This scene really made other ghosts and gods jump. They knew that this pearl was the source force, but this source force really had its own consciousness as the ghosting ghost Kaijia said. Isn’t this too wonderful?

"Kaijia! What are you talking about? Although it is the source of dark attributes, is it unrealistic for you to talk to him like this? It’s just an energy. How can energy be conscious? How can energy talk? "
Premna entered Kejia’s ear with a slightly stunned voice. He didn’t believe Kejia’s words at all! And other ghosts and gods nodded their heads after hearing the words of Priam, saying that they were in their hearts! Although the source force is very strange compared with ordinary power, it is impossible to give birth to consciousness, right?
Kaijia didn’t look back when he heard the words of Plymouth. He knew that the matter of energy consciousness was a bit shocking, but did they taste like a special energy body in this state? Since they can all be here, how can they not have their own consciousness when they actively integrate with Lin Ze?
Besides, he has just passed the test and found that the source of this dark attribute is really conscious …
"Do you really want to put it on?" Kaijia continued to light the source of this dark attribute and said
See you these mutant humanoid energy body one by one is not good, how can I let you know that I also have consciousness? Trying to cheat me in this way? Don’t even think about it? Can’t you be conscious when you cut energy? Thinking is so backward, but if you are backward, you should be backward. You want me to come and go!’
The dark attribute source force is light, muttering in my heart that although everyone is an energy body, the dark attribute source force is a root that looks down on Kaijia and their ghosts and gods.
Although the dark forces don’t know anything at all, he looks down on these ghosts and gods so much. It is reasonable to say that it is the first time for him to contact with so many mutant humanoid energy bodies.
The dark attribute source force naturally doesn’t know that its own heart is disdainful because of its own identity.
It belongs to Arad mainland. Unlike these ghosts and gods, Arad mainland gods were born from Arad mainland. Arad mainland will is closely related, but compared with the dark source power, Linze body, these ghosts and gods are much worse. After all, the source power belongs to Arad mainland will. If Arad mainland will be equivalent to a person’s brain, then these source forces are equivalent to a person’s trunk and limbs.
It is because of this reason that the consciousness of the dark attribute of the source power disdains these ghosts and gods …
"Do you really want to install it?"
Is this humanoid energy body really found his secret? How is it possible that although he was a little clever when he just broke through these people’s defenses, how can he judge that he has consciousness through these factors? This is impossible?’
Seeing that Kaijia still holds himself in his hands, the dark force seems to be a little hairy in his heart. It feels that this humanoid energy body seems to have some doorways, but the dark force finally chooses silence. In his heart, it still thinks that Kaijia is cheating on it.
"Stop pretending! I’ve seen through your disguise! Now that you have merged with Lin Ze, why do you want to trap Lin Ze’s consciousness? "
Kaijia’s voice is full of confidence. From Kaijia’s words, the source of darkness has heard the name Lin Ze more than once! It now knows that it has entered this body, and the owner is called Lin Ze, and this has absorbed three sources of force before it …
This Lin Ze is an important factor for it to regain its weight in the future. At this time, the dark forces are already planning how to get along with this human named Lin Ze
The dark forces no longer put Kaijia’s words in their hearts. They don’t recognize where Kaijia can see that he has consciousness! It’s a little weird to let them ignore this matter on purpose, but it’s not enough to recognize that it has the necessary conditions for consciousness …
However, when this thought just emerged in the mind of the dark forces, Kaijia suddenly loosened it slowly. The dark forces found that Kaijia’s face had a very strange smile that made it feel.
"Well, since you want to keep putting it on, I’m not here to grind with you! Do you think I really guess you have consciousness? You know what? You didn’t dodge when I just reached for you. This is your biggest failure! "
Kaijia sound is very light, but it makes this dark attribute source force consciously shake. The dark attribute source force seems to have realized that there is something wrong with it. It didn’t realize that Kaijia stretched out his hand to catch himself. This move turned out to be a test of whether he was conscious …
"Kaijia! What on earth do you mean by all this? Have you just tested whether this dark attribute source force has consciousness? "
With some hindsight, Primon said that he believed that Kaijia would not tell lies to them, but he still didn’t understand how Kaijia tested whether this dark attribute source was conscious or not! What do you mean, not dodging is the biggest failure?
Looking at general crime is still full of confusion, general crime Monnet shook his head and said.
"Plymouth, it seems that you have never tried to grab this bead condensed from several sources, right?"
