Many witnesses said that on the day of the incident, many mysterious people who set off firecrackers created a chaotic atmosphere. One living elf said that this was a premeditated incident. This elf died in the hotel that night. For four or two months, people have been killed in Ironforge. Most of them are insiders or witnesses to the mirana incident. As a result, even though the king did not strictly prohibit it, the resistance to investigating this matter was even greater.
Master Wu personally visited the pastor of Ironforge Weekly, who reported the incident. He replied to me,’ The priestess was lying on her back. Two bullets hit her chest and one hit her head. Her hands seemed to be blackened by coke-like gunpowder. This is the latest technological explosive, so I suspect that the assassin was a group, the Natural Disaster Corps, which probably infiltrated our department.’? The main force of the undead is trying to attack the elf continent. It seems that they are not far from success. Who cares about a woman who has lost power? At that time, Motti, Abaddon, traxex and others were still unable to succeed in Ironforge. What’s more, they hoped to defend the Lord and the faction with a peace agreement. Seven contradictions in the night elf department? Some people say that she offended fandral’s deer helmet husband and some elves advocated defending their homes to the death and fighting against natural disasters to the end, so they opposed humiliating peace talks
All right, all right, that’s enough speculation. After all, the master is not a clever guy, and wit is often the reader. The real murderer will become an unsolved case before the day is revealed. Maybe you already have a murderer in your heart. Who can he be? Finally, let’s leave our hope to the new year. May the world tree, the source of life, Ankang Katz, the peak of Mo Dan mainland be towering and straight. Muradin will bless you dwarves in heaven and have new surprises in the new year! ForIronforge!
Attached to the Iron Furnace Fort Weekly’s Man of the Year over the years (some years in the 30 th and 12 th years of Woodcalendar were not named) 3 years Prophet Fario 32 years Marshal of Storm Kingdom Knight Davion 33 years sharpshooter Kadeer Hawkeye 37 years New Moon Priestess mirana 3 years First Warrior of Guards Corps Magina 39 years Knight luna 4 years Defender Ace Dwarf Helicopter 42 years Young swordsman Swing 45 years Losing his helmet and disarming the burning legion (showing the decline of natural disasters in Northwest Theater) 47 years of destruction. Sentenced to Defense of the Ancients for 4 years, the giant inferno hopes that Gerakau and Haska brothers will be the commander of the Central District in 49 years, Druid in 51 years, Aurelia Windrunner in 52 years, the head of the Assassins’ League, and the Temple Assassin in 55 years, which will affect the situation in the southeast, the four giants, the Lich, Abaddon, Nuochong and Testin’s 56-year-old scarred storm wall (title persistence means hope) 57-year-old dwarf and goblin mining harmonious scene 6-year-old sea water (alluding to the catastrophe of that year) 61-year-old werewolf leader Banehallow 62-year-old goblin tinker Bosch 63-year-old Zeus King 64-year-old troll chief Woking left disruptor Saar 66-year-old Tauren Chieftain Kane 67-year-old axe king Mongo Kahn 6-year-old bow and shield, Spear (the great enemy now symbolizes the unity of the guards) 69 years later, the leader of the Prophet era-fandral Deer Helmet 7 years demon terror blade 71 years undercity Queen Motriti 72 years Olympus King 75 years Zall Ranger traxex 1 year Medivh Labik 2 years mirana Night Shadow.
Episode Prophet’s Nightmare is an unspoiled paradise. I am in the green mist, which blurs my eyes. The world is towering and ancient trees are flourishing, while the original forest, the green dragon and the red dragon guard the pure land. Even though I know it is a dream, I can still find peace and tranquility when I visit the dream. Do you want to give me the answer I want? The natural magic of green rain in the sky has been enhanced in the emerald dream. I tried to transform trees into tree people in an area and let them explore the road separately. Soon I found several red dragons and black dragons, which were the guardians of the emerald dream. Before being transformed by intelligent creatures, Azeroth’s face was beautiful and pure, with rolling hills and dense jungles. Even the mountains and mountains were covered with lush vegetation and quiet valleys.
The blue mysterious staff is glittering and translucent, and the magic light is shining. I hold the staff high with reverence and preach the doctrine of wild druid incantation, "Can you tell us to ease the world into mystery and calm nature?" My feet and the earth suddenly tore apart, and the hot sparks splashed. I fell into a short dizziness. When I woke up, I was in a state of body and soul. The jungle guardian was in front of me. "Don’t try to save the world. You really care about having your son!" "Nonsense!" I turned green and retorted, "How can there be despicable creatures in a pure emerald dream?" "Are you talking about yourself?" I just found out that his face is exactly like mine.
"Oh, so you are the other side of my mind? This is impossible! " "The evil in the hearts of saints is far stronger than that of ordinary people, and all creatures have evil side, and the prophet is no exception." His words scared me. It seems that the black dragon and tree people around me are mocking and staring at camphor trees, rivers and birds, and the world is full of evil and killing! I threw an energy ball at it, and the tough antlers should break. There was a stream of blood coming out of my head. Er, I also suffered the same injury. "Aren’t you white? I’m you, you’re me, and you’re torturing your soul. "Did I ever have that ugly smile on my face?
