Although Baldin was puzzled about Keno’s opinions, he was suspected of seeking personal gain because of what he thought of each other, there was no doubt that Baldin was tempted. Although his heart has completely lost its beating ability now, the soul fire is rapidly condensing in his body, but there is no doubt that after Baldin became a puppet of the undead, Sagronzo’s fighting capacity will become stronger, especially if he is given magic armor after special transformation, his fighting capacity will be doubled. In this world, there will be not many creatures to confront him head-on. Even dragons can face the edge of this monster, especially those demons.

So Baldin agreed after hesitating for a while, but it is not a simple matter to turn such a huge demon Lord into a puppet of the undead. Because his body is too big, he needs special treatment. This kind of thing can’t be done by Keno alone. Fortunately, the most important thing in the black tower is that before the mage took Sagronzo’s body in Baldin, the purple wizards had transferred ten thousand mages to pile it up and refine it. The whole body base has been repaired and the last few steps have been left.
To put it bluntly, Keno now takes over as a mop-up. He found that even if he took over as a mop-up, the puppet control of the war did not fall into his hands, but in the hands of Baldin. There is no doubt that Keno, the necromancer, is not a credible person for ancient wizards. For Barkin, Keno’s current position is his body maintenance personnel. Of course, not only other bronze wizards who become undead need him to maintain his body. If Keno doesn’t go with him, then Baldin may have to learn the necromancy to maintain his body. After all, these maintenance are necessary unless he wants to
Actually, the magic circle and runes engraved on the ancient mage’s body are also anti-corrosive, but this spell anti-corrosion needs a lot of magic. Baldin thinks it’s not a bad thing to take the Keno belt. Of course, the tracking demon troops haven’t set off yet, and they won’t act until the door is built. Although the trace of the demons may have been thousands of kilometers away at that time, Barkin is not worried about these, because the ancient wizards implanted the tracking magic circle in their bodies during the period when the two demon elves dominated and were trapped.
This tracking circle is very secret, and the most important thing is that it is still running in the eyes of ancient wizards, and it is very clear that even if Baldin sets out in the evening, he will not lose the trail of the Queen of the Stars and Desmas.
At the top of the black tower, there is a huge flash compared with the final finishing work of the door. Compared with the devil, the devil’s door is built. It is full of dark style. The door of the kingdom of heaven is more primitive, but several magic runes are engraved on it. These magic runes are all used to strengthen the door and allow it to expand at any time during operation. Although the door is now less than three meters high, it will expand several times than the magic.
It was the first operation after the door was built that directly extracted the magic accumulated crazily in the black tower during this period and connected it with the original crack, so that the surge of magic finally stopped. At the moment when the door stopped the magic extraction, a light curtain slowly pulled at the door and slowly appeared in the vision of these purple wizards on the other side of the door. At the same time, a wizard with a staff slowly stepped out of the door. He was wearing a looser robe than a purple robe. There is no doubt that this is also a purple wizard, but this purple robe is a bit unsuitable.
"yo! Long time no see everyone! It seems that everyone is very good! " Listening to the ear sounds, some purple wizards look a little ugly, especially in armor. Baldin is holding his fist tightly. If his face still has expression, it must be quite ugly.
"Luonan Galveston! Congratulations on stepping into the ranks of purple wizards! " Relatively speaking, although other purple wizards look a little ugly, it is better than Bibal Jin, because this person is none other than the one who failed to compete with Baldin for the warden. But I didn’t expect that Baldin died in battle and became an undead in less than a few months, and the other party stepped into the ranks of purple wizards in one fell swoop. Baldin is one step ahead of him. The most important thing is that this Luonan Gar is very young, and he is only 100 years old at present. This age is definitely a threat to other purple wizards. It means that even if Ronangal meditates for a few minutes every day from now on, he will be able to enter the staff mage class hundreds of years later, because other purple wizards are at least twice as old as him, and young means more time to study spells and runes and more potential for promotion.
"thank you! thank you Ah! Isn’t this the warden of Baldin? It’s unfortunate to hear that you have suffered misfortune! " Ronangal looked at Baldin in armor and showed a little consternation, but his expression was naked ridicule in Baldin’s view.
