Those who are interested in Xiao Lan have turned their eyes to the night wind body and showed hostility to the latter.

At this time, the door of the bar was closed, and 6% of the men in the bar took out their weapons and stared at the night wind and Xiaolan, while the rest moved to the corner to enjoy the upcoming drama.
Things have come to this, and the night wind is extremely depressed. He wants to keep a low profile and try not to add trouble, but who knows that this kind of thing will happen? It seems that today is definitely a good day.
Moved the night wind and wanted to get up, but someone moved faster than him-Arouca got up first and stood in front of the night wind and Xiaolan to despise the’ wolf man’ in front of him.
"Do you want to die? Hurry up! " The big fellow rushed Aru card threatened.
"Hum ….." Arukad sneered at the night wind. "These guys are my prey."
After listening to the night wind, he didn’t answer. He sat back in his seat and drank beer again, as if everything around him was like him.
Get the night wind’ answer’ Arouca virtuous evil smile to look back to the front of the worm frivolous smiling face hanging on the face to make those people angry than.
Xiaolan looked at Arouca and turned her eyes back to the night wind. "Are you companions?"
"Yes …" The night wind was noncommittal. At the same time, the battle had been fought-Arouca Deqiang first attacked the claws and inserted them into the big fellow’s left chest, and held his heart in his hand, that is, crushed blood and heart scraps were scattered in the air …
Chapter one hundred and thirty-two Dream?
Arukad’s sudden attack and cruel methods made most people in the pub gasp, and fear slowed their reaction a lot.
"Hum …" Corners of the mouth evil smile a young Arouca DE a jilt right hand to throw the big fellow body in front of the enemy body and act with a wave of his paws will be an enemy head hard pull.
Blood gushed out like a fountain, and the body slowly poured down. Arukad was bathed in blood rain and dyed his body red. His face always smiled with a refreshing evil smile, making him look like a blood demon.
Blood demon! ?
Everyone in the place was frightened and the same person’s name appeared in their minds, a man called’ the immortal king’!
There is no unnecessary nonsense. At the same time, Arukad once again launched an attack to slaughter those enemies around who were slow to respond because of fear. The simplest, most direct and bloody way to kill the enemy!
"Ha ha ha ha ~ ~ ~ ~" Arukad excited laughter mixed with the enemy crying like a hell map.
Blood is splashing and meat is flying, and life is disappearing one by one-Arouca is death.
It won’t be long before all the guys who fought against Arukad were lying on the ground, and no one’s body was intact, just like a slaughterhouse
Take a deep breath and smell of blood into your nose. Arukad looks up and laughs-he laughs wildly and arrogantly, but no one feels challenged to him because no one wants to be one of those bodies.
The night wind glanced at the’ battlefield’ situation and went back to drink. I didn’t care about the girl who had been shaking around me-I don’t guess, I know that Xiaolan must have been stunned. This is the normal reaction of ordinary girls …
Is that really the case?
"Wow, that’s amazing!" Small blue suddenly sent out excitement called worship eyes staring at Arouca, as if her eyes Arukad is not a murderer but an enemy knight …
The little blue reaction made the night wind look back at the latter in astonishment-no one around him was normal …
Small blue night wind excitedly ran to Arukad side blinked his eyes and asked curiously, "You are so fierce! What’s your name if you can defeat so many enemies by yourself? "
Instantaneous Arouca’s smile stopped. He slowly bowed his head and looked at Xiao Lan quietly, and no one in the whole pub dared to make a noise-everyone looked at Arouca De and Xiao Lan with trepidation. Everyone thought Xiao Lan was dead because Arouca De hated being disturbed when he was excited and laughing wildly …
However, the picture in everyone’s eyes turned into a scene that surprised everyone.
Aru card slightly bent down to move his head 2 cm in front of the little blue and laughed. "You remember my name is Aru card." Then Arouca kissed and the little blue pink lips met.
"bang!" "when!" "Hey!"
At that time, all kinds of things fell to the ground or broke in the pub, and everyone felt the shock like a magnitude 10 earthquake.
The glass fell to the night wind with half a mouth open, looking at a man and a woman kissing in front, wondering if they were still awake.
Arukad not only didn’t start work on Xiaolan, but also kissed Xiaolan!
Wang, who has been lonely for a long time, unexpectedly kissed a strange girl who didn’t know himself!
Is it true that the sun will really rise in the west?-Arouca Dewen, the immortal king, is a family story. Some people say that he is cruel, some people say that he is cool, some people say that he is crazy, and some people say that he is a demon. Although different, one thing is certain.
The immortal king is tough, but he is not a lecher.
Once upon a time, many people tried to seduce him with beauty, but they all failed. Whether he was sexy, mature or mellow, Arouca would not kill him if he was in a bad mood, making people wonder if he was gay.
But today, this scene broke his former image-not only did he not kill the girl who disturbed him, but he even kissed each other! This is really immortal. Can the king do anything?
Or maybe the immortal king likes that strange girl?
At that time, all kinds of conjectures spread around the bar, and whispers followed.
A moment later, Arouca’s lips were divided into straight bodies, while Xiao Lan looked blankly at the former, and his mind was blank, yet he had not recovered from what had just happened.
"Feel like? Miss "Arouca proud crazy smile.
At once, when I heard this, Little Blue hurriedly covered her lips. At Arukad, wait for a while squatted on the ground with a soft body and a wet eye socket and cried and said, "555~~~ Cousin? I’m sorry my cousin’s family is no longer pure when I’m kissed by others. 55555 ~ ~ ~ "
They all stood in the same place and didn’t know what to say, so they could quietly stare at Xiaolan-will she get pregnant as soon as she is kissed? Who told her this?
"Hey, miss, have you cried enough?" Arukad said lazily.
After hearing this, Xiaolan looked up and looked at her watery eyes. Arukad got up and pulled Arukad’s sleeve and said, "You must be responsible for taking my first kiss."
"How to be responsible?" Arouca smiled with virtue and evil.
"You want to marry somebody else!" Small blue big said
After a moment of silence, 95% of the people in the bar shouted in surprise, "What! ?”
"Little miss …" A man stammered next to him. "You’ve been kissed and you don’t have to marry each other, do you? And this is a game. "
"no!" Xiaolan shook her head suddenly and said firmly, "I once swore that if a man took my first kiss, I would marry him-unless he didn’t want me, I would marry him!"
"No matter what kind of person each other is? Very ugly? Didn’t even associate with each other? What is the other party a playboy? " Nanyoudao
"Yes!" Xiaolan nodded without hesitation. "But if that man cheats me, I will kill him first and then kill myself!" "
There are many men in this bar who are crazy, sobbing, depressed and miserable-what’s not kissing her?
Xiaolan ignored the others and looked back at Arouca Dedao. "I wonder if you would like to marry me?"
Suddenly, the bar fell into a dead silence again. Almost everyone thought that Arukad, a bohemian man, would definitely refuse Xiaolan. However, this is not the case.
"good! Good discussion "Aru card hand gently caressed mo little blue face.
"bang!" "Hey!" "Boom!"
At that time, all kinds of things fell to the ground again in the bar
The night wind got up and started to walk to the bar door depending on the things around him.
"Where are you going? The night wind "Arouca stopped the night wind.
Night wind waved and said without looking back, "I’m a little tired. I’ll go to bed first and come back early tomorrow. Good night …"
"Then you go!" Arouca’s strange smile.
Am I dreaming?
The night wind glanced blankly at the red crescent and shook his head and left the game …
Chapter one hundred and thirty-three Pathfinding
A long night passed quickly, and the next morning, the night wind arrived at the East Forest, the place where Arukad agreed to meet.