"Eldest brother! What now? " The cloud has touched three or four places, but each place has caused dozens of evil spirits. Some of these evil spirits choose to hide in the shadows, while others just stand there with their eyes open.

"Wait and see first! I can’t believe that if we can’t find a place to escape, mom, will the living be suffocated by urine! " Ll leaned over the window and looked at the gate of Yasu Town not far away. There is no doubt that this exit to the outside world is the most tightly handled place. When the wall of Yasu Town is not completely collapsed, these gates are the best entrances and exits. Opening the gate attracts Ll’s eyes, but the hundred dark knights wandering in front of the gate are like a thick wall to block Ll’s eyes. There is no doubt that if Ll wants to leave the gate, then these hundred dark knights are blocking their most terrible reef.
"The question is, can we find it?" Yun muttered that he had been running for three or four places for several times, and he was almost found by those hiding evil spirits. If he hadn’t run fast enough, he would have reported to Pluto before others.
"maybe we can ask those who live here!" Su Xinghe suddenly said that talking at the same time and Xu Fei both of them came up with this idea together, but several residents looked at ll and they hoped for their eyes but shook their heads one by one because they didn’t know if there would be a secret passage leading to the outside of Yasuo Town.
In the case that residents shook their heads one after another, Chen Kai gave up hope for the last resident, but at this time, the pale middle-aged man raised his hand weakly and then said in Chen Kai’s extremely shocked eyes.
"Well, maybe I know where to get out of town?" A middle-aged man named Lorsa is surrounded by everyone in an instant, and his eyes are as fierce as wolves. If he dares to lie, there is no doubt that a group of people will beat him completely.
"Lorsa? Are you sure this is it? " Cloud carefully lying behind a wall behind him is a middle-aged man with trembling head. After Lorsa nodded carefully, Cloud slowly touched the door of this room.
"noting! !” It seems that the door in disrepair was slowly pushed by a harsh sound, and his head slowly poked around the door until he made sure that there were no figures and monsters around the door, and he waved his hand to signal others to come slowly.
"Easy! The ground here is very old! " Cloud toward the crowd behind low charged all people quickly change their mobile posture after hearing, feet become lighter, of course, this lightness is not 100% to ensure that ll they avoid the trap left by the wooden floor years, especially for ll such a huge and heavy person.
Even though Chen Kai was very careful, he still broke a wooden floor with one foot click. The ground cracking sound was extremely clear in the quiet environment. Unfortunately, at this time, a group of dark knights passed by.
For these movements, the dark knights’ black eyes stared slowly, and then more than a dozen war horses carried the dark knights and moved towards the house. The crisp horseshoes quickly alerted everyone in the room, but at this moment, the dwarves and several girls did not come into the house because they had not found the so-called secret passage to the outside of the city in Lorsa’s mouth.
"Damn it!" Chen Kai’s face almost heard the horseshoe turn red in an instant. He knew that it was his own reason that led to this result, but this could not blame him. After all, his huge body was not what he wanted.
"Come on in! No guns in armand. Do you want to invite all the dark knights of the city? " Ll toward the dwarf roar loud, of course, his voice is not small, as a result, he couldn’t wait to give himself a mouth after a voice, because not far away, a dozen dark knights heard the sound and rushed towards here, and those who saw the dwarf dark knights have entered an accelerated charge state.
Seeing this situation, ll did not hesitate to grab the short spear force in his hand and threw it at the dark knight not far away. The sharp short spear broke in the middle and then reached a dark knight’s chest in an instant and nailed it directly.
The huge impact force made the dark knight fly backwards involuntarily, but the guy who fell off the horse quickly got up from the ground again. Many short spears that seemed to be inserted into his body were gently pulled out by him and dropped to the ground.
"mom! Dead bodies I hate dead bodies! " There is no doubt that this dark knight should be a monster with an undead body. Chen Kai’s sheer power to throw short spears is a bit low, which makes Chen Kai even more depressed. The thing is that he was forced to pull back by others soon because he was too big and blocked everyone’s attack vision.