"I am the evil Leshrac, the nightmare god!" The tortured soul smiled grimly. "It pains me that the duel of Magina was ruined by Merritty! I feel terrible when I am occupied by the northern scourge army law! They don’t understand our suffering. Can you understand? " I was surprised at his dirty psychology, but he shamelessly confessed everything! "Die die! Feel the pain in the depths of the soul together. "Strong magic fluctuations caused an explosion. Five flashes destroyed the tree people who wanted to save me. Every second, they released violent pulses and burned the jungle. Everything was spewing and raging.
"You are a demon." I was injured and he was equally hurt. "I have long learned from the evil power of the frozen throne and have long mastered the demon pardon essence! Imagine that you will become like me, and you will not be a ghost. Anyway, you will not be an elf anymore. "Everyone who enters the emerald dream is dead. Are the ancient records true? Then I will be strangled by my soul in my dream? It’s terrible! Nature bless you!
There was a thunder in the night. "Wow!" At the end of the flash, the black crow flew from far and near with screams and landed in the depths of the foot land. The bear roared and deformed. The druid came before me. My old friend Label! "Hey!" The roaring brown bear summoned the bear spirit, and in anger, it inspired the vines to wrap around Leshrac. My body also quickly showed the scars of strangulation. "Don’t kill him! He is my soul!" "You won’t be in danger." The crow turned into a great care teacher. He stuffed the ball that exudes vitality into my chest and then waved the staff. A clear weakening can flow to the black dragon and vicious Rasiak.
I also suffered the same blow, which did not affect them to destroy the devil. I held the mysterious staff tightly and tried not to make a painful sound. "You will be tortured! Long live the scourge! " The tortured soul’s life will stop him, and the pulse nova will scream at the top of his lungs and cast him into the abyss of death by the magic of the great care master. "Well!" I spit out a big stream of blood and finally fell to my death.
I’m still trying to call on my friends Labik and Label to walk in the fading. They cast a hopeful look. I have to congratulate you, Lord Fario, for following your first mate for 10,000 years. Although the war situation is extremely severe, you finally found a way to cure the world of Azeroth. I can feel his wisdom and vicissitudes after a long sigh. At dusk, the gods sacrificed their lives to sneak into your dream and completed the mission of protecting the world of Azeroth. The heart of the scourge is the essence of the scourge defeated by the frozen throne-send!
What? Sacrifice your own life? ! Are Labik and Label dead when they meet in the Emerald Dream? I still want to ask questions, but I am limited by my dreams. As the nightmare fog gradually clears, I seem to smell the fragrance of flowers and plants outside the Moon Temple. Someone is walking back and forth around me and whispering in my ear, "Go to the front and inform Lord Maina!" "The Prophet is awake!"
Chapter 90 The undead attack outside Dolannar day and night. They hire goblin transport ships to transport troops and tirelessly infect the city to create soldiers. Every day, natural disaster boats drop poison gas in the city. Sometimes they are intercepted by Chimera, risking their own infection to prevent the poison gas from falling to the ground. I learned that Label led the guards to build fortifications in various key areas, and ancient of war and ancient guardians rose from the ground. Every once in a while, I led a group of death squads out of the city to take the initiative to clean up nearby forests and water sources.
At this time, I was calling a meeting in the tree of life, and dozens of elves and nobles sat in a row like fools, waiting for me to come out and appeal to the natural disaster for a truce. "It’s up to you, Magina!" A fat druid aristocrat urged me to glance at the dark smell of the note again. "Enough of the endless war. Can we sit down and talk?" I still believe you. If you still believe me, the druid will return to human form and form a circle. Long-eared nobles will make way one after another. "Doranal City has been surrounded for three years, and our ancient tree defense line will not last long." "My white mentor" I got up and prepared to leave. Some timid water flies are still buzzing. "The negotiation must be successful and some benefits will be given. It is also called that the night elf has been the chairman of the Guards League for so many years."
I have some bad news for you, Lord Magina. mirana, the Night Shadow Priest, was assassinated in Ironforge. She died unfortunately. The archer reported to me in a small way. Go ahead. I waved my hand casually. I have heard it! Inexplicably, I lost my temper. I dropped the negotiation note on the tree table and took out a white letter from my arms. There seems to be a faint fragrance in the delicate elf font. "How are you, dear? I’m on my way to Ironforge Road. Everything is all right. Zeus, the dwarf king, will hold talks with me. Maybe I won’t be able to write to you for a while, but don’t worry. I’ll return to Danasus soon. The natural disaster will be repelled. I closed my eyes, folded the letter back into my pocket, and conveniently crushed the note of Motriti. "Sindore signed an elf death squad out of town!"
Dressed in military uniform, I look at this familiar forest. The place where I grew up in childhood is not far from the city. It is a quiet habitat of the original forest. My blood and Motriti’s blood flow in the depths of the fountain of life, but the person who brought me here for the first time was the leader of mirana, the most unfortunate person. Rooftrellen’s living armor taught me to increase spell resistance. Druid’s natural spells taught me to tear my father apart. I often brought a few savage orcs to tear them up. I am indeed a competitive man. Small fights can arouse my interest and make me feel tired. I like this quiet forest. Mi "You will become an elf, and I will accompany you here when you are most tired." mirana is the only interesting girl in the Elves. She never quarrels with me, even if some people say that she is not good, even if she is the most powerful priestess of the Elves, she is always gentle with me in every word and deed.