"all right! Ronangal sometimes shows off. Put things away first! And Baldin is my bloodshot and it’s not your turn to insult! " Behind Ronangal, a skeleton shorter than a bone waved a French staff and beat it. After seeing this skeleton, all the purple wizards lowered their heads because they were a staff mage or a skeleton representing the undead of the staff mage.
"Sorry! Sorry! Master Sandro is my dream! " Ronangal’s smile soon faded away, and at the same time he slowly lowered his head, but everyone could see that his face was proud because he was so young that it would be wrong for him to fail at such an age, so even the staff mage wouldn’t be too hard on him because one day he would be able to step into the ranks of staff wizards. Baldin looked at Ronangal and sighed, because once upon a time he had such a position that other purple wizards envied him. Unfortunately, now he is just a dead man to be punished.
"all right! Let us not have much time! " The staff of the short undead skeleton beat this. Lornangar didn’t care about beating this new purple wizard in this way. After shrinking a neck, he gave way. Then the undead skeleton made a ring. A large number of magical liquids poured out of the ring and poured into the black tower. These magical liquids directly infiltrated into the tower from the runes of the tower and finally gathered in the most important magic pool in the tower. The original dry magic pool was filled with visible speed and escaped.
These magical powers finally entered the door behind the undead skeleton, making the unstable door stable again. Then one by one, the ancient necromancers dressed in black robes came in from the other end of the door, and behind hundreds of necromancers were more than a dozen law breakers dressed in armor.
"Baldin! Take them to chase and escape. Two demons dominate. They will be your helpers! If you still fail, then you won’t come back. There is no loser like you in the ancient mage! " The undead skeleton opened his mouth and said slowly, although he is a manipulated puppet, no purple mage dares to disrespect him because he is the most powerful of several staff wizards, master Sandro, who has an undead body and is also a mentor of Baldin.
"yes! My teacher, I will definitely get the escaped demon master back! " Baldin said slowly toward his teacher, and his tone was full of firmness, because he knew that he could definitely accomplish this goal by relying on the strength of these necromancers. These necromancers belong to his own teachers, and their strength is more powerful than summoning ability, and almost no less than that of the golden robe caster.
For Chen Kai, when these necromancers arrived, his only feeling was that his eyes were burning and painful, and he had to give up the blessing magic in a burst of discomfort, because he knew that there must be an undead arrival in the black tower and it was still quite strong. What the undead could do to fight against Chen Kaigen was to cancel the blessing and suffer himself in binocular surgery.
"It seems that there are really necromancers among the ancient wizards!" Chen Kai sighed, and this news is not a good thing for them, because it means that the undead spell is not an evil spell in the eyes of ancient wizards. This idea is actually good, because in the most undead spell, some wizards pursued immortality and created it, but some evil wizards put it on other roads, which led to the notoriety of the undead spell. The most important thing is that the undead’s hatred of the living is almost naturally transformed into the undead caster, and the caster rarely keeps a calm mind towards the living. In the end, it is either crazy or turned into a death broadcaster by negative death forces.
In fact, all the players are white. The priests in the temple of hades are almost necromancers or necromancers, but they make necromances, rather than spells, which are born with the permission of hades. This spell is not only more powerful than the damage to the living, but also more terrible than the damage to the undead. The problem is that it is different from other temples, that is, the temple of hades is almost in a state of world war, even if the city is destroyed, they will not make moves, but slowly leave after the city is destroyed, just as quietly as they come.
For Chen Kai, everything that happened in the tower is unknown. The only thing he knows is that there are more undead spellcasters in the ancient mage. That’s all. The black tower covers everything like a fog. No one knows what is in this ink-like tower. For Yun and them, if Chen Kai didn’t deliver the message, he didn’t know what happened in the tower at all. He looked at the tower and lit up a curtain for a while. Although his mouth was hoping to give Keno a good look, now he found himself blowing a whole afternoon breeze here.
"Damn necromancer! Don’t let me seize the opportunity! " Cloud muttered softly, and then slowly greeted a man who was ready to go back to the camp for dinner. Looking at him, he slowly moved past the huge war puppet. Cloud showed a trace of envy. There was no doubt that this huge metal war puppet was very close to the real war mecha, and every man had a dream of mecha. partly cloudy had such a dream, but this mecha would never let ordinary soldiers drive because it was too expensive. In the same game, the war puppet was also expensive.