"Old four! Find a secret passage for me quickly, or I won’t let you go if you die! " As Zhao Tiezhu’s words fall, the flashing light spells are directed at the dark knight’s body. In the past, several spellcasters took turns to release the spells in their hands as if they didn’t need money.
After a round of magic, the ecliptic hands directly press the ground and instantly rise in front of the door of the house. An earthen wall blocks the attack route of these dark knights. Of course, this extremely thin earthen wall will be destroyed by these guys soon. The most important thing is that this room is not a front, although there are other houses around it, but the room gap is enough for a dark knight to pass.
In this case, the room cloud was very anxious to rummage through the closet to find the secret passage, and armand and other dwarves quickly joined it after entering the room. Although they didn’t understand the human robot technology, it can be said that the dwarves who arranged the tunnel machine helped them quickly find a tunnel to lift the slate, because the tunnel was a little small.
"Boss! We found the tunnel, but this tunnel is too small to climb in at most one person at a time, and the key problem is that I don’t know if this tunnel can! " Cloud in the team channel towards ll said, while ll quickly rushed to the tunnel entrance looking at the narrow tunnel entrance, ll eyes a little hair straight because of the tunnel entrance hair even if he was released from the reduction surgery to climb in.
"There is no time to find someone to go first!" Chen Kai is depressed than sighed. In fact, the best situation is that he is the first to enter the tunnel. If he can get through, then there is absolutely no problem for others. Similarly, Chen Kai can’t enter the tunnel first. If he is blocked inside, it really blocks the only way to live.
"Who is advanced?" The cloud looked around, and finally Nai climbed in first, and then several aborigines followed in, one by one, like a fire behind their asses. Of course, this metaphor is very appropriate. Now there are at least dozens of dark knights around the house, and the number is increasing with time.
When ll returned to the basement room, several dark knights rushed in from the side room, but at this moment all the people in the room had retreated to the basement room, and more than a dozen people were crowded in the small room, which was very crowded, but they had to do it again.
"Girls go first! Hurry up and go to others to stick to the ecliptic. You prepare a spell, and then you will directly collapse the wall and hold down the entrance to the basement for me. "Ll said to everyone around him, of course, these words are all shouted from the team channel.
"No problem!" After the ecliptic took a few breaths and poured a bottle of magic potion, it was time to meditate. Now it can restore a little magic, that is, a little fighting power. When Chen Kai’s words fell, several female spellcasters, that is, Bai Shasha, took the lead in withdrawing into the underground room. When they left, the Ministry of Magic turned into a spell, and the dark knight exploded outside, making this dilapidated house shake uncontrollably and collapse at any time.
The first volume Chapter 17 Kandohart Day of Destruction (14)
"Climb! Do not stop! !” Ll lie prone on the back of the feather, twisting his body and squirming a little bit towards the front. Although he has to climb out before the reduction operation is finished, it is obviously impossible. He can pray that the secret passage in front can be a little wider, otherwise he may be squeezed into pieces.
Behind Chen Kai, the ecliptic is using magic to collapse sections of secret passages. There is no doubt that even if other adventurers find the entrance to the secret passage, they can’t climb in. Of course, it is estimated that no player will come from the secret passage at this moment, not to mention the hundreds of dark knights outside the secret passage. It will take a long time to clean up the collapsed houses.
Of course, if the ordinary dark knight is used to clean up, there will be no day when Genfa will clean up the ruins, but Chen Kai knows very well that the huge vibration will definitely not be a good thing, except that it is so huge that nothing can produce such a big vibration than a war puppet.
At the thought of the huge body of the war puppet, Chen Kai knew that it didn’t take a few minutes for the ground ruins to be cleaned up, so they had to climb quickly, and the ecliptic took more effort to block the back secret passage, and the result was that the gas in the underground passage became extremely turbid. Chen Kai and others had to wear masks to avoid dust from entering their noses.
"Kay elder brother! I think it’s almost the same without magic, or don’t collapse the tunnel again? " Huang Daoyin came from behind Chen Kai. He was so tired that he almost lost his climbing strength. Of course, his condition was definitely a little better than Chen Kai’s, because at least he didn’t have to worry about getting bigger and becoming a sandwich biscuit.
