All this is what the devil may cry wants to see. His goal is not only to defeat the will of the apostle Allard, but also his goal. Without Lin Ze, a soul that does not belong to the Allard world, the devil may cry can never complete the fight against Allard’s will …

Obviously, even Lin Ze didn’t think that he was so important to the devil may cry. He didn’t think that he would defeat the apostle’s key, but now it’s too late for Lin Ze to know, because he already feels that his soul is pulled up by a powerful force, and it seems that his soul will be completely pulled out in a second.
It’s over! The nightmare is finally over …
Seemed to perceive the irreversibility of this process, and Lin Ze completely relaxed. He knew that it would be a while before he could really be freed.
And the devil may cry at this time, his mood is also very relaxed. He has been longing for something. On this day, he finally got his wish. His plan finally laid the most solid cornerstone at this moment. He finally planned his own Lin Ze Basic Exhibition …
How long has he been waiting for this moment? He created this Allard world blue game in a world called Earth, which simulated the ability department in Arad mainland, and all he did was to select the alien soul that could accept all the powers of ghosts and gods, and Linze was the most suitable one he had worked hard to select.
The natural matching degree of ghosts and gods makes Lin Ze not reject a ghost from another plane, and makes Lin Zeke get rid of Allard’s will control. The most important point is that Lin Ze is an attribute, and human Lin Ze can make the six elements of Arad continent, that is to say, Lin Ze soul can accept all the source forces belonging to Arad continent.
And Lin Ze’s talent of dark attribute will be presented for a while, and then it will be a sequela of becoming a ghost body. When the devil may cry finishes taking over Lin Ze’s body and soul, Lin Ze’s strong potential will be completely stimulated by the devil may cry.
Chapter 124 Ghosts and gods …
Now Linze has four sources of power: flame, water, earth and light. With the help of these four sources, Devil May Cry can inspire Lin Ze to control these four elements.
In the future, Lin Ze will be able to exert the five forces of darkness, flame, water, earth and light even without the help of the mimicry ghost Geklinger.
When Lin Ze’s body absorbs six sources of Allard, Lin Ze’s body is equivalent to forming a small world. These six sources will build his own world in Lin Ze Center, and this world will be Lin Ze’s field, which means that Lin Ze will have a new world field and a eternal night field in the future.
People with two fields are also unique in Arad, and this new world field is the most important weapon for the devil to cry over the second apostle "Weeping Eye" Herd …
To be able to bring Weeping Eye Helder into this new world, then Helder is equal to losing! All this is so simple and rude, but everyone knows how much preparation is needed before Heldra enters this new world.
Ghost cry doesn’t seem to be in a hurry now. He just seems a little excited. Anyone who finally sees the hope of success after planning for so many years will be as excited as Ghost cry.
A little closer, a little closer. Lin Ze and the devil may cry have their right hands stuck together, and everything will be settled
However, just when Lin Ze and the devil may cry are about to completely fit each other, a powerful force violently divides Lin Ze and the devil may cry into the world of knowing the sea. Chapter III The Lord finally made his own choice …
This time Carlo, regardless of Lin Ze’s decision, he can’t let Lin Ze be swallowed up by the devil may cry.
"Carlo, what the hell are you doing?"
A depressed growl came from the mouth of the devil may cry. At this moment, anyone can feel the anger in the heart of the devil may cry!
A black inflammation formed a wall to separate the devil may cry from Lin Ze, and the devil may cry devours ghosts and gods. On one side of the wall, Lin Ze, Carlo and other ghosts and gods are on the other side of this black inflammation wall.
Lin Ze was also startled by this sudden appearance of black inflammation. He consciously looked up at Carlo beside him. He didn’t know what Carlo was doing …
"Carlo …"
Lin Ze just wanted to speak when Carlo interrupted him directly.
"Don’t ask me anything, Lin Ze. I’m so disappointed that you are here now. I didn’t expect you to make such a cowardly choice. Since you are ready to bend, what have you been instilling in us that kind of partnership idea in these two years? Since we are doomed to be swallowed up by the devil may cry, what is the significance of these two years for us? "
Carlo’s voice is full of reluctance. In this day of getting along with Lin Ze, he felt that Lin Ze really felt the importance of partnership for the first time. He didn’t want to make himself a devil may cry. He hoped to fight with Lin Ze and other ghosts and gods to defeat the apostles and let the ghosts and gods stand on the top of the world again …
When Lin Ze was speechless, he could consciously open his mouth and looked at Carlo clumsily, not knowing what expression to show.
It’s true that Lin Ze’s choice is different for Carlo and Primon, so he has always instilled the idea of partnership in them for their betrayal, but this time he has always regarded them as partners without considering their feelings …
"But I can’t lead you to defeat the apostles? I can’t see any hope of defeating the apostles now … "
Lin Ze’s eyes are full of pain. If he is not cornered, no one wants to give up living. Maybe Lin Ze knows that he will disappear completely if he touches the devil may cry. But in this way, he can still keep a glimmer of hope in Arad, and they can continue to live.
Seems to feel the Lin Ze thoughts Carlo disdain cold hum a.
"How do you know Fang must be on the apostle’s side? Are you able to make such a conclusion by relying on the fact that your teeth are missing? And if Maya and them knew you made such a choice, would you and Weiyi and them agree? Is it true that in your heart, Maya, Wei Li, Qi Ye and Qing Shuang are all selfish people who want to live by themselves and don’t care about you at all? "
"If you are swallowed up by the devil may cry, I can tell you that Maya and Wei Li will definitely not live as you expected. The devil may cry will tell them that you died at the hands of the apostles and they will definitely choose you for revenge … Do you think Maya and Wei Li are really apostles?"