Yun didn’t find the war puppets passing by, and his eyes flashed a flash of light. Although Keno method controlled these war puppets, he personally participated in the manufacture of these war puppets and was the most important soul core maker among them. Although these soul cores were all checked, Keno still left a back door under the eyelids of those ancient wizards. Keno didn’t think of starting this back door before, because it was too dangerous for the ancient wizards to find it once it was started, but now Keno found out that it was. A very good opportunity because he has been monitoring Yun and others through this back door. Keno can say that he doesn’t know everyone as Chen Kai and others think. He monitored Yun and others a few hours ago and has been waiting for an opportunity.
When the cloud walked by without scruple, he didn’t know that death had come to his head. The huge war puppet passed him by. At that moment, the huge war puppet looked up and suddenly fell to his side, and then the cloud was dumbfounded.
Although Yun is a thief, in the face of such an attack or accident without warning, his roots will not respond. Then, the eyes of several elf thieves will be crushed into a paste. A metal war puppet weighs more than several tons, even more than ten tons. Such a weight will make Yun Gen have no chance of survival, and his roots will be crushed without even moving his steps.
Ll: they were killed by the necromancer without warning, and they didn’t even know that it was the necromancer’s tampering. Everything seemed to be an accident. Poor old four’s bright red blood flowed on the puppet face of a huge war, and then they were discovered by those wizards and shoveled away. To be continued.
The first volume Chapter 26 Goal-Keno (4)
An hour later, Chen Kai received an accidental compensation from a barrel full of dead bodies. Two secret silver ingots looked at the crushed flesh and blood. To be honest, if he could recognize this situation, it would be a ghost. After the cloud hung up, it exploded and the things were sent back by the wizards.
"Let the elves come back!" Watching the cloud capture the video through reality, Chen Kai said slowly when he heard the news. Although even the ancient wizards thought it was an accident, they didn’t recognize that what they made would be controlled by outsiders except themselves.
For Yun, it’s just anger to know that he lost so much experience once, and he was compensated by two secret silver ingots. But the most important thing is that Chen Kai doesn’t know where Yun will be resurrected now, because there is no cemetery in Telamis, which means that if he is unlucky, Yun will be resurrected randomly in Fiona Fang for 100 kilometers. This is not good news.
Of course, for Chen Kai, the resurrection of the cloud is still a trivial matter. For them, it is a big deal that the undead mage Keno can die in the cloud without being noticed by the ancient wizards. This is also why Chen Kai asked Romain to inform those elf thieves of the reasons for the evacuation. If the cloud died, it would be absolutely impossible to resurrect those elf thieves. The most important thing is that now the undead mage is more terrible than they expected, and the residual IQ in his brain full of undead rot is still a little higher than others.
Although this is normal, after all, the other party has been born with many years of old souls. If there is no such wisdom, I don’t know how many times he has died. Even the ancient mages didn’t find out that he was hiding behind him, which led to the cloud being born and died. Fortunately, the cloud can be resurrected, and the cloud is actually unlucky. It was crushed to death and became a meat sauce. The most important thing is that he not only lost his first-class experience, but also lost a leather armor.
Fortunately, Yun didn’t wear the leather armor obtained from Bartlett. Otherwise, the loss would be really heavy. Compared with being crushed by a puppet in the war, even the leather armor protected by the player’s rules was directly crushed into dander. If Chen Kai and his soldiers were replaced, the estimated result would be the same. At most, the armor changed from an iron shell to a discus and needed overhaul to be restored to its original state. In Yun’s leather armor, it was definitely overhauled. Even if it was used as a broken insole, it would be too bad.
For Chen Kai, since there is no way to disgust the necromancer, they can continue to wait for the opportunity. Everyone thinks that the probability of completion has become increasingly slim. However, for Chen Kai, whether they finish or not is actually secondary because they all know that this is almost very difficult to complete. If they are placed in the Adventurers Association, there will be an S-level adventurer team or mercenary team to pick up Chen Kai. Even if they can’t complete it, it is human nature. After all, their level is 70 or so, compared with the necromancer, they are simply worse.