"That druid with a deer face haunts me." "Hehe, there are always frivolous nobles hovering around you!" "I never paid attention to the prophet’s prediction that I would be with the bravest soldier of the Guards Corps." "My brother is a scholar and my father wants you to go to the Moon Temple to accompany him." "I slipped away quietly. errorblade doesn’t need me and I need you." "Maybe I will have to do something, but that’s because I love you, which has never changed." She did something that made me angry and disappeared so quietly, just like she never did in the future.
Claw druids are eager to try. The blade of the abyss exudes steel breath, which contrasts with the sadness and coldness of the cream. "You are a man in the Guards Regiment." The cold light in Abaddon’s eyes seems to devour the skull king and rape the half-human mammoth. It seems to laugh at me for throwing eggs at stones. Behind them, there is an endless dead skeleton frost dragon hovering in the haze and screaming sharply. In my mind, mirana was assassinated and fell in a pool of blood to help me. I was fascinated and rushed to Defense of the Ancients. "blood out!" The blade fell on Frostmourne’s mana, which caused the rune sword to turn red and sublimate into smoke.
"Hey!" Abaddon started the crazy mask and made a crazy effort to push me back. I conveniently stepped back and avoided the skull horse crushing rune sword. The freezing effect has covered my whole body with frost, but his light shield broke and only a trace of magic left me with a death wound. "Scatter!" I yelled at the guards around me. I can still bear this damage! "Lich King, you must die!"
Deep in my mind, mirana’s smiling face lingers, and inexplicable anger is ignited in my chest! I yelled at the tip of an abyss blade and stabbed Abaddon in the abdomen. His steed resisted a ghost king. When the fire came to me, he flashed and jumped on his horse. He chopped Defense of the Ancients’s shoulder and defeated him, forcing him to faint. Defense of the Ancients’s body was shrouded in green magic light and then glowed with evil black smoke. Although he lost his magic, his ultimate skill was cast, and he had already broken through the mana limit. "Fool!" Defense of the Ancients threw me to the ground, fearing that the healing power of Aoxin was stronger than that of Aoxin. He slashed his chest with a sword and blood overflowed, and was quickly frozen by Frostmourne.
Half-human mammoth raised its fangs and rushed to the center of the death squad. The druid’s thick body resisted its brutal impact. The elven bear’s front paws seized Margueras’s mane and swung, causing an earth-shattering roar. Two-stage reversal made the earth tear several cracks. After it stunned everyone, it roared and came at me. I did not flinch. I got rid of Abaddon’s entanglement and rushed to meet the sharp fangs. I sighed slightly in my heart, "Where are your father and brother mirana?"
"Hey!" The strong body of the elf bear stopped the skeleton horse and the king of king leoric "withdraw!" Knowing that Label ordered the soldiers to retreat, "No!" I tried my best to stop "fighting with the undead!" Druids combined with four or five guards grabbed me and dragged me back to the city. "Motriti, it’s me! Do you want to rob her? Do it with me! " Abaddon ordered the meat grinder to attack the city and break the tower while following me to swear, "turtle Magina!" We tried our best to retreat into the city, and the ghouls and necromancers also took advantage of it. The ancient guardians fell and the defense system of Dolannar City collapsed
"But Milana is dead!" To the elders and mentor about Label, I also yelled, "She’s dead! Died of the Elves! The natural disaster sent an assassin to assassinate her! " "Bastard!" The humble druid flew into a rage and grabbed my cuff "* * * really liked mirana? It’s that girl you love for 60 years, whose name is Motti! " Long silence Xiong Ling died in the battlefield. Glory was carried by King king leoric in Abaddon massacre, while frantically searching for my trace. In the secret room, there were several unreliable elves who even lost the courage to sit in a row. "Ai Luen’s property has been transferred to the goblin bank. I want to fly overseas and I can’t die here."
I glanced at the newly grown noble "Let’s go, mentor" and "The urgent report from Lord Magina to fandral". The elf messenger was covered in injuries. Before I received the letter, I swallowed my breath. "fandral Deer Helmet told us to stick to Dolannar and not to retreat." "Take us back!" "It’s time for us to overthrow fandral by mastering the three forces of Guards, Druids and Elves Sentinels." I persuaded Druids to look out of the window at the sunken eyes of Xiong Ling’s dead body.
Chapter three hundred and sixty-nine Chase
"Druids bear the pain of losing their homes! I didn’t fight against the elves. What happened to the guards and the natural disasters for so many years? " I looked blankly and learned that the army of the undead in Label had found the Chamber of Secrets. The sound of ghouls knocking on the door was clearly visible. "You go, I want to be alone for a while." Everyone knows what the consequences will be when I stay here. I didn’t daydream again. I knelt down and bowed deeply to my tutor. After that, I rushed out of the Chamber of Secrets with the elves and fled to the southwest world tree under the cover of the remnant troops and Chimera.
