"Really?" My face suddenly changed.

When the thief saw my cold face change instantly, he was slightly surprised and said, "Brother, what’s wrong with you?"
"Brother, tell me honestly, have you ever seen something like this sold in NPC before?"
"Not before, it is only recently. Eldest brother, I finally got two. If you respect my younger brother, take it. " Black thieves are in a hurry.
"Brother, are you confused? Didn’t I say that my sword has a 100% experience bonus? How did you forget it so quickly? Since this thing is so difficult to buy, you can keep it for your own use. " Even talking to the black thief, I thought of another thing in my mind.
Since black thieves can buy experienced treasures from mysterious businessmen, so can others. Now that this thing has appeared in the system, it won’t be long before those professional players will leave me behind, and then my only advantage in the game will be gone forever, and it is impossible to keep the first place in the ranking.
Seeing that I was silent, the black thief said, "Brother, what’s the matter? 。”
"Nothing. Let me ask you a question, how long do you spend online a day? "
"More than ten hours, and you?"
"I only have about six hours. You know, the appearance of straw sandals means that the game will enter a new period. Brother, the road ahead will be even more difficult. Maybe one day, I will be forced to quit the game. "
"Eldest brother, I understand what you mean. Don’t worry, as long as you are still in the game, I will be your good brother. What others can do, we can do the same. Big brother, don’t give up. "
"Well, rest assured, I won’t let go unless I have to. Brother, we’ll go back to the pool later. I want to know if that orb is what I’m looking for. "
"good! What about these shoes? "
"You keep it, I used the waste. Take me to buy medicine quickly, and then we will leave. "
"Ok, you come with me."
Chapter 107 Long Chong Play Pearl
When we came to the valley again, the shore of the pool that had been unrecognizable by the orb had been restored to its original level, which made it look much more comfortable. The black thief didn’t know what medicine I was selling in the gourd, and kept asking me all the way how to get the treasure. I just smiled at him and told him that he would know when he got to the farm. The thief’s enthusiasm for treasures is not comparable to that of ordinary people. In order to see the elegant demeanor of the orb, the black thief’s patience is higher than mine. According to him, since he came to Zhenbao Island, he has heard that there is treasure in this pool, but he has not seen the shadow of treasure since he came here several times. What I saw today is the clearest. But what’s the use of just looking at it? If you can keep it for yourself, it will be cool. Anyway, I just thought, every thief has this idea.
"Eldest brother, look, why are they still here?" When the people who saw the black hand alliance were still there, the black thief asked aloud.
"Idiot! Just like you. Will they leave if they don’t get the treasure? Tell me, brother, what’s so special about this treasure besides being difficult to provoke? "
"I can’t say this. However, I have heard that this treasure has a great relationship with a hidden task, such as a legendary sacred object. If you can get it, you may get an unexpected power. Brother, the Black Hand Alliance may be directed at this legend. "
"No way?" If it’s really like the black thief said, why did the orb not respond at all when I pulled out the broken sword when it flew? Don’t, what conditions does this orb need to close to the broken sword? Anyway, no matter what, I’ll find a way to get it. It is better to take a orb by mistake than to miss one.
"What won’t?" Black thief asked puzzled.
"I mean, this orb may not be the legendary hidden task items. Brother, to be honest, how much do you know about that hidden mission? "
"This, I know quite a lot. I heard that when the game began to be tested, the official had sent the hidden item of this task as an artifact to a player as a reward. It is said that the artifact is a sword. Uh, sword? " The thief suddenly turned his eyes to the broken sword on my back and continued, "Brother, you, you tell me, is that artifact the one on your back?"
I nodded and said, "Maybe. Go on. I’ll tell you something about my broken sword later. "
"ah! Ok, ok! The hidden task, I heard that the final result will appear in the game, the ancient fiend Chiyou, and the only thing that can defeat the fiend is the artifact at the beginning. However, the artifact has to meet a condition to defeat the fiend, that is, the artifact must fit with the sacred objects in the whole game map to evolve into another magic weapon. And this orb is probably a sacred object lost in the map. "
"It sounds like playing a stand-alone game?" I interjected.