Therefore, after the cloud hung up, Chen Kai never dared to think about the necromancer again, regardless of whether there was any chance. This strength gap alone was enough for them to put a stop, but the death of the cloud also made those elves feel a chill. The necromancer was worthy of hiding the layout, and the conspirators didn’t do it themselves. Just when the war puppet moved a hand and foot, a traveler was directly killed. These elves also put a stop because they were afraid that they would be killed by the necromancer in a known situation. Isn’t it in this situation that tens of thousands of elves in Erlite were killed? Those spirits who were killed as undead found danger at the moment they died. Thought of this, the most terrible place for Romans to find this damn undead mage is not strength but that damn intrigue.
Chen Kai, the elves, felt very welcome, but they didn’t think it was that night that Romans made a decision, that is, to send the most powerful elf thieves back to the elf empire for help. It would be best if they could chase those natural punishment members, but Romans estimated that this was unlikely because they really had too many waves for so many days. According to the speed of those strong people, they might have already returned to the elf empire, but Romans could not catch the necromancer because of their current strength. The most important thing is that they don’t want to be killed once like a cloud, but they can’t be resurrected like a cloud. Of course, another reason is that Romans made up his mind to send people back is that they got some drugs from those bronze wizards to protect them from winter wolves and earth bears. This ointment can be applied to the body to avoid being hunted by animals in the forest.
It was with this ointment that Romans made up his mind to send someone back. Of course, it needs to be said that these ointments were exchanged by ll and the asking price was quite high. It was only when Romans knew this that he sent those elf thieves. After ll heard Romans’s idea, he could bite his teeth and put the ointment in his hand out, and he also presented some food and medicine, which was simply a big loss.
When Chen Kainai returned to the tent, there was no way for them to upgrade, because it was impossible for them to find those winter wolves under the noses of those ancient wizards, and it was troublesome for others to keep those winter wolves. However, if they were guarding the house and killed too much, their goodwill among the ancient wizards would be greatly reduced. At this time, Chen Kainai could neither upgrade nor complete the task. The only thing they could do every day was to constantly practice their combat skills and spell skills and then meditate and practice quarrelling.
Although this method adds little strength, it’s better than nothing. On the same day, when the sun shines on the earth again, Chen Kai and others ushered in a new day. At the same time, they also saw bad luck. Yun, who just ran back from the forest more than 100 kilometers away, was wearing leather armor from Bartlett, which was absolutely ugly. Although he had ointment exchanged from ancient wizards to avoid the attack of winter wolves and earth bears, he could not prevent them from bullying him.
Imagine being surrounded by a hundred winter wolves, and now the cloud feels his legs are weak. Fortunately, those winter wolves gave up the attack when he smelled it for a while, otherwise, now he will come back from a farther place and spend half a night on his way. When Yun returned to the camp, his physical strength was almost at its limit. When he returned to the camp, others were busy exercising, and he went back to catch up on sleep after simply eating something.
Look at the clouds, it’s bad luck. The clouds that have just dispersed in everyone’s mind are rich again. There is no doubt that the danger degree of the undead mage Keno has once again increased in everyone’s mind, from the original star to ten stars. In Chen Kai’s view, the undead mage can neither confront head-on nor be behind his back because their roots can’t find his hands behind his back. Maybe the best thing for them now is to stay in the camp and wait for the help of the elf empire. If possible, it would be best not to carry it out at all.
After repeatedly waving the sword for thousands of times, Chen Kai made the sword practice Rapier’s heavy chop. Although the best time to practice this skill is in combat, after all, the combo root method in normal state is compared with that in combat state, which makes Rapier’s heavy chop state. However, Rapier’s heavy chop power is too great, especially even Romans can’t face the five-combo attack directly because of the five-combo Rapier’s heavy chop of Chen Kaigen. How can he be controlled at that time when his quarrelling is directly exhausted?
The goal of Chen Kai’s practice is that the ancient mages built a fence, which is why they practice magic. The target has a strong defense ability, even if Romans blows hard, there is no way to leave traces on the surface. After all, such a target needs to resist the ancient mages’ spells, especially the destructive spells of dissociation and lysis, which are definitely not something that ordinary stones can stop. Of course, such targets or stones will be discarded at will by the ancient mages, while Chen Kai and them will pick them up as treasures.
This kind of stone originated from the astral plane is almost hard to find, but it is extremely strong and nowhere else. Even ancient wizards can separate valuable metals from the stone, and those black dwarves don’t know what it is after all, it is an astral product. It would be strange if dwarves can identify it.