Knowing that Label is a loyal druid, fandral is also a druid leader no matter how pedantic he is. He followed the prophet for many years and tried to protect the saplings. He worked hard to develop the natural disasters of the night elves and arrived in the city. The old druid really had no face to go back to Danasus. He summoned another bear spirit with his hands in the air and gently stroked its mane "Natural disasters!" "Maggie, do you dare to fight with me?" "Sindore’s fate defends his homeland" learned that Label was numb and listened to the noise as if everything was connected with him. He drew a broad sword and plunged it into Xiong Ling’s throat. The meek bear fell into his master’s arms without resisting and whining. He turned his sword to himself again. His eyes were full of pain and tears. He believed in reincarnation. The Druid doctrine said that after his death, the Druid would enter a dream full of dreams and emeralds. It was a fairyland of bliss.
The World Tree is located at the southwest end of the world in Azeroth, which belongs to the tropical climate. Danasus, the main city of the night elves, has stood for decades. There is indeed a prosperous trade zone and a well-armed warrior zone in each region. The center of Danasus is a lake and the moon temple is located by the lake. It is the residence palace of the supreme leader of the night elves. To enter the temple, you must climb high. It seems that the steps leading to the dome are sublime and sacred. fandral must be inside at this time to watch the news that the city was broken when I came back in a panic. The citizens of the main city of Danasus were amazed that I could still come back alive. They did not criticize my soldiers for their kindness because of the defeated children. The elves understood that the Guards regiment was at a huge disadvantage at present. They naively’ the first warrior’ could lead Sindore to glory.
I hurried to the aristocratic area to meet with many nobles, and also visited the fallen heroes such as Rooftrellen, the enchanted witch and the relative of the moon priestess Zhu Mengyu, who temporarily took mirana’s place. At the same time, she supported me to overthrow fandral. "Sindore can’t go like this any more. The night warriors are willing to help you." Several ministries are busy dispatching troops stationed in Danasus, trying to master the druids, sentries and mages, and the elves are coming to an end at dusk. Danasus citizens are used to walking on the lawn in front of the temple of the moon god at dusk to relax their hands and feet.
Darkness gradually darkened in Darnassus, and citizens gathered in Darnassus Square. There were hunters and bear hunters. I was surrounded by guards and walked out of the Temple of the Moon. The appearance of the’ Guards Warrior’ naturally attracted everyone’s attention. "Dear people of Darnassus temporarily suspended his leadership position because of the heart problems of the great druid fandral’s deer helmet, and I blessed Sindore on behalf of the great druid Ai Luen!" The night elves’ awareness of participating in politics is generally low. As usual, they take a leisurely walk and have no abnormal reaction. Zhu Meng and I are both secretly relieved.
Moonlight is like water. fandral’s two antlers stand proudly to write official documents. The great druid silently meditates on this manuscript to mobilize the elves to defend their homeland. His speech is full of passion and agitation. He also wants to excel in eloquence and even hold the post of the great druid. "Didn’t you see that I was writing? Get out! " Seeing that the guards reacted, fandral couldn’t help but be angry and "get out!" "You can’t leave this mansion for a few days, Lord fandral." "Who gave the instructions?" "Magina command" "Magina? I’m the real elf leader! He did it! " Fandral slammed the wooden pen on the table and the guards went out. He sat down in a chair angrily.
"Damn junior", he kept on talking and turned his attention to a delicate instrument at the table. What’s it called? The line said,’ The best choice to realize Azeroth ball communication-by garkisen Mobile Company’. fandral studied it for a long time and held up the microphone with a try attitude. "What do you mean by demonstrating Darth’s adult?" This thing really exists? "Who are you?" "The general of Odashir’s continental front against the Scourge Corps is called" "All right, all right, I order you to take the army back to Danasus as soon as possible!" Fandral interrupted him in a hurry as if he were grasping at straws.
Chapter ninety-one The Prophet Return The front-line soldiers in Danasus City are struggling to cope with the approaching natural disaster, and the elf leader Maggie Na didn’t have a quarter of an hour to rest. When the Terran Kingdom didn’t recognize that the elf leader tribe outside fandral was strictly neutral, the goblins on the other side of the strait were bribed by fandral and refused to give them the proceeds from Odashir’s continental sea, which caused the financial difficulties of Maggie Na’s elf camp. "What is his name, the Guards Corps? Dwarf orcs all use their own abacus to think about how to take advantage of our chaotic opportunities to rob! " He got up angrily and went to the lawn outside the Moon Temple for fun.
After replacing the fandral storm, everything was calm at first, and it didn’t take long for Zhu Meng, the priestess in charge of maintaining public order in the main city, to report in a panic that the elite troops of the front line war suddenly remitted dozens of thrower cars to the Temple of the Moon and entered Dana Seuss! "Is to support fandral? No way! That old man was imprisoned by me and even flies couldn’t fly in! " "Siege cars ran amok in the street and killed many civilian female sentries!" She seemed to cry. Maggie refused to comfort her. She urged the elves and citizens to ban travel, enforce martial law in the city and send more troops to guard the Temple of the Moon. Maggie kicked the table and drafted the official document, and grabbed the blade of the abyss shining with cold light.