"Yes, I thought so at first. Think about it, there is only one artifact in the whole game, and there are so many people playing the game. If there is only one final task, what’s the point? Later, I checked the official information to know that it was not. According to the data, even if the player who got the artifact didn’t refine the magic weapon, the ancient fiend would also appear in the game. At that time, if there was no magic weapon, the game might become chaotic, just like reality, and many people would die. Of course, that’s just death in the virtual world. Those sacred objects scattered in the game map can be obtained by any player on his own. As a mosaic item, the sacred objects are embedded in the equipment, which will have various special effects. So no matter where it is, as long as there is a miracle, all players want to get it. "
"Ha ha, since you know this, you should understand why the black hand alliance people are guarding here?"
"I know that’s good, but fetish psychic, it may not come out again, they keep here useful? Although the pool is small, it is unfathomable. They can’t dive in to find it, can they? Brother, is your sword a legendary artifact? "
"Yes. If Broken Sword wants to evolve into a peerless magic weapon, it is necessary to collect enough 22 magical objects in nine continents and thirteen islands. So far, I have only got three. Brother, it’s not easy to find all three, let alone 22? " Then I pulled out the broken sword and pointed to the inlaid place on the sword to show it to the black thief.
"Eldest brother, I really envy you to death. Having an artifact is the dream of every player. I didn’t expect you to have it from the beginning. "
"Brother, do you know the old saying,’ A man is innocent, but he is guilty of carrying a bag’? Since I entered the game, so many things have happened, mostly thanks to the broken sword. "
"Ha ha, this is not very good? Playing games is just a thrill. Besides, I’ve also heard some things about you, and it’s very gratifying to think of it! Don’t worry, brother, I will help you in the future. Whoever is against my eldest brother is against me! "
"Brother, thank you!"
"Eldest brother, it’s very kind of you. Well, we are all here. You should tell me how you will get the orb later, right? "
After such a long time after the war, I think Xiaolong has recovered. I didn’t answer the black thief directly, but called Xiaolong out with an order.
As soon as the little dragon came out, the majestic sound of dragons suddenly rang all over the valley. Xiaolong has not only recovered, but also looks a little bigger than before.
"Ha ha, eldest brother, this, the orb can really run away. Why didn’t I think of your unique dragon pet? Ah! It is good to have a dragon, if only I had one. " The black thief looked at Xiaolong, but he was a little crazy.
Xiaolong received my instructions, stretched his claws, and dropped straight, and an arrow shot into the pool. The splash splashed all the players waiting by the pool. The black thief reached out and wiped the water drops off his face, and his expression returned to normal. His eyes turned to the pool surface where the waves rolled by Xiaolong.
"Eldest brother, the orb is psychic. Can your dragon catch it?"
I don’t know. I can only hope it can be caught now. The orb looks like a magic weapon, but from my last experience, it may take some trouble to get it on my sword. Look, the little dragon is coming up. "
Before the dragon shadow was seen, the water in the pool rose first, forming a water column as high as 50 meters. The golden figure of the little dragon rises rapidly from the water column, and the golden orb is not far from the small faucet. The orb went out of the water column and continued to rise, followed by the little dragon.
The tall water column did not fall into the pool because of the break of the little dragon, but still stood like a fountain. The orb flew around the valley, seemingly unwilling to leave the valley, and the little dragon flew wildly behind. I know the speed of Xiaolong. He is just playing with pearls now. The orb is a sacred object, and the little dragon is not a mortal beast. It should not be difficult to catch it.
All the players who stayed in the valley kept their eyes open and watched the little dragon chase the pearl.
It seems that Xiaolong is addicted to drama, but he just won’t catch it when he can catch it. After chasing for more than ten laps, I ordered it to catch the beads. It was obedient and swallowed the orb in one bite. After retiring, Xiaolong flashed back to the pet space.
The players who stayed behind saw that the orb was taken and left one after another. I left the valley with the black thief in a hurry.
Chapter 108 Mistaken on a false start
Back in town, the thief took me to a remote house. It’s partial because this place is full of weeds. It’s hard for me to imagine that in terms of the prosperity of the town, there would be a lonely place here. I wouldn’t have found out if the thief hadn’t brought me here. This place is a bit like the haunt of foxes written in Liaozhai. Sure enough, I didn’t walk far through the weeds before I saw a woman. I don’t know if she is a fox. "Wait, look, fox!" I forcibly stopped the black thief who wanted to go in.
"Ha ha, big brother, are you kidding? Where did you get a fox in broad daylight?" The black thief turned his head and didn’t care about the tunnel.
"Look at that woman, what is she doing here, not a fox?" I pointed to the woman and said to him.