However, the scattered targets are still more powerful than the defense, so it is absolutely terrible if the stone is attached to the earth bear body as a rock armor, because even the strong force in the sanctuary can smash the rock with one blow, and even some stone powder can be scraped, which shows its horror, but the problem is that this kind of rock has extremely strong physical defense and abnormal resistance to spells, especially the earth element spell almost works for it. Chen Kai and they tried to let the black dwarf melt the powder scraped by these stones, but The root can’t smelt anything, of course, so things are normal. After all, if things can be smelted, how can those ancient wizards throw these used stones to Chen Kai and them like garbage?
It’s very difficult to raise the shield skill to the master level in Zhao Tiezhu. It’s absolutely very talented. The problem is that the shield is a defensive offensive weapon no matter how good it is. Although it can’t be said that the attack ability of the shield is not high, if the enemy’s strength is strong, then you can beat the other side with a shield and carry you with brute force. Zhao Tiezhu never stunned when he was playing with Ll. Instead, Ll directly picked it up and threw it out several times.
For an earth knight, there is no way to stabilize himself on the ground. This is simply a shameful thing. Zhao Tiezhu is very resistant to this situation, but he has gradually adapted to the height gap between the two sides in the process of fighting Chen Kai, and now he is not going to be arrested and thrown out casually.
"The problem is that we have nothing to exchange now!" Chen Kai’s statement is true. Now the bases in their backpacks are all kinds of precious metal materials or come from the ancient mage’s magic scrolls. They didn’t even know there was such a stone to practice their skills. Now that they know it’s too late, they can’t exchange the ore scrolls for the complete target stones with the ancient mages, let alone whether they can exchange them. Even if they can exchange Chen Kai, they won’t do this kind of compensation business.
This way, the target is too big and too heavy. The root method can be put into a backpack and taken away, and it will be cheaper to stand here in the end. Chen Kai, an ancient mage, will never do such a compensation business. Besides, these target stones are not bad except that they need to be transported and glued again every time they practice their skills. Actually, Chen Kai and others have a direction now, that is, they will continue to maintain the integrity of the rock with a blow, so they can definitely greatly increase their skill experience and even their skill attack power.
But this is Chen Kai’s guess. It’s a pity that at present, the assumption that they have completely mastered the control and attacked is still in everyone’s mind. After being released, everyone has worked hard for a long time and failed. Even in reality, Yu is so hard to release quarrelling and attack. Sometimes he can even control weapons, let alone control quarrelling attack power.
In order not to be killed by the necromancer Keno, everyone obediently stayed around the camp and made Chen Kai feel at ease. They stayed here, except that they could not gain experience. At other times, they were quite safe. Chen Kai, they didn’t know what Keno was doing now, otherwise they would be more at ease. There is no doubt that after Baldin’s mentor Master Sandro sent some necromancers, the status of Keno Pavilion plummeted, and the opportunity to touch Sagronzo was almost gone now.
Therefore, he is now trying to find a way to eliminate those necromancers’ interference with Sagronzo’s body. For Keno, he has not put out the idea of controlling the body of this demon Lord since he saw Sagronzo. For a mage who has no sense of security, he is the most eager to control Sagronzo, so that he can get a greater chance of success when he escapes, but now he is the most difficult to get close to Sagronzo’s necromancer.
"damn it! This demon Lord should be me! " Keno roared angrily, but he was so angry that he didn’t dare to roar in the room assigned to him by the ancient wizards because he knew that the ancient wizards wanted to monitor his roots without spells, and the whole black tower was under their control.
"Am I destined to be controlled by these damn ancient wizards all my life? No, I’m a great Keno. I’m destined to go down in history. How can a caster be controlled by a group of people who should be swept into history and eliminated? I can definitely think of a way! " Keno’s eyes were burning with flames, which were full of fighting spirit. Unfortunately, in the end, he didn’t think of a way to expel him because of these necromancers. The reason was simple, that is, his ability to make the necromancer was too poor, and the method of making the necromancer was too crude. For this reason, Keno didn’t even refute the excuse, because he was really not good at making the necromancer. He was good at concocting the necromancer toxin, but his skill in making the necromancer was not bad, but he was a little insufficient compared with the necromancer who had the ancient mage technology.
