Listen to the leader behind him suddenly yelling, "Mom, I’ve been stolen. Hurry up … Get that damn thief. Mom, he will steal my wrist guard’ the hand guard of the setting sun’. Catch him and scrape him alive."

This hand guard of the setting sun is like the leader’s treasure (hidden gold level). He paid a high price to shoot it from the first floor of Xiaoyao. I don’t know what luck it took to blow the snow in this competition, but I just touched a pole.
When everyone heard this, the boss’s heart was stolen. That’s not killing him! It’s a line of more than 30 people who quickly chased the damn thief. Among them, the mage archer didn’t forget to bend the bow and shoot arrows. The mage instantly used magic and didn’t have the money to say hello to the snow blower.
65 –7……1 ……!
Because they are all primary magic, the damage is not very great, but the archery branch brings him a lot of trouble, especially those arrows with slow effect. Although they love to blow snow, they have tried their best to flash, but not everyone can escape.
And this little guy is hard enough for himself, even if he is hit by a slow arrow, he drinks the medicine and survives the past. The archer’s slow arrow doesn’t last long, and the effect disappears in two or three seconds. He will benefit the thief’s escape skill’ shadowstep’ and temporarily pull a distance.
Love blowing snow and dragging a long tail to show a chase in the jungle. In fact, this is not a chase. From beginning to end, this little boy has never fought back. It can be regarded as being beaten up by people. Reservoir Dogs is suffering here. What is his boss doing?
It turns out that the three of them took their time to go sightseeing after chasing the second beauty. To say that the scenery of this desert island is really good, where can we find such a landscape in the real city? Immersed in nature, the three people directly ignored the bait thrown out.
It’s also a three-level expert who occasionally jumps out of the daring jungle, and the monster roots can’t make any impact. They can get rid of bare roots at will. They didn’t expect to go out when they love to blow snow, so they will meet a group of people later, and they didn’t expect this little guy to steal.
It caused a lot of trouble. A group of people said nothing to let him go. The reason why they didn’t say that he still had the’ Handguard of the Sunset’ was that it was impossible for people to let this lone guy go in the competition! After all, everyone seems to stand out in this competition.
Bare and white, this is a competition. It can be seen that Ermei is so interested that she can’t bear to interrupt. She can be willing to be a escort, ready to deal with the monster that suddenly jumps out, and pay attention to the direction in which love blows snow and disappears.
At this time, bare suddenly frowned and called the two people who were still looking around to him. "Something is wrong. It seems that there is trouble. It sounds like a lot of people!"
Bare’s voice did not fall, but he saw the snow blower grin and came running behind him. From time to time, several fireballs and ice arrows flew in. What kind of snow blower still had more than a dozen arrow feathers as he ran?
"ah! Boss, it’s good to see you. But you brought a lot of points. You should be happy this time! " Seeing that bare loves to blow snow, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and finally saved his life. He was not worried about whether bare could eat these people.
"I didn’t ask you to get so much because several people came!" Looking at more than 30 people chasing after him, bare, can’t help but marvel at this little charm. Going out for such a while will bring so many people. Seeing them one by one, they should not kill people less.
"I don’t want to. Who knows that I met them before I went out this time, and they chased me when I was bullied. If it weren’t for my little brother, my legs and feet were still neat, I guess you would never see me again …!" This young man has a lot of practice, and he doesn’t say a word. He added fuel to the story of stealing from others and complained about the pain.
"oh! That’s right! Then they really shouldn’t bully you so much …! "
"Mom, what’s wrong with you? Give me my things back quickly and then let the old people kill you all so that you can advance." Bare came to ask if this is really the case? But before he could finish, the thirty people surrounded the four of them, and the leader scolded bare face and suppressed it back to his stomach without asking the reason.
"hey! This boss is really mighty! " It’s better to smile when you hear the leader call names bare. Everyone knows bare is angry. "Are you going to kill us?"