"The big druid is a traitor!" The blade-throwing car bumped into hippogryph on the road ahead and suffered defeat on the front line. The elf army triumphantly entered the mansion and rescued its owner, fandral Deer Helmet. "Druids who advocate nature will not be defeated! Leader, I am encouraged by your support. Sindore, you are proud! " Fandral declaimed Eul sacred staff dancing back and forth in the middle "traitor is not worth forgiving! Both the Prophet Fario have turned into elf enemies. We have to execute traitors to defend Odashir! " "agree!" The soldiers cheered that everyone was absolutely loyal to fandral. Anyway, the elf guards didn’t like the arrogant’ first warrior’ Maggie Na.
The blade-throwing motorcade made a speech to the fandral Deer Helmet along the street of the Moon Temple, denouncing Magina’s treason. The indignant hunter took up arms and joined the crusade. They met a druid loyal to the magina mage? Er, you are the Label Department? " Yes, yes, Label was brave. He was killed. He was the best druid. fandral said to himself huskily. Then blazing with anger raised his voice. Fario slept in the emerald dream. Now I am the only druid! Legal leader of the night elves! Magina deceived the people. Are you willing to continue to be deceived by him? Look at the situation now! The Natural Disaster Corps forced the world tree Magina’ the first warrior of the guards’ not only failed to resist the enemy’s responsibility, but liaised with Queen undercity in an attempt to subvert the Justice Guards! " When he finished a few lines on his head, his forehead was covered with sweat. I don’t know if he was angry or afraid, but his body trembled uncontrollably.
The good druids believed him, and they Machina cheated and turned angrily to the fandral camp Moon Temple. Only a few guards were throwing knives to suppress the roots, which was not a threat. The big druids shouted slogans and rushed into the temple with various elf troops. In this quiet night, it was out of proportion to the sacred atmosphere of the Moon Temple. "Come out, traitor! Your end is here! " No matter soldiers or priests are particularly brave at the moment, a few female thieves are sympathetic and hope that fandral will treat Maggie lightly. "Although he is blind, he is always a handsome man." They have focused their attention on the enchanting relics all over the temple, showing greedy green light.
"Go to the idol!" Magina commanded only a few dozen soldiers to retreat to the Ai Luen statue in the Moon Temple, which is where the essence of the temple lies. The elegant lake winds around its Ai Luen statue, holding a silver plate and pouring holy water from the silver plate into the foot pool of the statue. Behind the statue is the guardian, the major allies send troops to send troops to send troops to send out the elegant lines of the silver goddess, which tend to be consistent. Magina looked at the majestic goddess and prayed silently to himself. He was very surprised that he suddenly lost his courage and expressed doubts about the spirit of never being able to kill the enemy. Alas, I was also a person who admired heroes before.
"Sindore ancestors have their certificates. This is the traitor field!" After the autumn wind swept away several guards, fandral made an impromptu speech before he left. People were amazed at the wisdom of the great druid. There were still Maina and the last recalcitrant soldier fandral’s antlers in front of the statue of Ai Luen. His eyes stood tall and showed some mercy. "Give up resisting God and bless you not to kill you." He slipped his eyes cunningly. At one turn, "Maina must be punished for taking the lead! After this incident, I will throw Fario’s body into the night altar and I will eradicate this evil family! " "That’s why I look down on the mage. Mages are boastful old men." Magina removed the black cloth covering her eyes, and the eye-catching wound was revealed. "Have you been trying to kill me for a long time? Take my life away! "
"Ha, this is why people call you’ magina’? But in your eyes, the enemy is not the mage but the Guards! " As soon as fandral finished speaking, he waved his staff to summon roots from the ground and wrapped them around the soldiers. Flexible magina immediately flashed to fandral’s side and was stung by a thorn halo. fandral made the wind staff tornado throw him into the middle, and then hurriedly hid in the back row. Both sides told the elf soldiers that a bloody battle was imminent if they lit gunpowder. fandral used the’ natural force’ to summon the tree people to constantly get stuck in Maggie’s position from all directions, so that he could not get close to himself no matter how he flashed.
"I forgot to say that the mage is still very cunning!" Magina killed five tree people with three knives, forcing fandral’s deer helmet to rush. He took his staff to resist the deadly abyss blade "Poof!" Euler’s sacred staff broke into two sections and left a sharp mark. "This is the highest staff symbolizing the wizard’s prestige." fandral’s eyes are almost glazed. One of his thoughts is to kill himself and escape-if he doesn’t run away, he has been hit by seven arrows and knife wounds when magina is desperate to hunt him down. He was forced to return to the side of the idol, and his blood stained Ai Luen’s foot pool. "If you beat me one-on-one but you rely on your teammates to help me kill me, then I can say that you are a shame."
"Ha, so what?" Fandral picked up his staff and stroked his beard casually. "From today on, the night elves will not have your family. I will send someone to conclude a peace agreement with the Scourge to defend the mission of Azeroth, so we, the first warrior, will not worry about it!" The Abyss Blade supports the ground and magina’s body. He feels the coldness of the Abyss Blade. This murder weapon of Magina was forged by the Dwarf Blacksmith’s Shop for ten years, and it was stained with the blood of the undead, which plunged the enemy into death, dizziness and fanaticism. Now he actually tasted the coldness of the Abyss Blade. Is my hand losing temperature? "Well, I’ll send you to hell to find your concubine, the queen Motti!" Fandral ordered several elf stalkers to raise their sharp weapons and fall quickly.
