Amina looked at the familiar puzzled expression and asked, "What’s bothering you? Qi? "

"A lot of things bother me," Qi Yufeng thought of licking his lips and finally asked a question, "Who are our enemies?"
Amina laughed. "Ha, they are Mongols and pagans. They once brought the war to the whole world, and now it’s time for liquidation."
"Mongols … they look weak," Qi Yufeng said thoughtfully, listening to the familiar word.
Yes, they could have been good at fighting, but more than a hundred years later, greed and stupidity surrounded them, and now they are facing a dead end.
A young Mongolian boy poured a new cup of tea and accidentally spilled a few drops of water on the ground, and suddenly he was shaking with fear. Amina ignored it and took a few sips of tea politely.
"You will eventually become the sharpest blade in Hashshashin and I will wait for that moment." Amina glanced at Qi Yufeng with interest and then turned away and disappeared into the night.
Qi Yufeng stared at her back and suddenly there was a heat flow stirring back and forth. He felt a pain in his arm and quickly looked down to see that the short sword had been slightly blurred as if it had been washed …
When Qi Yufeng arrived at Mahavirtue Camp overnight, there were already waves of fighting in the distance. He saw the nobles of Weifu who used to be in this city kneeling in the corner shivering, but they didn’t even look at it.
"Ha, my warrior, you’re finally here." Mahad glanced around the arch and saw Qi Yufeng at the door. He welcomed Qi Yufeng with open arms regardless of the crowd.
He smiled and watched Qi Yufeng hand him a piece of parchment. "The enemy actually launched a counterattack from outside the city overnight to get rid of this guy."
Qi Yufeng took the parchment and drew a portrait of a man with wide eyebrows, deep eyes and high nose. He was about forty years old with a unkempt beard
"These people all look the same …" He lamented in his heart but naturally took this.
"What’s the problem?" Mahad cut greetings.
"I need a new sword" Qi Yufeng suddenly looked up and said seriously.
This is the first time he has made a request to Mahad in several months.
Mahad looked at him with wide eyes and took a step forward. He looked down at his eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"Already … can’t." Qi Yufeng pulled the scabbard and took out his own double-edged meeting. Rusty is everywhere.
"Be an enemy warrior!" Mahad looked at that I don’t know how many dead double sword regrets praise way.
"This is my negligence. You will get the sharpest Damascus blade in the world and my reward." Mahad patted Qi Yufeng on the shoulder. "Come with me."
Qi Yufeng followed him to a secret room after the camp. Mahad hit a box full of gold and precious stones, which contained a set of assassin’s armor.
"Artell armor will never damage the sacred objects of Assassin Sect," Mahad exaggerated and praised.
When Qi Yufeng approached the front, he saw that this suit of armor was made of metal leather, the metal part was shining like gold, while the leather part was black or dark brown, and the chest armor was very special. Unlike ordinary armor, the whole plate armor was made up of many overlapping small metal shields, and the surface was carved with gorgeous Persian-style ornamentation.
Qi Yufeng wore armor and tied shin guards. He thought it was very strong and sturdy, but it was very light to wear. When he looked down, he saw that there was a matching black cloak on the surface of the box. This cloak was very gorgeous and divided into three layers, each of which was longer than the other. The gold thread on the back depicted this mountain, and the overall appearance was very like eagle wings.
When his new weapon arrived, Mahad personally put on his cloak and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Now go, my warrior. He is very easy to find in the enemy’s biggest barracks or in the most heavily guarded place."
Qi Yufeng said nothing but nodded and turned away.
It was not until Qi Yufeng disappeared from sight that a sly smile appeared on Mahad’s face
"You shouldn’t give that sacred object to a pagan!" A calm sound in Mahad stereo.
"But he’s loyal to me now."
"The effect of holy grass can’t last long!" A figure emerged slowly from behind Mahad on crutches, his eyes shining and he looked at him in disbelief.
"He will be the new saint. We will kill all the pagans and get his destiny, won’t we?"
"I can’t get rid of Whitehead. What the hell are you thinking?"
Then our conversation will stop here, Gester. "
Qi Yufeng was careful to shuttle in the battlefield. Suddenly, a throb and a panic attacked him. He was agile and jumped out of ten feet. Outside his original place, five archers were suddenly bombarded by a shell, and clothes and blood were flying in the sky.
"The enemy is very strong, far stronger than before." He calculated in his mind and looked at a huge cannon in the distant phalanx. White smoke kept drifting away from the muzzle, and around the cannon, a group of soldiers were so busy that they kept handing the shells around the cannon.
Is this a cannon? I seem to have seen stronger and more powerful weapons. Qi Yufeng felt a headache and then quickly avoided it with a fever in his ear.
The roar of the cannon covered up all the sounds in the battlefield, and even the strongest martial artist was not affected. Qi Yufeng shuttled through the darkness like a shadow, white smoke was burning everywhere, and the fire blocked his sight, but it also covered his whereabouts
There were wounded people screaming in pain everywhere, and squadrons of assassins charged and then were annihilated by sharp arrows and artillery troops. Even though the rocks on the ground were punched with holes, Qi Yufeng rose from behind the rocks through smoke and then swooped down. His cloak firmly covered his body and resisted most of the impact, while the other stones passed by him.
"cannon!" Ale, the Lord of the Chagatai khanate, shouted excitedly, and then there was a loud bang in front of him, as if a hurricane had swept through the dense pagans and stopped counting down.
"Well, clean up and attack the west!" The west is where the city gate is located. When he gets there, he will destroy these damned heretics, rescue those damned nobles, make them kneel before him, and then deal with that damned "lame" according to the foundation of the city …
Suddenly, Ale suddenly felt that he was shrouded in a shadow. Before he came to look up, he heard a slight hissing sound, which was the sharp Damascus sword scratching his flesh.
Chapter one hundred and twenty Death comes from heaven to the true meaning