Lin Ze turned pale when he heard Carlo’s words. He knew about the devil may cry. He knew that Carlo was not lying to him when he said these words …
"Carlo, are you crazy? Lin Ze, don’t worry, I will take care of those people you want to protect. You will never treat your lover like Carlo said. Come on, let’s get together again. Only in this way can we defeat the apostles and protect the people you want to protect, right? "
The devil may cry said this sentence with a cold light in his eyes! The black inflammation wall that stood in front of Linze was instantly swallowed up by ghosts and gods in the silver ocean, and the devil may cry was a punch that flew Carlo in front of the devil may cry. Carlo seemed to have no strength at all, and the speed of the devil may cry was too fast.
After hitting Carlo away, a smile appeared on his face. He held out his right hand again to signal Lin Ze to continue the forward integration, but Lin Ze was able to find the ghost cry. The smile was hidden for Carlo’s hatred. It was easy for him to touch him, but why did he have to take the initiative to touch him?
Lin Ze had such doubts in his heart, but just before he made another decision, the devil may cry and he once again established a high strength.
Frost, flame, ghosting, erosion, haze, grief, bloodthirsty, among them, the power of ghosts and gods stood in front of Lin Ze. From this power, Lin Ze could feel the firm belief of these ghosts and gods, and they had made up their minds to prevent Lin Ze from merging with the devil may cry …
Chapter 1241 I changed my mind
"You …"
Seeing this scene, the smile on the face of the devil may cry has completely disappeared, and the angry flame seems to be able to jet out from the silver eyes of the devil may cry.
"Lin Ze, we don’t want you to give up like this! How do you know you can’t do it if you don’t do anything? "
There are ghosts behind Lin Ze. They are on Lin Ze’s side like Carlo. They don’t want Lin Ze to make such a choice …
Feeling that these ghosts and gods are unwilling, Lin Ze’s heart is also full of guilt. This is a betrayal of them, but they still choose to be on his side. Although they may have made such a choice because their lives are threatened, Lin Ze can feel that they also regard him as a partner. He feels unfair.
"Lin Ze wants to stick to his beliefs. Are you so easy to shake?"
The devil may cry naturally doesn’t want Lin Ze to fly away. Now he can suppress his anger and fuse with Lin Ze first. Then he will have enough time to clean up these ghosts who disobey his will …
However, due to the will of these ghosts and gods, a good thing in the original situation is changing in the direction that the devil may cry doesn’t want to see.
Stopped by these ghosts and gods, Lin Ze silently turned his head and took a deep look at the ghosts and gods who rose from their respective thrones. The fear of these ghosts and gods made Lin Ze’s heart full of feelings …
He really feels that he is too weak now.
As Carlo said, not to mention whether Fang Ya really chose to go to the apostle’s side, even if Fang Ya really went to the opposite side, he should do his best to complete what he should do instead of choosing to escape and pinning his hopes on others …
Lin Ze!’
The devil may cry once again called out his name in a low voice. Lin Ze knew that the devil may cry had no patience! But now he has changed his mind …
If the devil may cry really has no scruples, then he can naturally take the initiative to devour himself, but since he has been waiting for himself to take the initiative to contact him, it means that taking the initiative to devour himself will definitely bring some bad effects to the devil may cry! So this seems to be that he will have a good chance of winning the battle of the devil may cry. So, do you want him to say that devil may cry devours him, and can he also have the devil may cry, which is the card that Holder plays against?
Sure enough, Lin Ze still doesn’t want to give his fate to others from the bottom of his heart …
Think of this Lin Ze silently turned to look at this oneself have the same face, the devil may cry for him to reveal a trace of apology smile gently said.
"Sorry the devil may cry I changed my mind! I think the world is better to leave my mark. I suddenly don’t want to disappear like this … "
Lin Zeyin is very understated, but behind Lin Ze, the devil may cry is clearly understood Lin Ze’s meaning! Behind Lin Ze, the face of ghosts and gods is full of joy, while the face of ghosts and tears reveals a feeling of being played as angry …
"Lin Ze, I swear you are the first person who dares to play me like this!"
The devil may cry snapped back his right hand, gently cut his hair and finally took a deep look at Lin Ze-
"Lin Ze, this is your final decision, and I don’t want to say anything more! But if you don’t want me to swallow you up, I just want you to be more perfectly integrated with me, but now it doesn’t seem necessary. What I need now is your body and your spiritual knowledge and other things that belong to you. Go to hell. "
When he uttered these words, the face of the devil may cry was instantly and completely hidden. At this time, the devil may cry was already an expression. If it was not for Linze, he clearly saw the devil may cry, and his teeth were gnashed with anger. Lin Ze would really cry, but he had no feelings …
But this is also called Lin Ze also knows that he wants to say these words, which means that he and the devil may cry have been completely torn out!
Carlo, who had just been hit by the devil may cry and died, returned to Lin Ze with a face of pain. After seeing Lin Zeding’s determination not to back down, his heart was also very happy! Whether they will lose to the apostles in the future or not, at least they have tried. If they can’t beat the apostles together, then they will die and regret it …
"Lin Ze, let’s fight together!"