"Then don’t get it! By the way, you can accumulate some magic now, and I will rely on your help after my body reduction disappears! " Ll depressed sighed and then crawled slowly toward the depths of the secret passage.
In the dark secret passage, there is almost no end in sight. The only thing that Chen Kai can do is to hold a photo in his hand and move the spar a little bit before. Although Chen Kai has worked very hard, his moving speed is still extremely slow. Finally, Su Xinghe and others saw that there is no way to simply throw a rope around Chen Kai’s waist. When several people climb, they dragged him by the way to make Chen Kai move a little faster.
The original Chen Kai’s secret passage was several hundred meters long, but it was not until they entered it that they found that the tunnel was longer than they thought. The walls of the secret passage were all made of rocks. It was very difficult for the ecliptic to change the terrain by magic, and it took thousands of magic to make Chen Kai’s body have a place.
Of course, this place is just acceptable, and the narrowness makes it extremely difficult for Chen Kai to breathe. Even if he wants to turn over, he can’t lie on the ground with his hands on his back. It’s okay for a short time, but it’s unbearable for a long time. Fortunately, Chen Kai can continue to walk after the reduction surgery again. It’s that Chen Kai has suffered two reduction operations in less than five minutes, and his bones are groaning and sore, which makes him extremely unhappy.
However, Chen Kaike will continue to move forward without being trapped in the same place, but he knows very well that if he wants to endure the reduction again in a short time, there is no doubt that it will take half an hour after the spell disappears, otherwise his body will not be able to bear it. Although Liwen’s reduction is constantly practicing against Chen Kai, her strength is always seven steps. If she reaches the order, maybe the reduction can be extended again. Of course, before that, she has the money to go to the spell association to learn the spells that extend the duration of the reduction.
But now Chen Kai can persist for fifteen minutes. When the spell lasts, he will show his prototype like a fox demon. The narrow tunnel is a project that shocked Chen Kai and them. Because when they climbed out of the ground, it took them three hours to enter the secret tunnel. Although most of them were waiting for the spell to crawl, it took less than two hours, but it took Chen Kai and them nearly ten kilometers to climb out of the tunnel exit.
When Chen Kai’s head climbed out of the tunnel, he felt that he was finally alive. Because he was constantly blessed with reduction surgery for several hours, he felt that his bones were almost crisp. In the end, Chen Kaigen didn’t have much strength to climb and could be dragged forward. Therefore, the only thing Chen Kai did after coming out was to sit on the ground like a pool of mud.
"Boss ~ Can you hold on?" Yun gently grabbed Chen Kai’s arm and found that Chen Kai’s arm was sweaty. When he pulled his arm, Chen Kaigen couldn’t feel the feeling that his body was a little sore.
"What do you say? My md is going to be awkward! " Chen Kaiyou said with strength, because he doesn’t have the strength to move a finger now, there is no way to say that this time Chen Kaizhen is going to be tortured to death. He didn’t hang in the hands of the enemy, but he was almost tortured to death by one of his own people, and it was voluntary. This is simply depressing and humiliating to say.
"This is not dead? Boss, we’re lucky. To be honest, that guy is definitely a mouse. This secret passage is really long! It’s at least ten kilometers away from Yasu, and the most important thing is that it’s a small mountain to ensure that people in Yasu town can’t see it! " The cloud looks at the dwarves and residents who are resting around, and they are in a very good mood. Compared with the dangerous Yasu town, there is no doubt that it is like heaven outside the city.
"I don’t know if that guy is a mouse, but if it weren’t for that guy, we would be rats in Yasuo town now!" Ll know that the guy in Yunkou is the owner of the house that built this secret passage. There is no doubt that the family must be dead now. Of course, maybe they are still alive, but there is no trace around now. It is more likely to die because of no doubt than to live.
Of course, it is a good thing for Chen Kai and others to live by themselves. At the very least, they don’t worry that their experience value is gone. As the sky gets dark, Chen Kai finally recovered for nearly an hour. Although he still can’t run, it is no problem to get up and lie on the horse.