The world suddenly became quiet, and a pure rain of life floated over the head of the statue of Ai Luen. magina’s wound slowly healed, and the rage in the soldiers’ eyes faded with the wind. "Damn it, what happened? Kill that traitor! Deer Helmets are watching you! " Fandral shouted angrily that the night elves were awakened suddenly, and the hatred will occupied the brain. The hunters waved their weapons at Magina and several soldiers again, "Uh" and "Ah!" The orange-yellow harmful energy wave came and flashed at all the elf hunters who raised their weapons. One by one, they wailed and fell to the ground in pain. The elf mage was so scared that he knew it was not like a small spell of’ flashing chain’ with decreasing damage.
It’s the ultimate magic and natural anger of the elf patriarch! The energy wave penetrated fandral’s chest when the guard’s ejection damage increased from minor and serious injuries to death. The big druid vomited blood and collapsed to the ground. "Are you awake? My old friend "Magina" flashed to fandral and cut her throat with a knife. "fandral, you have to face thorns when you fight with branches." After everyone’s wounds healed, the prophet stopped the rain of life and cast Li Shuguang to illuminate the stalwart body of Fario. He passed the body of fandral and made a pious bow in front of the statue of Ai Luen. "It’s so good that you can wake up, father."
"What father did you see in the Emerald Dream?" "I saw dead people and demons in my nightmare, but these dead people and demons taught me a lesson." "Dead people? Devil? What are they? " "Oh, let’s not talk about it. Take me to see the sacred tree." Father and son can walk to the southwest and see the world tree towering at the end of Azeroth. The ancient guardians have protected it for thousands of years. As early as the birth of the night elves, the elves planted saplings. Today, the ancient trees are far older than some prehistoric relics. They are called the’ tower’, the most indestructible ancient guardian of the Guards. The tree of life, the moon well, the Chimera perch and the altar for the elderly are scattered around the world tree. There is a delivery behind them.
The prophet looked up at the towering world tree "Quiet before the storm" and sighed that an elf appeared in front of them through the delivery door "Is it Russia?" "Hmm" "Bigger than an ordinary elf. What is this strange ball?" Fario didn’t answer Magina’s question. "We are its guardians. Through it, we get immortal life and powerful power beyond nature, and now we can finally return this power." "What do you want to do?" The elf guarded the girl and asked the prophet puzzled.
"Change" The prophet hung his head sadly. "I and the great care guru predicted at the same time that the frozen throne would be swallowed up by the extreme cold and anger, but we all made stupid mistakes. Fate is law change!" "Maggie, do you know Morred? In the ancient elvish language, it stands for’ fate’. In the prophecy, I saw that you fell in love with Morritty and the Scourge degenerated into the terrorblade Institute. I intended to fix you up with mirana, but the bad luck of’ terrorblade’ didn’t escape, but it shifted to errorblade. "magina knelt on the ground with a stunned face." Did I kill your brother? " "The Great Magician is a demigod. He can see more than me. He told me in the Emerald Dream the essence of saving Azeroth-sending your life to Russia can create a scale before sending to the battle."
"Me?" "yes! You are not an ordinary elf girl. Labik concentrated the essence of the heroes killed on the Black Coast in your body. This energy is enough to create a breakthrough in Northrend blockade and send an army to the battle. "Fario said a lot of words. Tired and full of longing, he became more rational after waking up from his dream. I looked at myself in surprise, and her eyes dimmed silently. She knew that life and magic would be lost when she passed. Labik repeatedly told her that she was absolutely from the prophet, but she was still very sad. She didn’t understand that what a great care teacher created was not an instrument, but a one.
Sacrifice? Save the world? What makes the despicable means change the fate and then save it in a wretched way? Magina gave a wry smile-he didn’t understand that he suddenly missed his brother, mirana and luna, and wanted to have a good fight with the natural disaster, even if he died. What did his father get for taking pains and risking his life to step into the dream? Is it that mirana and his brother died and the Elf brothers were killed, or is it a hollow reputation of "the first warrior in the Guards"? In his life, he hated the sorcerer who vowed to get rid of the undead wise men like the lich, but the people around him were not practicing "Morred" all the time. He read the word bitterly and gently, perhaps as his father said, fate is a change of law.
Chapter 92 Escaping assassins don’t have the habit of sleeping. Even when she is on the throne, Mo Cuidi falls asleep with her head propped up in one hand. Any sign of trouble can wake her up. She doesn’t believe in undercity’s defense. Of course, many times the queen sits alone on the throne like today, cold and heavy, with her helmet and trial wheel on one side. It’s like a huge palace where the dead are imprisoned, and she is firmly tied inside without makeup. Sometimes she will meet Zete, a pair of strange wolves, whose eyes are different from those of Zete who are wretched in the dark. Wang kept the general appearance of the night elf. Her eyes were big and beautiful, and those sapphire blue eyes often shone with inspiration, and sometimes they showed sadness and embarrassment.