However, Master Keno will never just bow his head and admit defeat, even if the success rate is very low, he will fight for it. If he succeeds, he will gain a stronger puppet than the undead, but he will fail. At most, he will become a prisoner from his present side or simply die directly. Of course, Master Keno is most afraid of death, and he will never fall into the final ending to be continued.
The first volume Chapter 27 Goal-Keno (5)
When Chen Kai and his men waved weapons and sweated hard to practice their skills, the great necromancer Kenoge stayed quietly in his room. His eyes were closed, and his body was half-man, half-corpse, completely cold, and his magic was completely integrated into the soul core of his body.
At the moment, Master Keno is working hard to gain his soul strength and prepare to control Sagronzo. Although he knows that this method is very dangerous, once it is discovered, it will end up being hunted by the ancient mage. However, once Keno succeeds, he will have a card to fight against the ancient wizards. Relying on the magic circle that has been buried in Sagronzo’s body, Master Keno’s soul invades this nearly completed undead puppet.
But Keno knows that if he directly occupies the body of the undead puppet at this time, there is no difference between the result and the death. When his soul touches the soul core of Sagronzo, the courage of the strong man directly cuts off his soul and strips off a soul fragment and forcibly blends into the soul core of Sagronzo.
Of course, it’s also fortunate that Sagronzo’s soul is now in a state of silence. Otherwise, he would definitely resist crazily. But now Sagronzo has no resistance except being slowly eroded by Keno, but even now Keno doesn’t benefit from the idea that his soul fragments quickly eroded Sagronzo’s soul. He eroded by one third and stopped and then slowly returned to his body. In Sageron’s huge body, a part of the center of the soul core did not belong to its original owner.
This method can be said to be the last way that Keno can think of. After the soul left Sagronzo’s body, he directly inspired the magic circle to destroy the magic circle which was not the size of a grain of rice. The whole process added up to only half an hour, and it was still at the rest of the ancient mage. When Keno’s soul returned to his body, his face was a little weak, but there was no doubt that he succeeded. Although he had not completely mastered Sagronzo’s body, pieces of his soul were implanted into each other’s soul core, even if the ancient wizards were tough.
However, Master Keno didn’t know that when he succeeded, those necromancers who he thought were resting shot dozens of necromancers at the moment he returned to his body, and at the same time released spells to activate Sagronzo’s soul consciousness. The soul fragments were besieged by Sagronzo’s soul forces when it was quiet.
"damn it! How could it be found? What do they want? Don’t! ! They just wait for me to do this? " Keno suddenly had a bad feeling that he seemed to have done something wrong, because he felt a drag from the source soul, a terrorist drag, and directly pulled his soul out of his body. By the time his soul vision recovered, he was already in the puppet hall of the undead.
"damn it! What do you want? " Keno, the necromancer, was extremely afraid. He thought of a terrible thing, that is, these ancient necromancers from the astral world intend to combine themselves with Sagronzo’s soul. Imagine an undead puppet with strong physical fighting ability. What a terrible rhythm it would be if it became an necromancer with strong casting ability. But the problem is that even if Master Keno had thought of this before, he would not let his soul completely integrate into Sagronzo’s soul. Gronzo controls Master Keno even willing to cut his soul, but it doesn’t mean that he is willing to completely become an undead puppet like Sagronzo. Although he has lost part of his soul, his ability will be restored after a while, but if he becomes an undead puppet, a generation will be controlled.
Master Keno doesn’t want a generation to be controlled. He tries to get rid of the shackles of the soul that hangs over him, but the problem is that this traction comes from the pieces of soul that he has separated himself. Both sides are attracted at the source by the ancient necromancer, so that Keno can break free and watch his soul slowly sink into Sagronzo’s body.
"no! No! Leave me alone! Please leave me alone! I don’t want to be a puppet of the dead. I don’t want it! ! !” His great necromancer Keno used to be as powerful as intrigue, but this time he still ate the foot-washing water of these ancient necromancers. He was ruthless enough to get Sagronzo, which is more powerful than the control of the undead puppet, and he did not hesitate to cut his own soul, separate pieces of his soul and bury them in the soul core of the other party. But he didn’t expect these ancient necromancers to do so because they had already discovered that Keno had buried the magic circle.