In the dim light of night, a group of people slowly rode their horses in the direction of Kandohart. Behind them, it turned into ruins. By the end of the day, Yasuo Town had not many living people, and he had escaped from Yasuo. He had already escaped from Yasuo and died near the gates or in the city.
Of course, there will definitely be people running for their lives on the road leading to Kandohat. For all the people who have fled from Azov, the sooner they arrive in Kandohat, the sooner they will be out of danger. Chen Kai, although they don’t think Kandohat will be very safe, how can he say that it is also the center of the whole territory, a huge city with a population of nearly 500,000? At least there will be many strong people in the holy area. Generally speaking, it is absolutely better than Suan.
Yasuo is 50 kilometers away from Kandohart. Actually, the trotters don’t go back and forth for half a day at most, but it happened that no reinforcements came from Kandohart. This has to be said to be a strange thing. Actually, ll generally guess that there is no doubt about Kandohart’s situation at the moment. The rebellion in Yasuo Town has become an opportunity for the nobles of Kandohart. Many of them hope to replace Baron Apollos to become the lords of Yasuo, but then the sudden change has made these nobles afraid to go to Yasuo Town. At the same time, the nobles in Kandohart City are trying to get the territory of Yas
Chen Kaiji, who is familiar with the urine of the nobles in the game, guessed that it is not the root of the life and death of the residents of Yasu Town that they consider to be the most important thing in the eyes of these nobles. Without this thing, they can’t live without the interests, even if the residents of Yasu Town die, they won’t cry. Because the main city is still there, there will always be people, but when they hear that Yasu Town is attacked, the reaction is different. Because rebellion is a problem, but being attacked by people is an external problem.
Relying on the powerful strength of Candehart, rebellion can definitely be easier than extermination, but if it is an external attack, then the problem will be big. When Chen Kai and others arrived outside Candehart, they closed the city gate and gathered thousands of residents who fled from Yasuo. Chen Kai saw Hillan, president of the Association of Injured Adventurers.
At the moment, the middle-aged elf’s face is haggard, although the wound on his chest has been treated, but there is no doubt that it was forcibly suppressed by his own strength. After seeing the other side’s wound, Chen Kaima asked Chen Yi and Wang Feifei to help treat it. Although the black power near the wound was still very tenacious, it was finally eliminated in Hillan’s own strength and external strength.
"Thank you!" Tortured by this dark force for nearly a day, Hillan bowed his hand toward ll, and his face gradually became beautiful. At the very least, he had a trace of blood, but there is no doubt that he was still extremely decadent at the moment. After all, the power of the three major guilds in Yasu Town was completely gone. Now there are hundreds of people around Hillan, which is the result of their genial smile that they fled quickly.
But when they fled to Candehart, it was already dark, but the guardians of the city gate refused to let them in, which is why there were so many people gathered at the city gate. There is no doubt that for the rulers of Candehart, Chen Kai and others, including Hillan, were refugees. If the city is stable, it is natural that refugees cannot be allowed to enter the city.
Of course, this reason is bullshit to Chen Kai. Even bullshit can’t change the ending of their being stuck outside the city. In this case, Chen Kai is extremely resistant, and at the same time, people outside the city will feel worried every time they see people coming, because everyone is afraid to come, not refugees, but those black knights in Yasu Town.
In the trembling situation, Chen Kai and others ushered in a new day, and the sky gradually lit up, which finally relieved the refugees who were huddled on the wall. Because the city gate had been closed all the time, it slowly opened at this moment, but then things made these people, including Chen Kai, very angry, because Kandohart soldiers were guarding the door, and they had to enter the city under the guard of these soldiers and stay at the designated place.
"mom! What is this? When we are prisoners? " Feather resentment is better than holding on to the weapon. If possible, he would rather turn around and run to other places now, at least better than staying here and suffering from such anger.
"Now it’s bullshit!" Chen Kainai looked around at the soldiers armed with weapons and then surrounded several girls in the sky to know if these guys would do anything deadly. But eventually, when they arrived at their place of residence, these soldiers dispersed, but the dispersed soldiers did not leave, still guarding Chen Kainai’s place of residence. Nearly 2,000 residents and adventurers who escaped from Yasu Town were under house arrest in a residential area in the southwest corner of Kandohart City.