Meredith likes to think quietly, and her eyes reveal many feelings, such as expectation, anxiety, fear and perhaps a trace of humanity. At this moment, she is waiting for Maggie’s reply. Is she expecting to rewrite her fate or the fate of the world? But everything is like undercity, a huge tomb, where there is no sunlight all year round. Life is like a stagnant pool. There is no wave. As time goes by, hope is getting dim. Maybe the Guards will fight with their lives. Maybe Azeroth will fall into the dark world of the undead. "You must miss the Motriti Temple in magina, but I’m afraid you’ll never see him again." Death Prophet said it was a relief to her. "Are you sure?" Mo Cui di not care to play with the suffocating blade in his hand lightly say with smile
"Well, according to the report of the undead cavalry, the skeleton clan slaughtered Dolan Naer City under the leadership of Lord Abaddon, and at the same time, the night elves mutinied. Abaddon made an opportunity to storm the natural disaster army and rushed to the world tree of Danasus." Motriti showed surprise and unusual sadness. She made a sign to Crobel Ruth to continue. "Lord Abaddon was a good general, but magina disappeared after the failed coup plot to overthrow fandral." "You go and I want to be quiet for a while" The banshee left. Motriti’s eyes slowly lost. She quickly drafted a document and refused to negotiate with the fandral Deer Helmet Elf Ruling Group. Then she felt that it was inappropriate to do so and crossed out those lines of scribbled undead language.
There was a sudden cold wind blowing in the palace. She put a pen and hugged her arms. According to the’ convention’, Mr. Wang always loved to come at this time. Motriti had to concentrate on thinking everything before the king could communicate with her heart. She didn’t want the king to know that it was difficult to worry about some thoughts in his heart. Maybe the king had already known it. Maybe she closed her eyes and stood in a trance in Northrend. The frozen throne stood in front of her. The Lich King sat in front of her. "traxex betrayed us. This betrayal can be a dead end." The illusion disappeared and the cold was still with her. She hesitated for a moment. In these few seconds, many images quickly appeared in the Caspian Sea. Two people were attacked by stealth assassins and bounty hunters, and they also walked through the vast Kalimdor desert together. "I know what to do, Wang."
General Ranger’s residence is heavily guarded. The queen wore a dominant helmet and a shadow moon wheel. A large number of banshees and archers followed her. "Goodbye" She patted the dead guard on the shoulder and walked into the Zall Ranger’s residence. Skeletons didn’t react. Why did the queen say "goodbye" instead of "good night"? Traxex seldom goes out. Once she loved to laugh and talk, the dead girl turned into a silent puppet and silent undercity became a dead sea. Merritty pushed the door and found that the pattern here had not changed much. Besides, she sent thieves to find out the communication files between traxex and the blood elves. Think about undercity’s chief ranger’s mutiny intention and make it public. Merritty has an indescribable happiness.
I remember many things your Natural Disaster Corps has done over the years, from defeating the Terran-Elf Coalition, stepping over the tribe to defeating the Guards on the Black Coast. traxex devoted herself to studying and attacking the aura, and she still looked dull. Morritty raised a contempt in her heart. I remember you hitting me once. Her mind was still on the bow and arrow side, and she casually dealt with Queen Morritty’s embarrassment again. She regretted not letting Crobel Ruth come with her, otherwise she would not always be in a tense atmosphere. "Ah, how do you?" traxex showed a surprised expression. She was about to say "How do you know?" But she found it childish to ask. "You make me feel sad, sister. I want to talk to you." "That’s enough. Don’t you take me seriously?" Mortetti pushed traxex’s hand and sneered, "Fool, do you think I will make unnecessary communication with a traitor?"
Motriti turned to leave and suddenly threw a suffocating blade soaked with venom and stabbed traxex in the shoulder. "Ah!" Traxex just wanted to fight back. The ambush skeleton soldiers waved broadswords and ran at her. After the first two skeletons were kicked apart, she took the opportunity to escape into the darkness and disappear into the field of vision. "How could you escape from my palm, sweetheart?" Motriti polished the dagger and chased the banshees to the door. The traxex garrison and the queen soldiers scuffled together, and then undercity City was martial law. Midnight, dusk and other pubs were closed. The phantom assassin took the necromancer to the army city to arrest the Zall Ranger.
Traxex soon found that she couldn’t get out of Merritty’s sight because all the dead were after her! She was forced to flee to the street. Fortunately, many meat sellers hated knowing her. "Hey, isn’t this General traxex? Hello sister Motti is looking for you everywhere. "Ahhfreshmea" according to her disgust, she quickly fled in the opposite direction. "It’s over." At an intersection, she happened to meet a poisonous warlock and lead the wanted troops "Ah Ah Ache!" Risel’s Death Messenger blew out the nearby ghost fire with a miasma. "Hey, why did the light go out?" "The boss sneezed and the ghost lamp was spit out." "Look who that is?" Wannabe is in a mess. An eagle-eyed undead wizard pointed to traxex and asked the poisonous warlock to spit a big mouthful of green pus and smear it on traxex’s face so that everyone could not tell who she was. "Okay, let’s keep walking."
"Sister, I have already closed the city gate and it is a dead end to run again!" Motriti shouted that undercity was running around chasing teams. A lich saw a black cloak and a green-faced archer in front of him. "Am I blind?" He added frost armor himself to see what happened. The archer suddenly flashed a punch and hit the lich’s weak skull. "Oh, don’t let her go in the name of the Lich King!" The lich got up and told the mage to chase five or six heart-shaped flashing ghosts and fly to them. The little wizards were killed. "Oh, that’s too bad!" The lich himself was held back by the unstable vortex, and Zete was surrounded by a circular magnetic field. He soon died.