"What do I want to catch these beads? Nothing to do with us? "
Kai Jia consciously turned a supercilious look when he heard Pu Meng’s answer. He felt that it seemed a bit like a wave when Pu Meng explained this problem … But there was a light in Lu Yijie’s eyes beside Pu Meng. She looked at Kai Jia with a face of surprise and said.
"Are these three beads formed by the source force not easily caught by us?"
Louie’s words made Priam stunned. After seeing Kaijia’s approving eyes, Priam knew Louie was right!
"Yes, there is no independent consciousness source force, although it will not be as intelligent as the dark attribute source force, but because they can, they will never let others catch them easily! When Lin Ze absorbed them, he also made a great effort to say that this dark force did not resist deliberately when I caught it. This is equivalent to his default that he is conscious … Otherwise, it would not want to mislead me deliberately. "
Kaijia walked to the other three beads condensed by the source force with a smile on his face and gently explored his hand. But just as he got close to the three source attributes, the three source attributes shrank back directly! It is true that the performance of these three source attributes is a little too tame and a little too deliberate compared with the performance of dark attribute sources …
"Do you want to continue pretending to go now?" Kaijia once again walked back to the dark attribute source force.
Look at this fact as hard evidence, this time the dark attribute source force finally kept silent again.
"You human mind what is so complicated don’t have a letter to each other? But if you catch me, you have to be so intrigued, complicated and despicable! "
A child with a little childishness and some anger rings in the sea of spiritual knowledge in Lin Ze.
Although ghosts and gods actually belong to humanoid energy bodies in the mind of dark attribute source force, these ghosts and gods have discovered their deepest secrets, and the dark attribute source force has become angry from embarrassment. It directly classifies these energy bodies into human beings …
However, compared with Kaijia, all the ghosts and gods on this side were startled by the sound of the dark attribute source force. Although they heard Kaijia say that the dark attribute source force was conscious, they still had doubts before the dark attribute source force spoke.
The dark attribute source force and a sentence have been confirmed. Kaijia guessed that this dark attribute source force was really conscious, but this dark attribute source force sound turned out to be a child, which really made these ghosts and gods unacceptable!
After all, this dark attribute source force was born much earlier than the ghosts and gods … I’m afraid that anyone who is older than you actually sounds younger than you will be a little creepy.
"We also need to believe each other? You cheated us once by tempering Lin Ze’s body. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have broken through our defense line and broken into the sea of knowledge in Lin Ze! You have squandered our letter! "
Kaijia won’t give in because of the dark attribute and the source force. After all, this is a matter of safety to Lin Ze.
After listening to Kaijia’s words, the dark attribute source force once again fell into silence, and Kaijia’s words changed from soft to sharp, which made the dark attribute source force really difficult to adapt to …
"You enter the sea of knowledge in Lin Ze, and the target should be the three source attributes behind you, right? It seems that your whole body energy is very little, even less than the earth attribute source force and the water attribute source force. Are you trying to absorb the Linze body source force to restore your strength? "
Chapter 69 Dark Requirements
Kaijia can easily compare the gap between the other three forces of the dark attribute source force!
The source force of flame property is the most complete state when it is absorbed by Lin Ze, and the energy intensity is the strongest! The water attribute source force and the earth attribute source force can be divided into two when Lin Ze absorbed them, and the energy intensity of Lin Ze absorbed one-half force is smaller than that of the flame attribute source force, but the energy intensity of this dark attribute source force is even smaller than that of the earth attribute source force and the water attribute source force, which makes Kaijia wonder what happened to the previous dark attribute source force.
The dark forces did not expect Kaijia to directly guess his secret and the reason why he entered here through these few clues. At this time, his heart was full of consternation for the ghosting ghost Kaijia.
The dark attribute source force didn’t answer the ghosting ghosts and gods. Kaijia said that it was silent on Kaijia’s question, but when it saw the dark attribute source force didn’t speak, all the ghosts and gods didn’t know how to deal with it. Kaijia coughed a little.
"You don’t worry about what we are trying to do to you. You have to release Lin Ze consciousness. I promise I will never be bad for you. I promise to treat you equally with other sources …"
Kaijiayin became gentle again.
For these ghosts and gods, the most important thing now is to wake Lin Ze up to what position the dark attribute source force is in Lin Ze’s body. They are so-called and they are helpless about this dark attribute source force. Kaijia is trying to benefit the dark attribute source force. If they don’t understand it …
This is his attempt to go into a strange place alone. What he is most worried about is that the old people in this strange place are too tough, and in the view of this dark attribute, their ghost energy is stronger than itself.