Chapter 523 Promotion
"fuck! Why can’t I always kill you! " The leader saw bare that he was a mage, and his equipment was not very good. He disdained to stare at him and said, this is not to send points. Killing himself will make up 2 points, so he can successfully advance to the next round of competition.
"well! Very good! " Bare smiled and patted him on the side, and two beauties showed comfort to reassure them, but for a moment bare suddenly disappeared in front of the leader, and the ares blade did not know when it appeared in his hand.
Suddenly a man appeared in front of his eyes, which startled the leader. He reacted really quickly. As soon as Bare appeared, he could take a step back. Without thinking about it, he stabbed Bare with a sword in his hand. It is natural to be able to live here for so long.
As sure as a gun, the stabbing skill can drop this mage in seconds, but he never dreamed that bare is not as simple as a mage. He felt a heavy hand and a sharp pain in his mouth, and his head was heavy and his eyes were Venus.
Bare finish sometimes seconds off this foul-mouthed guy, but he didn’t do it. Bare doesn’t want him to be so happy. The blade of God of War is reversed and pressed to stab his key sword. A hook from his left hand hits him hard in the mouth.
Then he stretched out his hand, pulled and hung his knees and bumped into the leader. Facing him, he was beaten up. Suddenly, he made the leader stupid. That’s what happened in pk! Around Yan ran, more than 30 people saw that the boss was bare, and there was no response until bare had played enough.
With one hand carrying the beaten leader and one hand sweeping the blade of the God of War and cutting it to those people who are close to him, it suddenly becomes miserable. Anyone who touches the blade of the God of War is either missing an arm or having a broken leg, which is even more hateful. It is usually regarded as a precious weapon that is either cut off by the blade of the God of War or lost for a long time.
Bare, here to start work, infatuation is like a dream. Naturally, more than a dozen people can’t be idle, and they also show their attack.
It’s not bad to fight thieves, but it’s a good level of melee. It won’t die for a while. He’s not stupid to lean against Yan Ran and infatuation as he fights. He knows that Yan Ran is a archer, and his melee ability is limited. Although she is guarded by a knight, it’s hard to lose.
Can start strong is not what he can think of, after bare, that long-term training has long been not Wu Amon’s long bow returned to the smart elf bow with an arrow feather in one hand and a bow in one hand and a flash of six arrows in one second.
Moreover, the arrow is close to the point. This is not the end of the calculation. A soldier sneaked up to bully the archer. His melee ability was low, but he didn’t expect Yan Ran to find the arrow feather in his hand. When the soldier cut at her, he saw Yan Ran stride across the right hand and quickly stabbed the soldier’s throat.
Suddenly, the second dropped. The soldier never believed that an archer had such great strength before he died. Don’t archers all bow? All this is due to the bare, one-month training and more results.
Not only is the player stupid, but even the one who wants to help start a rescue and loves to blow snow is stupid. It’s a pervert to say nothing and not believe that a seemingly weak girl should be so cruel! At this time, he was not only glad that this sister-in-law didn’t use this skill, otherwise how could he live to this day?
There is no one around the boss who is not a pervert! Not the kui is the king’s first person, even the gang is the biggest. If such a person can’t succeed, it would be unreasonable to kill four people in a flash, and it’s not bad to be infatuated with a dream. While helping to resist the close enemy, he also killed more than five people in a short time.
There are at least people killed here, even if the younger brother is a thief who has been hit hard and loves to blow snow and want to see monsters, he looks at Xiao Ran as if he doesn’t know them. Just tell me that Xiao Ran is a pervert. Why are those two delicate beauties so perverted? !
This also let people live! I love blowing snow, and I am angry to be compared with the boss. It is also said that after all, people are the boss or looking at the first person, but they can be compared with two women. He is unwilling to say anything. He broke out in shadowstep and rushed to a person’s back. First, he had a sap, and then the backstab thief’s sneak attack skills were transported here by him.
Don’t say that his outburst really made him lose two people in a second and be desolate. Carrying the leader’s foot and stepping on the wind to flicker like a ghost, the god of war blade drops one or two roots every now and then, which is easy.