"Is it you?" The jackal shook a bit, and Motti flashed out of the shadows. "What’s wrong with me?" Zete scratched his head. "What’s going on?" Mottretti pointed to the corpse. "Oh, this is what I came here. If you don’t believe it, forget it." The queen will swallow her words. She doesn’t want to offend the forsaken elder. "Then go back to your kennel, jackal. Don’t let me see you in this suspicious place." She threw off her cloak and walked away unhappily, imagining what Zete’s expression was like behind her. She faintly heard a sigh behind her and felt that the scene was familiar.
Traxex, with a bow and arrow between his arms, chased after a large group of undead soldiers in running all the way, the south gate. "Look how fast our general ranger runs!" Skeleton mage can’t help but admire a few goblins beating drums and waving flags for these chasing warriors. They divide the soldiers into several ways to pursue the Zall Ranger, but traxex can always try to crack it. In a blink of an eye, she dumped the army after the undead again. "Howl! Hey! " The mindless undead kept cheering, and the necromancer also raised a butcher knife to cheer for the queen. "Do you know? Phantom assassins always like to play with their prey repeatedly before killing them. "Motriti looked at traxex and joked with Kel’ Thuzad at the black spot.
Almost to the gate, almost to the gate. traxex woke up like this. Her desire not to be caught prompted her not to stop for a moment. Her face was covered with poisonous warlocks to protect herself, and there was a stench that she hated. The shoulder kept bleeding, and Motriti poisoned the dagger; Knee and left elbow are all scarred, big and small. What’s the reason why Motti has become so fast? Does a queen’s position make her completely indifferent to sisterhood? She is also a general of undercity Ranger, loved by the undead, and once loved by others, but now she is being chased and fled to a deserted place in an awkward way. The gate is just in front of her. She suddenly feels very sad and has an impulse to cry.
The hot and humid weather makes the mainland of Odehill lush, but the maggots multiply at an alarming rate after the natural disasters come. Even many natural disaster fighters are covered with tarsal maggots like the King of Skeletons, and there are lice in the hair of half-human mammoths. There are also many bedbugs that Abaddon can’t name. Defense of the Ancients simply continues to push south with an army, and her desire for victory makes her tirelessly kill. Today, he and the King of Skeletons continue to lead the way in the pleasure of abusing female elves, and all kinds of goblin airships fly around. There are guards hired by the Natural Disaster Corps.
The Scourge Corps surrounded a night elf base, which was the last fortress in the north of Darnassus. The wizard suggested that poison gas bombs should be cast around it.’ In a few days, the elves will be infected with the undead’. Abaddon disagreed with this strategy. He was determined to kill magina.’ Come out and escape or die! !” Frostmourne pointed to Abaddon, the ancient guardian, who rushed past with a skeleton horse. A strong resistance blocked his attack like a flame burning the soul. The Lord’s magic was passing away violently. "Even if I am cursed!" Magina glared at Defense of the Ancients angrily. "I also long for you to die at my burning blade."
Well-equipped undead warriors call out the sky and wait for the Lord’s order to reach the attack order. The assistant monk arrives at an untimely time to tell the Lord a bad news. The Fuehrer of Natural Disaster wants him to return to undercity immediately! Abaddon didn’t look back. He took out a big letter from his pocket and threw it to the assistant monk. It was an urgent order that he withdraw his troops. "I won’t leave even if the Lich King punishes me." "It’s not the queen’s intention." "What’s wrong with her? !” "There may be danger in the Mortriti Temple, and the situation in undercity is very bad." Abaddon tried to hide his panic, turned his horse around and the Lord gracefully left the ground. The smell of gunpowder ignited by the battle vanished
Abaddon showed his eagerness when he was about to leave the sight of the guards. He regretted that he shouldn’t have abandoned Motriti alone in undercity because of a moment of resentment. Who knows what unexpected things happened there? So he returned to the natural disaster camp and transferred most of the undead troops to undercity in the north. Anyway, the source of the natural disaster corps is not a problem. "You are a decent opponent!" Magina flashed behind Abaddon and shouted, "Stay loyal to the Guards Defense of the Ancients? You are rich in noble chivalry and just chivalry! " He burst out laughing, which is nothing like being competitive. Maggie is in a strange continent, but it sounds ridiculous but has different strength and warmth.
When I returned to undercity, it was late at night. Defense of the Ancients stationed his troops in the suburbs and wanted to go to the pub to have a drink with Motti or Yan Yan. "That drunk Nessa must also get drunk in the pub." He was dreaming but received an order from the Queen to let him guard the south gate. "I am good at attacking and guarding the city. What is it?" "You have to put out an arrest warrant from your Lord, undercity. She will probably escape from the city gate." "What will catch her?" "You asked the Lord" "It seems that it is superfluous to the queen’s heart. Oh, did I be a fool again?" Abaddon left him angrily and let the troops decorate the defensive formation. He personally spent time at the city gate and put Abaddon’s memory back for many years. Looking back, he is still crying.