"You are crazy. Can you do business?" Brinia questioned Kay.

"No, but I’m the buyer. Let’s go!" Kay is a little annoyed.
Moore looked at Britney and followed Kay silently, and everyone followed Kay.
"Where are we going?" Sen Luo asked.
"You can climb along the cliff or break the suspension bridge at bloody dusk," Kay said without looking back.
All the people who were afraid to ask again followed Kay
"Huh?" The thief heard Kay calling him.
"You copy the tenth master plan," Kiah ordered.
Thieves are all natural masters of copying pictures. When everyone just climbed the mountain, thieves copied the pictures and ran out of the mountain.
All along the suspension bridge cable broken direction disease relaxation and soon arrived at the top of the cliff.
The vast blood fog, people feel that they are in a magical place, seeing blood and sea limits, and then looking back, they see that the sun on the other side of the mountain is very beautiful, but looking forward, they see that the sunset on the other side of the mountain is hidden in the blood fog and will fall.
A line of mountains seems to be at noon on one side, but it seems to be dusk on the other
Just like at noon, it seems to vomit and skin the living things alive, just like at dusk, but this one seems to hide the dangers …
Kay looked at the bloody dusk and said, "It’s really a beautiful scene!"
36 the undead live forever
Kay and other six people were watching the beautiful scenery of bloody dusk at the edge of the cliff, and suddenly they saw several dead souls in the bloody dusk, all dressed in iron and iron, and Kay rushed over.
"Just in time!" Kay body a vibration agitation to shout a first blunt past outbreak to kill it.
Sen Luo followed by bloody Cang Lang, the third rushed over, and Mohr ran out of gunpowder and waved a hunting knife, and the fourth rushed over.
The thief Kang Barton had already sneaked into the enemy group when he suddenly appeared and killed him.
Blade master Gu Suli stood in the same place and killed himself with a big chop.
"Go to hell!"
"Taste what a magic bomb is!"
Kay then killed soundly and freely, but he was not afraid among so many thousands of undead.
Britney got many treasures in the cave, and her ability was stronger. She waved her hands wildly to add blood to the crowd.
"blare! ! ! !”
"ouch! ~”
The valley echoed with the strange cries before the monster was killed.
Kay wielded magic, and dozens of monsters in black armor and iron clothes were rocked and fell into the mountain stream.
Kay kicked an iron-clad monster in the stomach and pulled out the monster’s head. Lu pulled out the monster’s steel-toed head and the monster was used as a weapon to kill him in the crowd.
At this moment, ten men with banners and black horses rushed out.
Kay single-handedly threw the undead warrior steel-toed just hit an undead captain and kicked him into the air. The undead captain crossed a long knife to block Kay’s long horse to block Ling Fei’s high knife leg, and the undead captain steel-toed was smashed into the armor by Kay’s magic weapon double-repair knife leg, and a ghostly blue smoke emerged.
Kay rode on the undead horse, and the horse dug up its hooves and stood up, spitting blue magic gas in its mouth to shake Kay off.
Kay was furious.
Conveniently leap to the side, leap to the horse, raise the horsepower with one hand and rush to another. The undead will fall over.
A dead horse collided with a dead captain, and one man and two horses exploded, killing many dead soldiers.
Sen Luo Yi Mao stabbed a dead general and shouted, "Thank you for being a strong party in this bloody ghost area!"