“md!” These are the three words that are shouted most in everyone’s mind at the moment, because Lord Kandorhart has gone too far. Even if Chen Kai holds his noble badge, there is no way to leave the place under house arrest. Looking at this situation, an impulse to pick up weapons and chop people up rises in his heart, but in the end, he has to cut them down when he holds them. These soldiers are very simple. Even if Chen Kai can attach more than a dozen soldiers to the guards at the entrance and exit, what should he do after killing them? There is no doubt that they will never be able to stay in Candehart, and they will be wanted for 100%. At that time, the result will be even worse than now. At least, although they are under house arrest, they can live in a place that is not thrown into slums.
However, Llewellyn and others know very well that if the nobles of Kandohart continue to go like this, maybe Kandohart will become a millet. Although the city walls are high and heavily guarded, even if the walls are high, they can’t stop the enemy from flying. Even if the guards are heavily guarded, things will collapse in a short time if they touch Yasuo Town.
Ll now very much hope that Lord Candehart can wake up a little bit, but there is no doubt that some things will not change because of Ll’s thoughts. For almost a whole day, Ll haven’t seen a noble coming, nor have they heard that Lord Candehart came to ask about Yasu. There is no doubt that for Lord Candehart, they have been completely abandoned, and they won’t come to inquire about anything except under house arrest.
When the day was getting dark, Chen Kenai sighed and moved slowly towards the house in the twilight. When he knocked on the door, everyone got together, even Hillan, the former president of the Asian millet adventurers association.
"yo! Everyone is here! " Chen Kai had a smile on his face, because he had been thrown away by all his troubles at the moment he entered the door. After all, he was not the Lord of Kandohat, and even the Lord didn’t worry about it. What qualifications did he have to worry about Kandohat, even if Kandohat was destroyed the most in the end? He just robbed several shops by the way and fled the city. There was no need for a bunch of idiots to take all their experience.
"Boss! I said, why don’t you go there and wait for a bunch of idiots? Come to dinner quickly! Sister-in-law stewed a big pot of broth tonight, which was delicious! Oh! " Cloud words just say that finish forehead was Su Wan spoon a knock, and then the whole room was filled with jokes, even Hillan face with a smile.
By the time a meal was finished, everyone was talking nonsense, because all the bottles on the dining table were gone. Some girls could not stand the smell of wine and went back to their rooms to keep Chen Kai. They were fooling around in the dining room.
A few dwarves have been holding the bottle and drilling to the bottom of the table at the moment. There are also Su Xinghe and several of them. Chen Kai is holding a cup and his eyes are red at the middle-aged elves. He is constantly patting each other’s shoulders and shouting that his cheeks are red like a monkey’s ass. Chen Kai is patting Hillan’s shoulders with his hands and almost didn’t pat the poor elf uncle apart.
When Chen Kai woke up again, the only feeling was that his head was as painful as splitting. There was no doubt that the hangover was very serious because he couldn’t even hold his head steady. When he was fully awake, the only feeling was that he was very hungry. But when he stepped into the dining room, he found that the whole room was smoky. Several girls were looking at themselves and others with things on their faces, which caused adverse consequences. Chen Kai was able to scratch his head.
Just as Chen Kai and his family were living under house arrest in Kandohat city, but they were relatively comfortable, Barbat in Yasu town was depressed and looking at the food in front of him. There is no doubt that there is no living person in Yasu town at this moment. Yes, the dark knight was turned into evil spirits, monsters and undead by Abala.
The town of Yabola, with a population of nearly 50,000, has completely turned into a mirage at the moment, and because of this, Barbat has to be depressed and find that it is a bit difficult to eat well. Looking at the blackened food on the plate not far away, the mutant chef Barbat, who keeps biting his bloody arm, finds that he might as well handle the food himself. At the very least, he can eat something to be continued.
The first volume Chapter 1 Kandohart Day of Destruction (15)
Accidentally caught a cold! The most painful thing is that there is no way to hold the baby!